Musings on the N word

Elvis took a lot of heat for the line "All it takes is one itchy trigger, one more widow, one less white nigger" because many felt it was a racist statement against blacks. Elvis Costello's father stated that the Irish, his ancestry being Irish, were the "White Niggers" of the British. The term used to be said a lot in Britain to refer to the Irish. The song itself is anti-war and Oliver refers to Oliver Cromwell.
Even if he did, so what? WTF is wrong with you?

it is like you are gone from us, never to return.

Thank you.

I looked it up as soon as I read the post .. which is my usual manner .. to look up everything.

I have Thing on ignore so I don't even read his posts unless someone responds to it and includes the quote .. but damn, he sure has a THING for defending racists and racism.

Not sure how he was ever considered to be sane.
Elvis took a lot of heat for the line "All it takes is one itchy trigger, one more widow, one less white nigger" because many felt it was a racist statement against blacks. Elvis Costello's father stated that the Irish, his ancestry being Irish, were the "White Niggers" of the British. The term used to be said a lot in Britain to refer to the Irish. The song itself is anti-war and Oliver refers to Oliver Cromwell.

Is that what he was doing when he called James Brown and Ray Charles 'niggers' .. making an antiwar song?

I wouldn't give a rats ass if you birthed this thread out of your ass .. ELVIS COSTELLO IS A RACIST.

Because I'm not dumb like you .. when I read of his use of "white nigger" .. I looked to see what else racist he might have said .. and guess what?

Show this to your bitch Thing1


what a fucking asshole.

I wonder if he has got a clue since then.

You cant in my universe call those two awesome hugely talented Icons Ignorant.

Ray Charles ignorant?

James brown being dissed by a someone who calls themselves a musician?

what a turd bonnet.

damn hes justs like Ty cobb.

fucking evil stupid piece of shit.

talented though
Is that what he was doing when he called James Brown and Ray Charles 'niggers' .. making an antiwar song?


So you are denouncing him for something, that you just googled, which happened over thirty years ago when he was young and very drunk. No doubt you have led such an exemplary life that there is nothing that you would reflect on now as being stupid from way back then.

Elvis was doing his 1979 "Armed Forces" tour. Bonnie was touring with Steve Stills' band. They met in the bar at the hotel both bands were staying at. Elvis wanted to drink but not be bothered. Bonnie wanted to get friendly, and tried to get things started by talking about musical faves. Elvis (quite drunk) tried to blow her off by pretending to hate every musician she mentioned. "What about James Brown?" was met with "He's a jive-ass nigger." Firing her big gun, Bonnie countered with "Don't tell me you don't like Ray Charles!", to which Elvis replied, "Ray Charles is nothing but a blind, stupid nigger!" "Well," answered Bonnie, "you must have an itty-bitty dick if you feel that way." A scuffle ensued. Elvis appeared the next day with his arm in a sling and apologized, saying that his music couldn't exist without black music and explaining his motives. Ray Charles said that Elvis could call him whatever he liked "as long as he buys my record."
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Is that what he was doing when he called James Brown and Ray Charles 'niggers' .. making an antiwar song?


Tom loves to dig a deep hole for himself, and then try to get out of it by digging deeper.

STUPID is a very apt description of his antics. Again, another good one lost to the dark side. (of the force)
Tom loves to dig a deep hole for himself, and then try to get out of it by digging deeper.

STUPID is a very apt description of his antics. Again, another good one lost to the dark side. (of the force)

the best we can do for him is to offer him a larger shovel so his misery is shorter lived
I wouldn't give a rats ass if you birthed this thread out of your ass .. ELVIS COSTELLO IS A RACIST.

Because I'm not dumb like you .. when I read of his use of "white nigger" .. I looked to see what else racist he might have said .. and guess what?

Show this to your bitch Thing1
Why does it matter? Do you research and criticize all the famous black singers, athletes and personalities that cast insulting remarks about we "white crackers", "white mutherfukkers",etc? If yes show some proof of it, if no then why not? You like every other human on earth are prejudice. Nobody is free from prejudice because prejudice is simply a product of discernment be it right or wrong. You like so many that cry racism are riding backwards on a runaway horse with your foot firmly placed in your big mouth. All the while smiling for the thrill of it all and the light you think shines on your fantastic sense of fair play and blindingly liberal enlightenment. Were I a liar and fool like you I'd say that I pity you. Instead I say try pulling your foot out of your mouth and resting that damn tired old horse you are so joyfully attempting to ride to death!
the best we can do for him is to offer him a larger shovel so his misery is shorter lived

I have Rune on ignore, looks like I will have to ignore you as well. I think I've done a pretty good job in showing how many on the left behave whilst 'considering' issues. In this case, wait for BAC to deliberate, for about five seconds, and then pile in. No wonder Lenin coined the phrase 'useful idiots'.
So you are denouncing him for something, that you just googled, which happened over thirty years ago when he was young and very drunk. No doubt you have led such an exemplary life that there is nothing that you would reflect on now as being stupid from way back then.

I don't use racial slurs dude. What about that don't you understand? Is it so ingrained into your thinking that you believe that shit is natural?

YOU .. YOU'RE the one who posted Costello using 'white nigger' .. not sure what point you were trying to make, but it most certainly cast him as a racist .. and HE knows it .. even if you don't. If you didn't want him cast as a racist YOU should have done better research on your own story and posted this along with it ..

Elvis Regrets Not Being Able To Say Sorry To Ray Charles

ELVIS COSTELLO regrets not being able to apologise to RAY CHARLES for calling him a "blind ignorant n*gger" before the soul man died in June (04).

The British rocker hit the headlines in America for his drunken racist comment, made during an argument in an Ohio bar 20 years ago, and calleda press conference to apologise.

But Costello, real name, DECLAN McMANUS never had an opportunity to say sorry to Charles' face.

He says, "I had a heartbreaking moment last year. I was at an ELTON JOHN tribute concert in Anaheim, California. DIANA (KRALL, Costello's wife) did BORDER SONG and killed them. Ray came out and did SORRY SEEMS TO BE THE HARDEST WORD. It was f**king unbelievable.

"As Ray's coming out, a woman is leading him. He gets to within 15 feet of us, and they stop. The woman says, 'He wants to meet Diana.' I had to turn away. That wasn't the right moment.

"I have to live with it, with every Afro-American musician I meet... It happened. But if people don't hear the respect by now, they've got their ears the wrong way round."

Why does he regret it? Because he knew what he said was racist .. and Ray Charles forgave him, but obviously he never forgot it.

Summary on the musings of the N word .. if you're white, don't use it.
I have Rune on ignore, looks like I will have to ignore you as well. I think I've done a pretty good job in showing how many on the left behave whilst 'considering' issues. In this case, wait for BAC to deliberate, for about five seconds, and then pile in. No wonder Lenin coined the phrase 'useful idiots'.

who the fuck cares you fool.

YOu ignore facts all the time.

its all you people on the right do anymore.

You lay in the street like a road bump covering your ears and screaming you cant handle the facts or living in a better world.

I don't know why you people think you should lead anything when you cant handle the basic facts surrounding anything