Muslims Save the Day

Immie do you think that Bush controls the UK goverment?

That would depend on what you mean by control. Is he the "Prime Minister" no.

However, I think he has a hell of a lot of influence over what they are doing in regards to this war. It is like this. Let's say you were caught cheating on your wife by your wife's best friend. The best friend goes to your wife and says, "I saw Toby coming out of a hotel room with a fine looking blond. He was still zipping his pants and she was straightening out her blouse. The nerve of him." You get wind of this and go to your best friend and ask him to lie for you because you can't afford the alimony payments and of course you know his dirty little secrets. He lies for you because you have dirt on him and well, everything comes out just fine. Your wife believes you again and you avoid the alimony payments.

Okay, I guess this is a bit far fetched. What woman would marry Toby? For that, what woman would cheat with him? ;) But anyway you get the picture.

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That would depend on what you mean by control. Is he the "Prime Minister" no.

However, I think he has a hell of a lot of influence over what they are doing in regards to this war. It is like this. Let's say you were caught cheating on your wife by your wife's best friend. The best friend goes to your wife and says, "I saw Toby coming out of a hotel room with a fine looking blond. He was still zipping his pants and she was straightening out her blouse. The nerve of him." You get wind of this and go to your best friend and ask him to lie for you because you can't afford the alimony payments and of course you know his dirty little secrets. He lies for you because you have dirt on him and well, everything comes out just fine. Your wife believes you again and you avoid the alimony payments.

Okay, I guess this is a bit far fetched. What woman would marry Toby? For that, what woman would cheat with him? ;) But anyway you get the picture.


There's no reason for you to bring your personal crisis into this conversation, Immie! Jeesh!

It's like this... We are facing a threat comparable to, or surpassing the threat we faced in Hitler and Nazism. It is more dangerous to us than the threat of the Cold War was, and has already claimed more innocent civilian American life, than any conflict since the Civil War.

Tony Blair and George Bush know and understand the threat, and they understand what leaders have to do in the face of that threat. The British ran Winston Churchill out of office over WWII, and conspiracy theories about FDR knowingly allowing the attacks on Pearl Harbor, exist to this day. Leaders have a tough row to hoe. It's not easy to face the challenge of leading with conviction in the face of adversity, but both men have done so.

Immie, I realize, in you venture off into liberal lala-land, you've become indoctrinated with the beliefs that this War on Terror thing is a myth. At best, you think it's some isolated group of nuts we can't seem to catch, and we are just pissing off the whole world doing a bunch of idiotic stuff that doesn't even make sense to you... I get that, Immie! I understand that you don't comprehend reality anymore, and that is terribly sad to see, as someone who once recognized your good judgement and integrity.

The Enemy is Radical Islamic Fascism! It's not something Bush made up, it's not something that is a figment of Tony Blair's imagination, it's a real and legitimate threat to our way of life. Blair understands, for now, the Islamofascists want the middle east... next it will be Europe and Britain, and eventually the world. The Muslim faith is spread across the globe, and these radicals intend to convert every one of them to their cause. We can't win a war with 7 billion fanatics who want us dead, Immie.
I realize, in you venture off into liberal lala-land, you've become indoctrinated with the beliefs that this War on Terror thing is a myth. At best, you think it's some isolated group of nuts we can't seem to catch,

Have you ever once seen me claim such bullshit?

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You are way off Dixie.

My problem with the Bush Admin has nothing at all to do with the war. I have my issues with the war. I completely believe that everyone in the Bush Admin had their heads up each other's asses as they were planning this war and that includes Colin Powell a man that I very much respect. Not a one of them could fight there way out of a paper bag with a damned machete let alone a bazooka.

My problem with the Bush Admin is that they have lost every ounce of integrity and credibility. They have torn the U.S. Constitution to fucking shreds. They have destroyed American goodwill throughout the world. The Bush Admin has put their own greed far ahead of the good of the country. But worst of all is what they have done to the foundation of this great country... the U.S. Constitution.

The Bush Administration does not deserve an inkling of respect from the American people.

I realize, in you venture off into liberal lala-land, you've become indoctrinated with the beliefs that this War on Terror thing is a myth. At best, you think it's some isolated group of nuts we can't seem to catch,
Have you ever once seen me claim such bullshit?


No, I just figured you had, since you seem to have lost your mind in other areas lately. I'm glad to hear you don't think like some of the nuts who believe Bush and the government pulled off 9/11. Of course, you are still only in the early stages of the disease...
Have you ever once seen me claim such bullshit?


I do not believe that they are above manipulating this so-called terrorist threat for their own purposes.


so-called terrorist threat? Was this just a slip of the tongue in a moment of haste? It sounds to me like you might be among the tin foil hat crowd... yes, I think the disease has advanced and you weren't even aware of it. Poor Immie.
It's like this... We are facing a threat comparable to, or surpassing the threat we faced in Hitler and Nazism. It is more dangerous to us than the threat of the Cold War was, and has already claimed more innocent civilian American life, than any conflict since the Civil War.

Really? And your buddy George told you about this threat? Did he use the words Mushroom Cloud? Did he tell you the threat level was Red? Did he tell you that Osama bin Ladin was coming to get you personally? Did he make you wet your pants in fear?

Did he tell you that giving up your constitutional freedoms made you a Patriotic American and that it is people like you who love America? Did he tell you that he AND ONLY HE, can protect you from all those evil muslims?

It is a pretty tall order for OBL to fill to be as big of a threat as Adolf Hitler. There is no doubt that fanatical muslims are a threat to us. We should be fighting them. But not with our soldiers bunched up like sheep in a pen with targets painted on their backs.

No, he was achually talking about the possability of there being two bombs. But from my understanding the two terrorists on the plane planed to bring the componants of one bomb. Once those componants were brought together they would make a single bomb.
From what I heard the test run had three of them together with bottles from each. They would make one bomb from three bottles...
And I also heard from another expert who stated that they could easily make a bomb with only one of those that could take down a plane. Competing experts...
I do not believe that they are above manipulating this so-called terrorist threat for their own purposes.


so-called terrorist threat? Was this just a slip of the tongue in a moment of haste? It sounds to me like you might be among the tin foil hat crowd... yes, I think the disease has advanced and you weren't even aware of it. Poor Immie.

I most certainly believe that the Bush Admin would have manipulated the threat for their own purposes. Not planned or instituted the threat as you seem to be inferring here, but simply blowing an issue out of proportion.

Funny how this kind of shit only comes out when the Bush Admin takes a hit or needs a boost. Isn't it?

"Oh my! Those evil muslims are coming to get us. Run for the hills. You need me to protect you. I promise I will do this. Just give me a little bit more of your freedoms say let me put up cameras all around the country and monitor every single step you take. I promise I will only use it for the good of the country. I will never use it against you personally. Just let me do this and I will make you safer still."

How far are you, Dixie, going to trust them?

"Oh my! Those evil muslims are coming to get us. Run for the hills. You need me to protect you. I promise I will do this. Just give me a little bit more of your freedoms say let me put up cameras all around the country and monitor every single step you take. I promise I will only use it for the good of the country. I will never use it against you personally. Just let me do this and I will make you safer still."

These are the issues that I have against the administration. You say that this is hypothetical bullshit? Really? Is it? Need I remind you of The USA Patriot Act? How about the NSA spying scandal? Have you volunteered to let him tap your phones? After all, you are a red blooded patriotic American that would blow his private parts just to make him happy every hour on the hour.

How far are you, Dixie, going to trust them?

Immie, let me explain something to you... If we ever reach a point in this country, where people all have the distrusting attitude you have, we can hang it up. It's over for us. It simply doesn't matter who we elect or what they say or do anyway, because we are not going to ever be able to trust them, and anarchy will erupt. Our very system of government is based on people trusting representation, and if you have lost this, you can't make valid determinations and choices.

It's important to be vigilant in watching the representatives, making certain they are held accountable for wrong-doing, and having oversight in the way things are done, that's prudent, that's legitimate. But at some point, it is important that we elect people we trust, because we simply have to trust government to protect and defend us, it's what we have the government for!
How far are you, Dixie, going to trust them?

Immie, let me explain something to you... If we ever reach a point in this country, where people all have the distrusting attitude you have, we can hang it up. It's over for us. It simply doesn't matter who we elect or what they say or do anyway, because we are not going to ever be able to trust them, and anarchy will erupt. Our very system of government is based on people trusting representation, and if you have lost this, you can't make valid determinations and choices.

It's important to be vigilant in watching the representatives, making certain they are held accountable for wrong-doing, and having oversight in the way things are done, that's prudent, that's legitimate. But at some point, it is important that we elect people we trust, because we simply have to trust government to protect and defend us, it's what we have the government for!

I don't disagree with this, but unfortunately President Bush as squandered the trust we put in him.

Well, maybe not the trust you put in him because it is obvious that you worship him and would bow down before him and service him at the subtlist hint of desire.

Need I remind you of The USA Patriot Act? How about the NSA spying scandal? Have you volunteered to let him tap your phones?

Need I remind you that a plot to bring down 10-20 trans-Atlantic commercial airliners was foiled, largely due to the Patriot Act, NSA, and other provisions put into place by the US, as well as the UK, to enable them to do the same?

It's not a fucking coincidental accident that we haven't been struck again by terrorists, Immie! It's because we now have the essential tools needed to find these people while they hide and plot amongst us, where we didn't have that capacity before. You are so paranoid that Bush is going to find out about the affair you're having with your wife's best friend or whatever, and have such a total lack of trust in the people we elected to govern, that you can't comprehend giving them the leverage to capture terrorists and foil their plots.

I don't like giving up certain freedoms, I don't enjoy being patted down at the airport, I wish I didn't have to allow these incursions on my privacy, but honestly, if that is what our government has to do to protect us from the threat of what we witnessed on 9/11, I can live with it for a while.
unfortunately President Bush as squandered the trust we put in him.

I don't understand what you mean. I know that the left, who are not accustomed to being without power, have done everything they can think of to undermine him with a constant and continuing barrage of criticisms that he is woefully inadequate to answer. One thing you can say for Bush, he tells you what he intends to do, and then he does it, he doesn't back down or flip-flop around on his convictions, he says what he means and means what he says. I don't see where he has "squandered his trust" at all. I see where he has been completely courageous in the face of immense adversity and criticism, and walked through the fire. He could have folded, he could have given up and walked away from Iraq, told the liberals what they wanted to hear... he could've admitted to all he was accused of... would you think more of him for that? Sure, it would have been easy for him to have remained popular, it would have been easy for him to have capitulated to the lefties on every front, with his domestic capitulation to them, he could have been the most popular liberal republican president of all time, but he stood for what he believed was right, and still stands for it, and that takes courage and leadership.
Need I remind you of The USA Patriot Act? How about the NSA spying scandal? Have you volunteered to let him tap your phones?

Need I remind you that a plot to bring down 10-20 trans-Atlantic commercial airliners was foiled, largely due to the Patriot Act, NSA, and other provisions put into place by the US, as well as the UK, to enable them to do the same?

It's not a fucking coincidental accident that we haven't been struck again by terrorists, Immie! It's because we now have the essential tools needed to find these people while they hide and plot amongst us, where we didn't have that capacity before. You are so paranoid that Bush is going to find out about the affair you're having with your wife's best friend or whatever, and have such a total lack of trust in the people we elected to govern, that you can't comprehend giving them the leverage to capture terrorists and foil their plots.

I don't like giving up certain freedoms, I don't enjoy being patted down at the airport, I wish I didn't have to allow these incursions on my privacy, but honestly, if that is what our government has to do to protect us from the threat of what we witnessed on 9/11, I can live with it for a while.

When I have full and undeniable proof of this plot I will be a little less untrusting. So far, it is nothing but accusations. Something I have always told Desh... accusations do not mean guilt. That is something that maybe you should think about.
