Muslims Save the Day

"LONDON, England (CNN) -- A British intelligence official has told CNN that the original information about a plot to down commercial jetliners in mid-Atlantic with explosives came from a tip from the Muslim community in Britain."

See how working with people and fostering good relations with the muslim community can payoff. I've said it time and time again, and I'll say it again:

The war on terror is a war of information. We will not succeed by using excessive and deadly military force. INFORMATION alone will make us victorious.

this is a war of ideology, not of military strenght. We can't possibly win it without the cooperation of sane and moderate muslims.
I didn't realize he knew about this a while ago. If that's the case, why did he still allow liquids in carryon's if there was an imminent threat?
this is a war of ideology, not of military strenght. We can't possibly win it without the cooperation of sane and moderate muslims.

this is why I find it Disheartening when I turn on rightwing talk radio, and here them talking about this being a "war on Islam". Glenn beck was ranting about it last night.
So when you assume because someone is Muslam they are a terrorist you are an ignorant bigot who is failing to use all available resources to fight terrorism. You are also promoting one of the sterotypes about westerners that promotes terrorism.

"LONDON, England (CNN) -- A British intelligence official has told CNN that the original information about a plot to down commercial jetliners in mid-Atlantic with explosives came from a tip from the Muslim community in Britain."

See how working with people and fostering good relations with the muslim community can payoff. I've said it time and time again, and I'll say it again:

The war on terror is a war of information. We will not succeed by using excessive and deadly military force. INFORMATION alone will make us victorious.

Actually, much of the intelligence surrounding this bunch, came from Pakistan. See how foolish it would have been to go stomping into Pakistan against their will, just to get Osama? Another 'tool' used to foil this plot, was the Brits "sneak and peek" provisions, similar to our Patriot Act. See how effective this tool was in averting another 9/11?
Yepper Cypress the USA esp the right wing portion is playing the game just the way that the Islamic radicals want to make this a religious/racial war.
this is why I find it Disheartening when I turn on rightwing talk radio, and here them talking about this being a "war on Islam". Glenn beck was ranting about it last night.

Exactly, all they are doing is alienating members of hte community that would otherwise be willing to help us. Why do they hate America so much?;)
So when you assume because someone is Muslam they are a terrorist you are an ignorant bigot who is failing to use all available resources to fight terrorism. You are also promoting one of the sterotypes about westerners that promotes terrorism.

No one has done that, idiot! Do you not realize, there are plenty of Muslims who are on our side in the War on Terror? Did you not understand, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan, are not supporting Hezbollah? Apparently, there are more Muslims who are willing to stand up to Islamofascism than democrats!
Despite the fact that all the terrorist are Muslim to many still are running around saying it has nothing at all to do with being a Muslim. Get a grip on reality.
Actually, much of the intelligence surrounding this bunch, came from Pakistan. See how foolish it would have been to go stomping into Pakistan against their will, just to get Osama? Another 'tool' used to foil this plot, was the Brits "sneak and peek" provisions, similar to our Patriot Act. See how effective this tool was in averting another 9/11?

And if we had not invaded Iraq, could we not have benefitted some from their intelligence as well ? Whassa difference ?
No one has done that, idiot! Do you not realize, there are plenty of Muslims who are on our side in the War on Terror? Did you not understand, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan, are not supporting Hezbollah? Apparently, there are more Muslims who are willing to stand up to Islamofascism than democrats!

Israel's tactics, and your president's foreign policy has now placed the majority of sunni arab citizens squarely on the side of shia Hezbollah.
No one has done that, idiot! Do you not realize, there are plenty of Muslims who are on our side in the War on Terror? Did you not understand, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan, are not supporting Hezbollah? Apparently, there are more Muslims who are willing to stand up to Islamofascism than democrats!

Please note Toby's posts earlier in this thread before you claim "no one has done that"!
I heard on PBS that Bush had known about this for a while. Could that explain the apparent rapid response ?
The rapid response happened when they began purchasing tickets for test runs... Before that they gathered as much as they could about these people. Wisely they waited until they could get as many as possible in one swoop...
And if we had not invaded Iraq, could we not have benefitted some from their intelligence as well ? Whassa difference ?

I was just going to say, imagine the intelegence we could have gotten from the muslim community in Iraq had we not invaded them!
Please note Toby's posts earlier in this thread before you claim "no one has done that"!

Just turn on rightwing talk radio any day of the week.

Callers are constantly saying shit like, nuking the middle east, turning it into a parking lot, and how islam is an "evil" religion.

It all began with a tip: In the aftermath of the July 7, 2005, suicide bombings on London's transit system, British authorities received a call from a worried member of the Muslim community, reporting general suspicions about an acquaintance.

From that vague but vital piece of information, according to a senior European intelligence official, British authorities opened the investigation into what they said turned out to be a well-coordinated and long-planned plot to bomb multiple transatlantic flights heading toward the United States -- an assault designed to rival the scope and lethality of the Sept. 11, 2001, hijackings.

By late 2005, the probe had expanded to involve several hundred investigators on three continents. They kept dozens of suspects under close surveillance for months, even as some of the plotters traveled between Britain and Pakistan to raise money, find recruits and refine their scheme, according to interviews with U.S. and European counterterrorism officials.
The rapid response happened when they began purchasing tickets for test runs... Before that they gathered as much as they could about these people. Wisely they waited until they could get as many as possible in one swoop...

Which was pretty smart I think. Get as many as you can with as much evidence as you can. However, allowing liquids on planes if you know what they are planning to do isn't smart in my opinion. Am I being unreasonable? Secondly, I think if someone drinks the liquid before getting on, then it should be okay to let them fly. I love having a cup of coffee before lift off.

By late 2005, the probe had expanded to involve several hundred investigators on three continents. They kept dozens of suspects under close surveillance for months, even as some of the plotters traveled between Britain and Pakistan to raise money, find recruits and refine their scheme, according to interviews with U.S. and European counterterrorism officials.

bravo if its true.
Which was pretty smart I think. Get as many as you can with as much evidence as you can. However, allowing liquids on planes if you know what they are planning to do isn't smart in my opinion. Am I being unreasonable? Secondly, I think if someone drinks the liquid before getting on, then it should be okay to let them fly. I love having a cup of coffee before lift off.
They had special containers that allowed them to drink from the top, but still had the explosives in the bottom...

They would have tipped them off if they stopped allowing liquids too early. They knew who they were and were able to keep close watch on them.