Mueller investigation prediction

Even though the senate will not vote to convict , Mueller needs at least a moral victory for his witch hunt and the House voting to impeach will give him that. Kinda like what Ken Starr got.

Do DEMOCRATS accept the impeachment of Blowjob Billy by the House as "a moral victory for" Starr?
When there's already moonbats in congress that have tried to start the impeachment process without basis and zero controll.

I know that.

Suggesting that Mueller will act in a specific manner (even has the authority to act) is a speculative statement unsupported by any factual evidence that I'vs seen.
getting Trump elected wasn't helping was helping the entire country......


MAGA Baby!!
you will learn and we will all pay for your blind belief in a want to be dictator. Mussolini would agree with you.

Calling Trump a dictator is not merely stupid, it is laughably false. But you do have a serious case of TDS and have been losing for so long it looks like winning to you.
I know that.

Suggesting that Mueller will act in a specific manner (even has the authority to act) is a speculative statement unsupported by any factual evidence that I'vs seen.

All he has to do to 'act' is state his reason Trump broke the law. E.g., all he has to do is state that Trump obstructed justice by firing the incompetent, insubordinate and bumbling Comey and that's all dims need. And there is nothing stopping him from saying that.
But yes, my prediction is a speculative statement unsupported by any factual evidence. It's just a prediction.
That depends on what your definition of "connections to Trump" is. Campaign staffers have connections to Trump. Campaign managers have connections to Trump. Personal lawyers have connections to Trump.

Have any of these indictments had anything to do with the campaign? This is a simple yes or no question. Try to be honest for once.
All he has to do to 'act' is state his reason Trump broke the law. E.g., all he has to do is state that Trump obstructed justice by firing the incompetent, insubordinate and bumbling Comey and that's all dims need. And there is nothing stopping him from saying that.

Are you sure?
If Republicans keep control of the House and Senate,change the name it won't be America anymore.

That is false; but even when we do hold the house and jobs keep growing, North Korea gives up its nuke program and the stock market continues it's skyward climb, you will stupidly tell us this is bad.
point is this one will be different. no moving needed. it already is nearing Fascism.

That is an absurd and patently false claim. But then, liberals love making absurd and patently false claims as they watch their world of Fascism tumble about their heads.
You say the dumbest shit. You have absolutely no way of knowing what you claim is true. But you really believe it. Amazing. You don't know what Mueller realizes,.thinks or what evidence he has. No knowledge of it is out .None ,zero.

You say dumber shit like Trump is a dictator, we are headed for Fascism. Do you really think you have any room to claim others are saying dumb shit compared to your dumb shit?? :rofl2:
If Republicans keep control of the House and Senate,change the name it won't be America anymore.

What will it be?
Will the country these illegals fleeing be renamed too?

Which begs the question: Are Mexicans and Central Americans clamoring to migrate to South America where they speak the language? Or are S. Americans (outside of the socialist paradise of Venezuela) tougher on their immigration laws than we are?