Muslims Save the Day


JPP Modarater

"LONDON, England (CNN) -- A British intelligence official has told CNN that the original information about a plot to down commercial jetliners in mid-Atlantic with explosives came from a tip from the Muslim community in Britain."

See how working with people and fostering good relations with the muslim community can payoff. I've said it time and time again, and I'll say it again:

The war on terror is a war of information. We will not succeed by using excessive and deadly military force. INFORMATION alone will make us victorious.
It is only possible to defeat terrorism by undermining it and isolating it from the community it claims to represent. That way it just withers and dies.

Using brutality in return only feeds it.

This is how the PIRA was defeated...
The Brits kissed Muslim ass, and what do they get? Death and destruction. Time to admit that.
The Brits kissed Muslim ass, and what do they get? Death and destruction. Time to admit that.

Actually, they got cooperation and more information on existing terror cells. And its a good thing we're on good terms with Pakistan. They too can help weed out and destroy these cells that exist within their country.
And in the lastest incident? All home grown Muslims seeking to kill innocent people! And still they say it has nothing to do with religion!
And in the lastest incident? All home grown Muslims seeking to kill innocent people! And still they say it has nothing to do with religion!
The latest that I heard is that only two of them were "homegrown" the rest were immigrants. All grew up without ever facing the poverty that is so often blamed though...
From what I hear Pakistan particularly played a key role in catching these bastards..

shocker. Good international relations and flow of information can stop terrorists. Who knew?

.......oh wait I do! LIBERALS
shocker. Good international relations and flow of information can stop terrorists. Who knew?

.......oh wait I do! LIBERALS
Bush's administration also has good relations with this government there, LadyT. It appears that Bush also seemed to know beforehand.
Bush's administration also has good relations with this government there, LadyT. It appears that Bush also seemed to know beforehand.

I know he does. I'm merely pointing out that it doesn't take an Army (IDF/US) to combat terrorism as a lot of misinformed cons (Dixie) tend to believe. Information is the most powerful tool we have.