Musings on the N word

Let's start from here. You give a fuck or else you would not have given a reply. Metrosexual? Are you also dazzlingly stupid to boot? The topic seemed to be racist comments made by Costello you moronic loser. I addressed your reply as I saw fit. The reason it twisted your panties so tight is the TRUTH when presented to people like you is like a turd tossed into your favorite drink. You still drink but complain about the taste and deny the object hitting you on the nose every drink you take. By the way, up yours too dipshit.

Let's start from here: You do not know who you are addressing.
Your opinion is less than irrelevant.
You have no idea what you are talking about.
No one give a flying fuck what you think.
Suicide is an option you should consider.
How many 88 year old people are completely clear minded?

Since when does one person set the standards against which all others are judged?

Ah - so now Carter is "addled". BAC tried to argue that he generally tempers his words to appease Republicans.

It's not just Carter. There are MANY people - black & white, liberal & conservative - who said that the jury didn't have much choice legally.

The bigger point is that making this argument does not make one a "motherfucking racist."

Again - sorry that you are so fooled by BAC. Perhaps one day, you will wake up.
So all your friends are now mindless and you cheer the likes of Tom and Cawacko and Bravo?

Bravo is a twit. If you were as clear-thinking as you claim, you would see that desh is nothing more than his counterpart on the left. They really aren't different as posters, aside from their ideology.

I loves me some cawacko. One of the best posters here, imo.

And yeah - that BAC thread really opened my eyes about you, Rana, Darla, et al.
Bravo is a twit. If you were as clear-thinking as you claim, you would see that desh is nothing more than his counterpart on the left. They really aren't different as posters, aside from their ideology.

I loves me some cawacko. One of the best posters here, imo.

And yeah - that BAC thread really opened my eyes about you, Rana, Darla, et al.

Haha, I knew Rune loved me.

We're all individuals beyond our political beliefs and ideology yet it's crazy how we all break down into these 'teams' and 'sides' here. I mean I guess that is to be expected. I've caught myself typing something then stopping and deleting it because I was going to 'criticize' someone on my 'side'. WTF is that?

I made the wrestling reference before where wrestlers change between being good and bad guys but I haven't seen Onceler change one political belief or ideology of his yet but because of his comment on the GZ-TM verdict he got called a racist and no longer a liberal. This is crazy.
Bravo is a twit. If you were as clear-thinking as you claim, you would see that desh is nothing more than his counterpart on the left. They really aren't different as posters, aside from their ideology.

I loves me some cawacko. One of the best posters here, imo.

And yeah - that BAC thread really opened my eyes about you, Rana, Darla, et al.

Desh makes valid points that get lost in the echo chamber of confusion.

If she were so simple-minded, why would the mighty Superfreak put so much effort into discrediting her? I thought you had more critical thinking ability than this.
Cawacko is a simple minded, but gentle, amiable fellow. Nothing more. Again, you discredit yourself calling him the best poster here and simply illustrate your lack of comprehensive skills.

Your loss is a great one Oncelor. I am truly sorry that you have succumbed to the confusion.
Haha, I knew Rune loved me.

We're all individuals beyond our political beliefs and ideology yet it's crazy how we all break down into these 'teams' and 'sides' here. I mean I guess that is to be expected. I've caught myself typing something then stopping and deleting it because I was going to 'criticize' someone on my 'side'. WTF is that?

I made the wrestling reference before where wrestlers change between being good and bad guys but I haven't seen Onceler change one political belief or ideology of his yet but because of his comment on the GZ-TM verdict he got called a racist and no longer a liberal. This is crazy.

Of course you haven't.

You are far too stupid to recognize such a change in another.
Bravo is a twit. If you were as clear-thinking as you claim, you would see that desh is nothing more than his counterpart on the left. They really aren't different as posters, aside from their ideology.

I loves me some cawacko. One of the best posters here, imo.

And yeah - that BAC thread really opened my eyes about you, Rana, Darla, et al.

Seriously Oncie, think about what you are saying.

Darla, Rana, me? I'll be the first to admit I am suspect, but Rana, Darla? Please. Try to gain some perspective. You are lost. Search your soul and then come back to us.

We miss you, love you and are devastated by the turn you have taken.
Let's start from here: You do not know who you are addressing.
Your opinion is less than irrelevant.
You have no idea what you are talking about.
No one give a flying fuck what you think.
Suicide is an option you should consider.
Lets start with, I don't give a damn who I am addressing. It could be a genius, a fag , a whore , a numbnuts or a stupid cat pissing in the freaking wind. No reputation here or elsewhere changes the content of the post I was replying to so you can take that ego shit and shove it asswipe. You speak as if I should respect your dumbass words. Well here is a clue , I do not . Why don't you take your own advice and take a long step off a tall building dickweed. Do you also change blackasscoal's diapers for him?
Lets start with, I don't give a damn who I am addressing. It could be a genius, a fag , a whore , a numbnuts or a stupid cat pissing in the freaking wind. No reputation here or elsewhere changes the content of the post I was replying to so you can take that ego shit and shove it asswipe. You speak as if I should respect your dumbass words. Well here is a clue , I do not . Why don't you take your own advice and take a long step off a tall building dickweed. Do you also change blackasscoal's diapers for him?

Your dogma is going to get run over by your karma.

Fuck yourself.
:0) Let's start from here .. who gives fuck what you think?

The topic is Elvis Costello mr. meaningless. When the topic is someone else, I'll address that someone else.

The only way I refer to white people is as 'white people' .. and if you had the slightest hint of what the fuck you are talking about .. you stupid motherfucker .. you would already know that.

How about you take you metrosexual emotion-filled rant down the hall?

How about that motherfucker (eb)? :0)

I bet Desh gets all tingly in her private places when BAC Panther goes all angry negro on the board yell "motherfucker" like it is supposed to be intimidating.

Oooooohhhhh we are sooooooo skeered of the big bad black man

Let's start from here. You give a fuck or else you would not have given a reply. Metrosexual? Are you also dazzlingly stupid to boot? The topic seemed to be racist comments made by Costello you moronic loser. I addressed your reply as I saw fit. The reason it twisted your panties so tight is the TRUTH when presented to people like you is like a turd tossed into your favorite drink. You still drink but complain about the taste and deny the object hitting you on the nose every drink you take. By the way, up yours too dipshit.

:0) Then you're even more ignorant than you appear to be.

In case you haven't noticed I like making racist and ignorant motherfuckers like you look stupid when you post to me. Not sure why the fuck you even do it when everything about you is meaningless.

Once I trash you for even thinking to post to me with dumb shit .. all you have left is to claim 'my panties are twisted' by your awesome 8th grade response.

You posted to me you ignorant bitch first .. whereas I don't give a fuck what you think about ANYTHING.

Big difference bitch .. but you're too dumb to know that, :0)

Do come again :lolup:
Seriously Oncie, think about what you are saying.

Darla, Rana, me? I'll be the first to admit I am suspect, but Rana, Darla? Please. Try to gain some perspective. You are lost. Search your soul and then come back to us.

We miss you, love you and are devastated by the turn you have taken.

He can't help himself .. he's obsessed by me. :0)

Just from his posts that I can see from quoting, almost all of them include 'BAC.'

You know he goes to bed at night thinking BAC .. gets up in the morning thinking BAC. :0)

Kinda' sick .. and very pathetic.
Does BAC think he is scaring people with the "angry black man" routine? Calling people "motherfucker" and "bitch" like he is all street and gangsta like?

ooooohhhhhh big scary black guy who probably would shit his own pants in Compton

Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!

I took you off ignore so your punk ass can talk to me instead of whining like a bitch to other people .. many of whom you used to call friend.

You are so pathetically obsessed by me that you're reduced to timing my responses .. based on your own inabilities. I don't use Google, but how long do you think it took me to search 'elvis costello racist' .. see the video there on the first page .. watch the video which is 53 seconds .. form a response and post it? That may take your dumb ass an hour .. but it's an EASY 5 minutes for me.

You want to make this personal .. good, I'm in. Start from here .. I'm smarter than you are. The above is just one demonstration of that.

Perhaps in your new found persona you don't like being less smart than a black guy. If that's the case, that only makes this more fun.

Notice that during all of this .. I rarely say your name .. rarely even mention you .. and even then, only in passing response to your dementia. I've not berated anyone on this board because they agree with you. In fact, I don't think of you at all .. I put your stupid ass on ignore.

I find you to be a huge waste of my time .. but you're a bitch .. you whine like a bitch .. and I'm sure that many of the people I like .. have always liked regardless of differing positions on anything .. are tired of listening to your whining like a pregnant cow.

So if you have a problem with me .. talk to me you fucking clown.

Stop being a bitch.