Musings on the N word

I also imagine Johnny Speight didn't think people would actually take Alf Garnett to heart as a positive role model. Sadly, a minority of British people were/are incredibly stupid.

I can't say that i really miss the standard 60s-70s sit-com, generally involving a black family moving into the neighbourhood and all the knockabout racist hijinks which followed. I can't say sit-coms have improved much, in terms of being funny, but the lack of plots revolving around the repetition of various derogatory descriptions of minorities, and their negative effect on house prices, is a welcome step forward.

But you guys don't have Fawlty Towers anymore...that show was AMAZINGLY funny.
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That's how much I think of what your dumb ass has to say.
HAHA. Put me on ignore then reply to me . I guess hiding behind mammie's skirt suits you. Truth sure beat your ass easy enough. Just as I knew that it would..
Ah - the ol' "I'm smarter than you." So insecure.

I've tried talking to you...but you put me on ignore, remember? And it wasn't because I was being a "bitch." It was because you couldn't face your own hypocrisy over Carter agreeing with me.

As for Costello, you know & I know that you only searched later, and that's enough for me. Had you searched right away, you would have mentioned that in your reply to Tom when he asked; anyone would.

:rofl2: I'm insecure, but you've been all over the board whining like a little girl because some now think you're a fucking idiot and you want to blame your loss of respect on me. WOW :rofl2:

You're still whining about 8th grade petty shit .. and wrong even about that.

I put you on ignore because you're stupid and whiny. You would still be on ignore except that you're so whiny, I don't want you bothering other people with your pettiness.

Got something to say to me .. say it to me.

I, on the other hand, have nothing at all to say to you except in response.