Muslims Save the Day

I just dispute the orginal post. Britian worked with the Muslim community and what did they get? More terrroist.
I just dispute the orginal post. Britian worked with the Muslim community and what did they get? More terrroist.
Had they not worked with them they would have had more terrorists and no informers. Planes would be raining from the sky as we type...
I didn't say that. They should work with the community, but they should kick the hate mongers out of the country and not allow them to dictate the agenda. To much worry about how the muslims will feel and not enought concern of the hate they preach.
The post is headlined that Muslim save the day...........completely ignoring the fact that it was Muslims who were trying to blow up airliners!
How so Lady? Were the terrorist Muslim or not?

I will give the intel services the same tip. Chech out any Mosque in the world and you will find some terrorist! LOL
Chech out any Mosque in the world and you will find some terrorist! LOL

Any Mosque? You are a little bigot aren't you....

You are asserting that all Muslims are terrorists... By natural extension of the (cough) logic you are using, all Christians are brain-dead morons, because Bush is a christian and a brain-dead moron...

(For those interested, this is an example of non-sequiter logic, the conclusion isn't reached from the premises..)
Chech out any Mosque in the world and you will find some terrorist! LOL

Any Mosque? You are a little bigot aren't you....

You are asserting that all Muslims are terrorists... By natural extension of the (cough) logic you are using, all Christians are brain-dead morons, because Bush is a christian and a brain-dead moron...

(For those interested, this is an example of non-sequiter logic, the conclusion isn't reached from the premises..)
Hey! All Indians walk in single file because I saw a couple the other day doing that... This means that all Muslims are informers because of the few who told on these terrorists!

No Any, you jump to conclusions not in evidence. Nowhere did I say all Muslims are terrorist. In fact I said nothing like that. But I did say that most terrorist are Muslim. That is not the same thing. Only a fool would confuse the two statements............So what are you?
By the same logic all people from Alabama are assholes because of Dixie's example ? And morons from wherever Toby is from ?
Any, you jump to conclusions not in evidence. Nowhere did I say all Muslims are terrorist. In fact I said nothing like that. But I did say that most terrorist are Muslim. That is not the same thing. Only a fool would confuse the two statements............So what are you?

Hey My-Little-Bigot. You stated that terrorists are found in every Mosque.

Your assertion that most terrorists are Muslim is arse. Muslim terrorists are Muslim.

The IRA and ETA are Catholic, Shining Path are atheists.

You are a moron.
By the same logic all people from Alabama are assholes because of Dixie's example ? And morons from wherever Toby is from ?

Yes, it is non-sequiter or inductive logic....
And if we had not invaded Iraq, could we not have benefitted some from their intelligence as well ? Whassa difference ?

From Iraqi intelligence? Controlled by Saddam, Uday, and Qusay Hussein? You honestly think they would have assisted us in rounding up Zarqawi and the alQaeda element they denied were even in their country? What the fuck do you smoke, anyway? I want some of it!
It is only possible to defeat terrorism by undermining it and isolating it from the community it claims to represent. That way it just withers and dies.

Using brutality in return only feeds it.

This is how the PIRA was defeated...
Has someone accused you of promoting appeasement yet? Don't worry: they will.