mott the seer

Oh yes I do and if you want to prove you're not an Emo to the rest of us men you need to go out some night, drink an entire bottle of whiskey, bang a fat chick (or a crack ho or Cap'n Billy), get in a bar fight, puke on a cop and call one of us to throw your bail, all in the same night like the rest of us have done. Then we'll believe you're not an Emo. Till then just thank your lucky stars you're no where near as Emo as Wathermark or 3D!!!

I didn't think I told you about the first time I was kicked out of Canada.
┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐;591311 said:
one time I got drunk, and pissed on a church, and security started chasing me and I ran like hell through boston, then tripped and fucked up my hand which was all bloody and mangled. Never banged a fat chick though. I did get punched in the face by an ex-marine that was running from the police after he had robbed a store, not much of a fight on my part.

Not the best, but it made me laugh. You pass the man test. Plus being from Boston raises your chances of being Irish and subsequently being genetically superior to everyone. :)
┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐;591311 said:
one time I got drunk, and pissed on a church, and security started chasing me and I ran like hell through boston, then tripped and fucked up my hand which was all bloody and mangled. Never banged a fat chick though. I did get punched in the face by an ex-marine that was running from the police after he had robbed a store, not much of a fight on my part.


if you actually did this
Yea but only because Watermark has red hair. If he had greazy black hair like you he'd look way more Emo.

I have brown hair, that's not even all that dark. What gives?

Oh yes I do and if you want to prove you're not an Emo to the rest of us men you need to go out some night, drink an entire bottle of whiskey, bang a fat chick (or a crack ho or Cap'n Billy), get in a bar fight, puke on a cop and call one of us to throw your bail, all in the same night like the rest of us have done. Then we'll believe you're not an Emo. Till then just thank your lucky stars you're no where near as Emo as Wathermark or 3D!!!

Quit being a fag. Oh, and I have gotten head from a fat chick, if that counts...

if you actually did this

all true. if you go back a few years I think there are old postings of me describing said events. or maybe I have constructed a multiple lies spanning 3-4 years in case a thread like this ever came up O_O

they are two separate events though.
