Musk proposes an Alpha Male American dictatorship

Would the United States of America be better off with a white male dictatorship?

  • Yes! Make it happen! Vote Trump 2024

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • No! We, the People need to retain power. One American, One vote.

    Votes: 7 87.5%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a foreigner and only want to see the United States weak and divided

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Musk has to a limited degree a better grasp of business machinations than the Orange Oaf.

Otherwise, they both share a similar tract .... trust fund kids raised by wealthy, bigoted fathers who gave them millions upon their entering the adult world.
Agreed, but I think Musk is losing it. His behavior is becoming increasingly eccentric which, if it continues, will certainly lead to mental illness.....if he's not there already.

Trump is also into one of his heroes. He believes in the Race Horse theory.
“You have good genes. A lot of it is about the genes, isn’t it? Don’t you believe? The racehorse theory.

"You think we’re so different? You have good genes in Minnesota.”

For those interested, the demographics of Minnesota compared to the demographics of a Trump rally:
Minnesota Demographics
According to the most recent ACS, the racial composition of Minnesota was:
  • White: 80.71%
  • Black or African American: 6.64%
  • Asian: 5%
  • Two or more races: 4.57%
  • Other race: 2.12%
  • Native American: 0.93%
  • Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: 0.04%

That forward lean is a sure sign of frontotemporal dementia.

Behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bv FTD), sometimes also called behavior variant FTD, is characterized by prominent changes in personality and behavior that often occur in people in their 50s and 60s, but can develop as early as their 20s or as late as their 80s. In behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia, the nerve cell loss is most prominent in areas that control conduct, judgment, empathy and foresight, among other abilities.

  • Corticobasal syndrome, which causes arms and legs to become uncoordinated or stiff.
trump cannot drink water with one hand, or navigate simple declines without help
  • Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), which causes muscle stiffness, difficulty walking and changes in posture. It also affects eye movements. Symptoms of PSP may resemble symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. However, in PSP tremor is less common and speech and language problems tend to develop earlier.
Agreed, but I think Musk is losing it. His behavior is becoming increasingly eccentric which, if it continues, will certainly lead to mental illness.....if he's not there already.

Musk was devastated when he was soundly rejected after demanding to use his mini submarine in that cave rescue.
He went as far as to publicly accuse the coach of being a pedophile.
Read some history and it will be hard to resist the conclusion that alpha males are the last to be trusted in the modern world.
I believe it was Bill Maher, while comparing Clinton the Dubyah, said:

"I prefer to have a horny POTUS than a celibate one. They don't start wars"
What exactly makes Trump an 'alpha male'?

He is egg-shaped, grotesquely flabby, massively overweight, has never changed a car tire, chopped firewood, changed his engine oil, hunted, fished, and women only want him because of his money.
In his mind, alpha male = taller than most, can bellow the loudest, has a gold toilet, Republicans toady to him, can buy attractive women to hang on his arm.
FTFY, Semen Gardner.
Wow, now he's making you memes. It's true love!
Musk was devastated when he was soundly rejected after demanding to use his mini submarine in that cave rescue.
He went as far as to publicly accuse the coach of being a pedophile.
Unbridled behavior. One day he might step off a 10-story building to prove to others he can fly.

Which, BTW, he can for about 2.5 seconds before impacting the ground at about 55MPH. Those numbers can change depending upon whether he flaps all the way down or simply swan dives.
Unbridled behavior. One day he might step off a 10-story building to prove to others he can fly.

Which, BTW, he can for about 2.5 seconds before impacting the ground at about 55MPH. Those numbers can change depending upon whether he flaps all the way down or simply swan dives.
Maybe next time he launches a car into space, he'll be in it. lol

It's interesting that until he purchased Twitter, Reichwingers hated Musk because of the Tesla EVs. Now he's one of their #MaliciousMessiah's archangels. They're an unhinged and fickle bunch, eh?
Maybe next time he launches a car into space, he'll be in it. lol

It's interesting that until he purchased Twitter, Reichwingers hated Musk because of the Tesla EVs. Now he's one of their #MaliciousMessiah's archangels. They're an unhinged and fickle bunch, eh?
:laugh: We can hope.

Agreed, but at least they are simple-minded and easy to follow; If Trump likes it, they like it. If Trump hates it, they hate it. Easy Peasy.
Agreed. Again, they are very simple-minded people.

LOL True! I think I'm growing on him. :)
as we can see on here they are very low IQ people.
as you say Trump can tell them all kinds of lies and they are so stupid they believe every one of them.
and then when Trump tells them he doesn't give a shit about them all he wants is their vote and their money they just sit there and laugh and say he is just kidding, he doesn't really mean it , just like a bunch or morons, not smart enough to even listen to what he is actually saying.
I really don't know how much stupider they can get.
Have a nice day