murder or attempted murder

which is worse

  • murder

    Votes: 6 100.0%
  • attempted murder

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Interesting story Mott:
Authorities say a man tried to sexually assault a Southern California jogger who escaped by jumping off a cliff and sliding about 100 feet down a steep hillside.

Los Angeles County sheriff's Sgt. Derek Sabatini says the woman was taken to a hospital Friday with cuts and bruises from the fall in Malibu.

She told deputies she had finished a run at about noon at Point Dume State Beach and was standing at the edge of a cliff when she was grabbed from behind. She says she and the man struggled for several minutes before she was able to break away. That's when the woman ran and jumped off the cliff.

Deputies say the suspect then escaped in the woman's Toyota Land Cruiser.

A search for the suspect is under way.
I would too, and no I couldn't imagine having to deal with that every day. I teach my daughter to be wary of strangers, and being a star sprinter she'd probably disappear from a bad situation pretty fast, and if not, her hockey skills would come into play.
I was at a lecture on safety given by a former police chief from Chicago. He said that in an abduction situation don't cooperate with the abductor. If you do you increase your chances of being killed. If they try to pull you into a vehicle fight, scream, yell fire do what ever you have to do up to including shooting you in the parking lot cause if you get into that car you are dead.
I was at a lecture on safety given by a former police chief from Chicago. He said that in an abduction situation don't cooperate with the abductor. If you do you increase your chances of being killed. If they try to pull you into a vehicle fight, scream, yell fire do what ever you have to do up to including shooting you in the parking lot cause if you get into that car you are dead.
Absolutely. Even if they have a gun pointed at you, toss something at them and sprint away. Chances are they won't shoot at you, and even so chances are they'll miss.
Absolutely. Even if they have a gun pointed at you, toss something at them and sprint away. Chances are they won't shoot at you, and even so chances are they'll miss.
I can speak of that from personal experience. I was mugged in 2002 when I unwisely stopped to help someone I thought was having car problems. He pulled a gun on me and told me to get out of my car and leave the keys in the ignition (this was after he pistol whipped me. He wanted my cash and I didn't have any). He wanted me to get into his car to go to an ATM. As we were walking towards his car a pedestrian walked around the corner of the block and he dropped the gun by his side. When he did I bum rushed him from the side with a shoulder block and turned around and hauled ass. He took a couple of shots at me but I was probably a few hundred feet away by the time he got up and took aim so he didn't even come close.

I ran to a near by BP who called the cops. To their credit they were there in minutes. To their discredit, even though I was covered in blood from being pistol whipped, once they made sure the assailant was gone and my car was safe (the asshole took my keys so I had to have it towed to keep it from being stolen) they just fucking left me there about 20 miles from where I lived at the time. I literally had to hitch hike home covered in blood. I was as mad at the cops as I was at the prick who mugged me.

I had another adventure when I went down to the cop station two days later to be interviewed by a detective. He was more concerned that I had taken my car out of impound with out the permission of the police. It took me 30 minutes to explain that I was the one who had the car towed to prevent it's being stolen. After that he just acted like he didn't give a damn so I literally said "Fuck this, this isn't going anywhere. You more concerned about that fucking car then you are about a mugger with a gun!". The detective went balistic when I said that. Threatened to throw me in jail for not cooperating with the investigation. I simply said "I'm still here aint I?" He then said "Oh just get the fuck out of here." So I left and that was the last I heard from the police on the matter. Assholes.

But I digress, my point being, had I gotten into the car with that thug I probably would'nt be here typing this.
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