Musings on the N word

cancel2 2022

I was listening to the radio today and they were playing Oliver's Army by Elvis Costello. The lyrics refer to white niggers, so I am wondering if it is played on US radio these days and if yes, do they censor it? Even though we are nearly as hide bound by political correctness as the US, I can't imagine anybody doing that over here.

Don't start me talking
I could talk all night
My mind goes sleepwalking
While I'm putting the world to right
Called careers information
Have you got yourself an occupation

Oliver's army is here to stay
Oliver's army are on their way
And I would rather be anywhere else
But here today

There was a Checkpoint Charlie
He didn't crack a smile
But it's no laughing party
When you've been on the murder mile
Only takes one itchy trigger
One more widow, one less white nigger


Hong Kong is up for grabs
London is full of arabas
We could be in Palestine
Overrun by a Chinese line
With the boys from the Mersey and the Thames and the Tyne
But there's no danger
It's a professional career
Though it could be arranged
With just a word in Mr. Churchill's ear
If you're out of luck you're out of work
We could send you to Johannesburg


And I would rather be anywhere else
But here today
And I would rather be anywhere else
But here today
I think the thing that people forget about songs & art is that the artist isn't necessarily writing from his own POV. In fact, they are very often not...
I think the thing that people forget about songs & art is that the artist isn't necessarily writing from his own POV. In fact, they are very often not...

Yes, but would it be played in the US uncensored? I don't think anybody would dare do that over here. Probably has a lot to do with Mr.Costello's right on status.
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BAC instantly labeling him a racist shows how knee-jerk he is on that.

This is not evidence of racism, at all.

That song was written in the '70s and nobody has anything to say about it then, so I wonder why a word that was used quite freely back then has now suddenly become taboo? US TV shows Sanford and Son and All in the Family, both derived from British TV programmes, used it as well.
I started the thread, so you did.

I wouldn't give a rats ass if you birthed this thread out of your ass .. ELVIS COSTELLO IS A RACIST.

Because I'm not dumb like you .. when I read of his use of "white nigger" .. I looked to see what else racist he might have said .. and guess what?

Show this to your bitch Thing1
BAC and liberals responding to the truth.
The guy on the right, represents the truth. :)

I bet BAC Panther didn't say fucking BOO when Robert KKK Byrd said "I know white niggers". He'll all the democrats excused it.

So pardon me if I don't get worked up over some third string wide receiver.
Not a peep out of the entire Dem. party when Byrd said that in a 2001 tv interview.....of course history has been revised a little since then
to say is caused a lot of controversy...only the right made a big deal about it and the msm ignored it....
I wouldn't give a rats ass if you birthed this thread out of your ass .. ELVIS COSTELLO IS A RACIST.

Because I'm not dumb like you .. when I read of his use of "white nigger" .. I looked to see what else racist he might have said .. and guess what?

Show this to your bitch Thing1

Your hero George Galloway used the title of the Elvis Costello song "Tramp The Dirt Down" to denigrate Margaret Thatcher, is he racist as well?

I'd bet about a gazillion dollars that BAC just looked that up (and not in the 5 minutes before he 1st responded to this thread).

Even if he did, so what? WTF is wrong with you?

it is like you are gone from us, never to return.