Mueller investigation prediction

Stupid rightys ignoring 5 trumpies admitted guilt so far and 19 indictments. That sounds like nothing to you only if you are wearing blind folds and ear plugs. This will likely not go well for Trump., any Trump. Can you honestly not see that? Are you able to develop a bunker brain and not see what is so clear and obvious. You can hide from the facts that easily?

/shrugs......the facts are the investigation has produced nothing with any connection to Trump.......
The left is after collusion, they do not care if Russia "helped". Why are you walking back the collusion thing?

The left is after nothing. Mueller has an investigation going on. He is a life time Republican ,FBI pro, doing his job. We have nothing at all to do with it. The left has nothing to do with the investigation.We do not direct it or even communicate with it. Exactly how is the left after obstruction? how would we go about being after anything? Can you make sense?
/shrugs......the facts are the investigation has produced nothing with any connection to Trump.......

That depends on what your definition of "connections to Trump" is. Campaign staffers have connections to Trump. Campaign managers have connections to Trump. Personal lawyers have connections to Trump.
That depends on what your definition of "connections to Trump" campaign staffers have connections to Trump. Campaign managers have connections to Trump. Personal lawyers have connections to Trump.

I believe the connection to Trump you are hoping for is found within the concept of "Russian collusion".......the majority of those charged are Russians who had no connection at all to the Trump campaign.......the others are people who had a connection to the Trump campaign who did something ten years ago......and two who were found guilty of "lying" to investigators about whether they did something on Wednesday or shattering stuff........
If dims get control of the House and senate Mueller will submit criminal charges against trump for impeachment. E.g., firing the lying, insubordinate, and bumbling Comey constituted obstruction of justice.
Control of House and not Senate - same. Even though the senate will not vote to convict , Mueller needs at least a moral victory for his witch hunt and the House voting to impeach will give him that. Kinda like what Ken Starr got.
Repubs remain in control of House and senate - the "investigation" continues with no end in site. Well, not exactly. It definitely will end by Nov. 2024.

If Republicans keep control of the House and Senate,change the name it won't be America anymore.
I did not plan on America turning into one. Trump has all the characteristics of a Fascist., We are headed that way quickly.
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The left is after collusion, they do not care if Russia "helped". Why are you walking back the collusion thing?

It's worse than that. Apparently Mueller has realized he doesn't have enough evidence to nail Trump on collusion so now he's going fishing looking for past money laundering. Clearly that's out of Mueller's scope.