Musk proposes an Alpha Male American dictatorship

Would the United States of America be better off with a white male dictatorship?

  • Yes! Make it happen! Vote Trump 2024

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • No! We, the People need to retain power. One American, One vote.

    Votes: 7 87.5%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a foreigner and only want to see the United States weak and divided

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
as we can see on here they are very low IQ people.
as you say Trump can tell them all kinds of lies and they are so stupid they believe every one of them.
and then when Trump tells them he doesn't give a shit about them all he wants is their vote and their money they just sit there and laugh and say he is just kidding, he doesn't really mean it , just like a bunch or morons, not smart enough to even listen to what he is actually saying.
I really don't know how much stupider they can get.
Have a nice day
It appears the smarter people are drifting away from Trumpism. Good.
Yep. One good reason is that they are self-appointed alphas. A true alpha in a pack of wolves or whatever is chosen by consensus because he/she has exhibited the right characteristics of an alpha.
You might say they are self-appointed bossmen. It's their alpha that selects them.
Is anyone surprised that Musk is following Trump's desires for an American dictatorship?

Elon Musk has amplified a theory that only "alpha males" can be trusted to make good decisions, and should therefore be the ones to participate in democracy.

On Monday the billionaire entrepreneur re-posted a post on X, formerly Twitter, by an account called Autism Capital which included a screenshot of a theory that referred to "people who can't defend themselves physically (women and low T men)," suggesting they are "very malleable to brute force manufactured consensus."

The post, from September 1, said that only "high T alpha males and aneurotypical people" are able to question new information, concluding, "This is why a Republic of high status males is best for decision making. Democratic, but a democracy only for those who are free to think."
Because he's been making so many good decisions recently?
In his mind, alpha male = taller than most, can bellow the loudest, has a gold toilet, Republicans toady to him, can buy attractive women to hang on his arm.

Wow, now he's making you memes. It's true love!
I think that they believe an alpha is simply one that throws their weight around.
Libs buy his car!!!!!
Musk is very good at manipulation, his companies are all dependent on government funding.

He knows is the Democrats are in power, they will fund him because it is the right thing to do.

So, he cozies up with trump that way he knows trump will fund him because Musk kisses up.
Unbridled behavior. One day he might step off a 10-story building to prove to others he can fly.

Which, BTW, he can for about 2.5 seconds before impacting the ground at about 55MPH. Those numbers can change depending upon whether he flaps all the way down or simply swan dives.
Let's hope!
I don't know anything about the guy besides his wackadoodle antics. I must have been confused because his product was called Tesla. Does he just pay actual geniuses to come up with his stuff?
Musk invested early on, and ended up buying out both developers.
Musk was the largest investor when Tesla was already being developed. I believe he ended up as the sole owner. He has no foresight. He hires engineers for that, as you suggest.
Agreed. Like his new buddy Donnie, he buys the invention and markets it, not invents it.
I don't know anything about the guy besides his wackadoodle antics. I must have been confused because his product was called Tesla. Does he just pay actual geniuses to come up with his stuff?
Yes, he was born into a wealthy family and was lucky enough to be roommates with the guy who invented paypal, who gave him part of the credit (I guess he ketp teh guy supplied with soda and pringles or something equally helpful) the rest has just been buying other people's work.

Would the United States of America be better off with a white male dictatorship?​

  • Yes! Make it happen! Vote Trump 2024
  • No! We, the People need to retain power. One American, One vote.
  • I don't know
  • I'm a foreigner and only want to see the United States weak and divided
I guess you're practicing to be a typical Democrat pollster.
Push poll up the ying yang.