Muslims Save the Day

I am talking about current terrorist Any, not the past. Yes most international terrorist are Muslim and I said a Mosque is a good place to look for them, not that all mosque have terrorist. Try an be rational for a change. Do you have a problem with reading comprehension?
Despite the fact that all the terrorist are Muslim to many still are running around saying it has nothing at all to do with being a Muslim. Get a grip on reality.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have our first contestant of the day in the Inadvertently Comic Verbal Flatulence division.
That is stupid Ornot. Do you have something rational to say? Do you deny that Muslims are the ones who attacked Us on 9/11, that Muslims are the ones who ploted the attacks on the transit system in London on 7/7, that Muslims are the ones who planned these latest attacks on airlines? I won't even go into all the terrorist attacks world wide. Just what about these?
I heard on PBS that Bush had known about this for a while. Could that explain the apparent rapid response ?

I'd be more inclined to go with the fact that on Tuesday his "pro-war" Democrat Senator took a beating in the primaries and he needed to assure America that "we are kicking ass and taking names".

They wouldn't have waited till after the primary! You have to do better than than that lame excuse.
If that were true Immie the plot would have come out sooner to help Lieberman! LOL

I don't think so. I think they expected him to win. Afterall, a well respected incumbent never loses. Well, not before last Tuesday that is. If he had not lost we would not know about this threat today. At least I highly doubt we would.

No nothing to do with Muslims>>>>

Umir Hussain, 24, London E14
Muhammed Usman Saddique, 24, London E17
Waheed Zaman, 22, London E17
Assan Abdullah Khan, 22, London E17
Waseem Kayani, 28, High Wycombe
Waheed Arafat Khan, 24, London E17
Cossor Ali, 24, London E17
Tayib Rauf, 21, Birmingham
Ibrahim Savant, 26, London E17
Osman Adam Khatib, 20, London E17
Shamin Mohammed Uddin, 36, Stoke Newington
Amin Asmin Tariq, 23, London E17
Shazad Khuram Ali, 27, High Wycombe
Tanvir Hussain, 24, London E10
Umar Islam, 28, (born Brian Young) High Wycombe
Assad Sarwar, 25, High Wycombe
Abdullah Ali, 26, London E17
Abdul Muneem Patel, 17, London E5
Nabeel Hussain, 21, Waltham Forest
That is pretty sad if you believe that Immie. You think the UK is in the hands of someone who wants a Senator of a small state of no importance to have some big support? LOL I though you were smarter than that. Guess I was wrong.
I don't think so. I think they expected him to win. Afterall, a well respected incumbent never loses. Well, not before last Tuesday that is. If he had not lost we would not know about this threat today. At least I highly doubt we would.


I belive we would know about it, but it would not be so hyped. This plot would never have worked anyway. I saw a pilot/bomb expert on the televison last night who said this type of bomb would not have been strong enough to bring a jumbojet down!
The ego of the left. to think the UK would stage such an event to discredit a democratic primary race in a small nothing state. LOL
That is pretty sad if you believe that Immie. You think the UK is in the hands of someone who wants a Senator of a small state of no importance to have some big support? LOL I though you were smarter than that. Guess I was wrong.

As a matter of fact, they are. They are in Bush's back pocket.

And you think Bush is so worried about the dem primary in Conn that he whips out this fake plot to blow up airlines? Why didn't he use it before the vote?
I belive we would know about it, but it would not be so hyped. This plot would never have worked anyway. I saw a pilot/bomb expert on the televison last night who said this type of bomb would not have been strong enough to bring a jumbojet down!
That is why they bought tickets to travel together. The bomb expert made the judgement on counting on there only being one...
Immie, I have literally watched you transform from a fairly reasonable-minded conservative, to an absolutely insane conspiracy theory wacko lefty, in just a few short years. At first, you would take a modest approach at outrageous reports, you'd reserve judgement with the nuts on the left, and try to maintain a moderate position... then you gradually started inching your way to the left, mostly on the war, and on Bush... Now, you've completely sold your soul to Michael Moore, it appears. Sad... Really sad!
Immie, I have literally watched you transform from a fairly reasonable-minded conservative, to an absolutely insane conspiracy theory wacko lefty, in just a few short years. At first, you would take a modest approach at outrageous reports, you'd reserve judgement with the nuts on the left, and try to maintain a moderate position... then you gradually started inching your way to the left, mostly on the war, and on Bush... Now, you've completely sold your soul to Michael Moore, it appears. Sad... Really sad!

Is that the first post you have ever made in your life without calling someone a name? I will take your assessment of me with a grain of salt. I also appreciate what you have said and in some ways I agree with you.

It is true that I have lost complete confidence in our government. I view them with full and utter suspicion. I feel that they are using us.

If that is the way that Michael Moore looks at government than I would have to say you are correct. I have never watched a Michael Moore movie, read a book written by him (if he can write) or even seen him on tv.

But, I do not believe that the Bush Admin is worthy of a damned bit of respect. I do not believe that they are above manipulating this so-called terrorist threat for their own purposes.

It may be sad to you, but what is even sadder to me is that you continue to follow them without even questioning their integrity. You follow them like sheep follow a sheppard without even a hint of being your own person. Until recently I respected your opinion but now it is evident that you do not think for yourself. You allow the Sean Hannitys of the world to do your thinking for you.

Question Authority.

That is why they bought tickets to travel together. The bomb expert made the judgement on counting on there only being one...

No, he was achually talking about the possability of there being two bombs. But from my understanding the two terrorists on the plane planed to bring the componants of one bomb. Once those componants were brought together they would make a single bomb.