MSNBC Host To Rick Santorum: What Are You Doing About ‘White Men With Guns’?

actually that's the numbers for all crimes, not violent crimes.....
from your link, talking about homicides, its 3,799 whites to 4,379 blacks.....interestingly whites lead in every type of crime EXCEPT killing.........

Homicide is not the only violent crime on that table.

Definition. In the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, violent crime is composed of four offenses: murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. Violent crimes are defined in the UCR Program as those offenses which involve force or threat of force.
Homicide is not the only violent crime on that table.

Definition. In the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, violent crime is composed of four offenses: murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. Violent crimes are defined in the UCR Program as those offenses which involve force or threat of force.

1) That doesn't change the fact you misstated the number for violent crimes.....
2) we ARE discussing homicides, the number of blacks convicted of homicides is higher than the number of whites and you are so afraid you might have to acknowledge that fact, that you have decided to divert the conversation to what constitutes violent crime.......

you worthless liberal hack......if you don't want to discuss the facts don't come to the thread........
1) That doesn't change the fact you misstated the number for violent crimes.....
2) we ARE discussing homicides, the number of blacks convicted of homicides is higher than the number of whites and you are so afraid you might have to acknowledge that fact, that you have decided to divert the conversation to what constitutes violent crime.......

you worthless liberal hack......if you don't want to discuss the facts don't come to the thread........

You dumb illiterate moron, I guess you didn't see the post and quote I was responding to: "But if one side is going to insist on doing that, we can post the numbers of who committs the most violent crimes, and it aint white people."
You dumb illiterate moron, I guess you didn't see the post and quote I was responding to: "But if one side is going to insist on doing that, we can post the numbers of who committs the most violent crimes, and it aint white people."

Dear Frightened to Admit the Truth;
1) That doesn't change the fact you misstated the number for violent crimes.....
2) we ARE discussing homicides, the number of blacks convicted of homicides is higher than the number of whites and you are so afraid you might have to acknowledge that fact, that you have decided to divert the conversation to what constitutes violent crime.......

for some reason you just cannot acknowledge black violence......why is it?......
One would think, after the London/UK vs New York/US debate, that people would understand the difference between violent crimes and murder. London PWNS New York at violent crime, but gets shot down at murder. :D
You dumb illiterate moron, I guess you didn't see the post and quote I was responding to: "But if one side is going to insist on doing that, we can post the numbers of who committs the most violent crimes, and it aint white people."

by the way, I notice you deftly deleted the first part of that quote, which said "Black people kill WAAAAY more people with guns."......I can see why you didn't want to include it, as it made your argument look really, really dishonest.......but then, leaving it off meant you WERE really, really dishonest, didn't it.......
Dear Frightened to Admit the Truth;
1) That doesn't change the fact you misstated the number for violent crimes.....
2) we ARE discussing homicides, the number of blacks convicted of homicides is higher than the number of whites and you are so afraid you might have to acknowledge that fact, that you have decided to divert the conversation to what constitutes violent crime.......

for some reason you just cannot acknowledge black violence......why is it?......

You're so ignorant. For some reason you can't acknowledge white violence, why is that? Why do you think one is worse than the other?

I was responding to the other ignoramus's post but continue to pretend that I, not he, diverted the subject to violent crimes rather than homicide.
by the way, I notice you deftly deleted the first part of that quote, which said "Black people kill WAAAAY more people with guns."......I can see why you didn't want to include it, as it made your argument look really, really dishonest.......but then, leaving it off meant you WERE really, really dishonest, didn't it.......

Because it was two separate issues, dopey. One, that black people kill more people with guns. Two, that black people commit the most violent crimes.

I know you're desperate to pretend that second sentence doesn't exist. Tough.
Then don't be quoting the 2nd amendment and your so-called natural right to own a gun. I don't see anything in the 2nd about age of the gun owner.

It don't say anything about 'guns' you're ok with APG and rocket launchers?

Why don't you mention the stats of Muslims killed by Americans in the Iraq war?

Cause we're not talking about the Iraqi war....incidentally, few were killed in the 3 weeks it took us to win the war...most were killed by other Iraqis in civil war...

Are these drug deaths homicides?

You're not concerned about deaths then...only homicides...and then only homicides committed by 'white' men, not black gangs or plain old black mass killers,...I get it..

There were 64% committed by whites and 9% by Asians. What's your point?

The point is obviously, its not only WHITE men involved...yet you racism only makes you concerned about them....

Sixty-four percent v. 16 percent means there have been four times as many mass shootings by white men. Yet you would never dream of disarming them.

Because there is about 4 times as many white men....
13 % of the pop. is responsible for 16% while 64% of the pop. is responsible for about 64%,(counting Asians as white)

Do you have a point to make ?

I just gave you 12 black mass killers responsible for about 80 deaths out of that 254....thats almost 1/3 of the total you're talking about.
Yet the stats say they should only have killed 40.....(16%) go figure.

And of course, we'll ignore the 2000 killed by black gangs on a yearly basis....they're don't seem to fit your more concerned
only with white men with guns......
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Re-read the thread. It was the repubs who initially threatened to shut down the gov if Obama didn't cave to their demands. Repubs = extortionists.

So Obama said its MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY, huh?.....he'd won't get the blame.....but thats not a threat in you're narrow mind....

Agree with Obama or the gov. gets shut down....but to you, its the Republicans fault........
how are white men wrecking havoc on our country with guns? Black people kill WAAAAY more people with guns. People really shouldn't be bringing race into the gun debate (when one side doesn't even believe there IS a problem). But if one side is going to insist on doing that, we can post the numbers of who committs the most violent crimes, and it aint white people.

And you will, without doubt, be called a racist and facts and numbers and statistics will be ignored.....they always deny anything that doesn't fit their view of reality
and the propaganda they've been fed....
In addition to being a sociopath you're a congenital idiot. Learn how to read a table, numbnuts. Crime in the US - Arrests by Race 2013

Whites are responsible for more violent crime by a wide margin, 6,214,197 to 2,549,655.

god you are such a fucking retard. Of course the raw numbers will show whites being higher. This nation is 72% white. it's 12% black. So you show a ~2.5:1 ratio of crime when the ratio of whites to blacks in this nation is ~7:1 and think that you said something profound. lmao. Please just stop. You are not on anyones level.

There is nothing worse than a dumb person that thinks they are intelligent.
Elections speak for the people and the American people chose Obama knowing that health care was the number one item on his agenda.

I've been hearing how it's going to collapse since 2010. Still waiting.

The American people voted for republicans to take over Congress in order to defund it. Pretending that all those elections mean nothing and only the one you wanted means something is just inane. All those people won elections.
The American people voted for republicans to take over Congress in order to defund it. Pretending that all those elections mean nothing and only the one you wanted means something is just inane. All those people won elections.

The GOP would have if they could ...
But they can't...
Obamacare or single payer...
That's the choice...
There's no going back.
wow...254 claim by white men with a 15 year period?.

The total number of gang homicides reported by respondents in the NYGS sample averaged nearly 2,000 annually from 2007 to 2012. During roughly the same time period (2007 to 2011)

well here is 5 years of gang killing....avg. 2000 a year....Thats 10,000 in 5 years....don't you want to disarm the blacks.....

Sanctimonious bullshit is what spews out of Mida's mouth.....

That is not what was claimed, dumb dumb.

Since 9/11, fatalities from attacks by right-wing extremists — a group of almost exclusively white men — has accounted for 254 fatalities.

god you are such a fucking retard. Of course the raw numbers will show whites being higher. This nation is 72% white. it's 12% black. So you show a ~2.5:1 ratio of crime when the ratio of whites to blacks in this nation is ~7:1 and think that you said something profound. lmao. Please just stop. You are not on anyones level.

There is nothing worse than a dumb person that thinks they are intelligent.

You're so stupid you should be institutionalized. You said NOTHING about percentages. You said "we can post the NUMBERS of who committs the most violent crimes, and it aint white people."

Numbers means numbers, not percentages, not ratios. You were 100% wrong (that's a percentage, moron) and won't admit it, a typical psychopathic trait.

You're trying to walk back your racism about violent crime but it's perfectly obvious to anyone who isn't a sociopath like you.

Go lick a window, dummy.
Do you think Obama should have caved in and agreed to defund the ACA? It's not a hard question and it's the basis of the shutdown.

Other than agreeing to defund the ACA what else do you think Obama should have done?

So you are just going to continue to chirp the same line? Do you comprehend how compromise works? Do you understand Obama just stood there (as did the Reps in Congress) and was willing to allow a government shutdown because he refused (again, like the Rep Congress) to compromise or show any hint of being willing to work with the other party?
You're so ignorant. For some reason you can't acknowledge white violence, why is that? Why do you think one is worse than the other?

I was responding to the other ignoramus's post but continue to pretend that I, not he, diverted the subject to violent crimes rather than homicide.

perhaps its because every time you complain about gun violence not being stopped by removing guns you point out an attack by some insane white guy, but refuse to even acknowledge the fifty homicides by young black gang members who are using guns they obtained illegally..........
Because it was two separate issues, dopey. One, that black people kill more people with guns. Two, that black people commit the most violent crimes.

I know you're desperate to pretend that second sentence doesn't exist. Tough.

Chrispie, when it comes to honest argument, you are trash.......