Muslims Save the Day

it was a man from Brazil, I believe immie...and they slaughtered accident of course... :(

also, a mentally ill man was slaughtered by our air marshalls not long ago too, so the usa is guilty as hell when it comes to over reacting and killing innocent people...

That is right. There was an incident in Tampa with a mentally ill man that they gunned down because he was acting suspiciously. Who is next? A father chasing his two year old in an airport terminal?

Arnold, go stick your head back in the sand and keep repeating what Mickey Moore told you to... There is no terrorist threat... there is NO terrorist threat!

The Brits, over the course of several months, and in cooperation with the US and Pakistani intelligence, infiltrated an alQaeda operation, and foiled a planned terror attack. You are free to remain in stunned disbelief, you can even concoct conspiracy theories about it, to keep from accepting the truth, it's entirely up to you. Most of us normal rational people, understand the system of jurisprudence, and realize there has to be charges brought and a trial heard, no one is suggesting we take these people out and shoot them in the head based on what we know now. That said, it seems a bit disingenuous to conclude this is much ado about nothing, or that there wasn't a terrorist plot being investigated. There is tangible evidence of this, regardless of who is released or who else they arrest.
Which is what I said you idiotic prole!

I don't know with your question: "But what do you think the evidence supports?" and the prior post: "yeah, but i'm not in the uk. I think their guilty terrorist muslim scumbags." It sounds very much like you have already convicted them so why even bother giving them a trial.

You gave no indication at all that you believe these guys had a right to a fair trial let alone that you would give them the benefit of being considered innocent until proven guilty.

You said, "Look, I am not saying they don't deserve a trial. I am not saying that they are legally right now, guilty." The way I read this is sure give them a mock trial. We all know they are guilty as sin but give them a trial anyway. What do you think the evidence supports? "Legally right now, guilty". What the hell does that mean? Do you even understand what it means to be presumed innocent? By your own words you at presuming them to be guilty first. Maybe they should be presumed guilty and have to prove their innocence?

By your own words you at presuming them to be guilty first. Maybe they should be presumed guilty and have to prove their innocence?

That would be in France.

We can't really know what conclusions the evidence supports. We don't know all of the evidence. We probably don't even know a tenth part of the full body of evidence.
That would be in France.

We can't really know what conclusions the evidence supports. We don't know all of the evidence. We probably don't even know a tenth part of the full body of evidence.

Did you sound like this with regards to karl rove and plame? Tom Delay?
Get up on the wrong side of the bed, Jackass?


In the spirit of correcting each other, Immanuel: "But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also." (Matthew 5:39) ;)
In the spirit of correcting each other, Immanuel: "But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also." (Matthew 5:39) ;)

Suck a rock, Brent.

I turned my cheek the first attack, I was not turning the next cheek.

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Arnold, go stick your head back in the sand and keep repeating what Mickey Moore told you to... There is no terrorist threat... there is NO terrorist threat!

The Brits, over the course of several months, and in cooperation with the US and Pakistani intelligence, infiltrated an alQaeda operation, and foiled a planned terror attack. You are free to remain in stunned disbelief, you can even concoct conspiracy theories about it, to keep from accepting the truth, it's entirely up to you. Most of us normal rational people, understand the system of jurisprudence, and realize there has to be charges brought and a trial heard, no one is suggesting we take these people out and shoot them in the head based on what we know now. That said, it seems a bit disingenuous to conclude this is much ado about nothing, or that there wasn't a terrorist plot being investigated. There is tangible evidence of this, regardless of who is released or who else they arrest.

Which is why we need to invade north korea, right?

Arnold, go stick your head back in the sand and keep repeating what Mickey Moore told you to... There is no terrorist threat... there is NO terrorist threat!

The Brits, over the course of several months, and in cooperation with the US and Pakistani intelligence, infiltrated an alQaeda operation, and foiled a planned terror attack.

Dixie, what I'm saying is that no-one has been convicted yet.

In Britain, we have jurisprudence that states you are innocent until convicted. We don't convict on accusation alone.

That might not be the case in Dixie's New America but it certainly is here.

Given Britain's recent history of arrests that later turned out to be mistaken identity / arrests on false pretenses it is premature to blow the trumpets...
unfortunately President Bush as squandered the trust we put in him.

I don't understand what you mean. I know that the left, who are not accustomed to being without power, have done everything they can think of to undermine him with a constant and continuing barrage of criticisms that he is woefully inadequate to answer. One thing you can say for Bush, he tells you what he intends to do, and then he does it, he doesn't back down or flip-flop around on his convictions, he says what he means and means what he says. I don't see where he has "squandered his trust" at all. I see where he has been completely courageous in the face of immense adversity and criticism, and walked through the fire. He could have folded, he could have given up and walked away from Iraq, told the liberals what they wanted to hear... he could've admitted to all he was accused of... would you think more of him for that? Sure, it would have been easy for him to have remained popular, it would have been easy for him to have capitulated to the lefties on every front, with his domestic capitulation to them, he could have been the most popular liberal republican president of all time, but he stood for what he believed was right, and still stands for it, and that takes courage and leadership.

What a crock of poop Dixie....

He's a Deciever in the biggest of ways...constantly!

Like when he signs a bill from congress with a big hoop dee dah, then immediately afterwords he issues a signing paper saying that he does not have to follow the Bill he just signed, LIKE the speech before Congress and us telling us before the resolution is signed that HE HAS NOT MADE UP HIS MIND YET ABOUT going to war with iraq, while the Downing Street minutes shows his lies and true intent.... yeah, he's a real man of honor and with ethics.... he says he will hold accountable and fire anyone involved in leaking the CIA status of valerie plame....instead he promotes them and keeps them Cheney, who was the original leaker....He signs and says he agrees with the mccain torture bill and then he signs an executive paper saying he doesn't have to follow it...

He's a sneak....a weasle....

he is the biggest FLIP FLOPPER that ever existed in the history of mankind as far as I can see....a Deceiver.....
Actually, they got cooperation and more information on existing terror cells. And its a good thing we're on good terms with Pakistan. They too can help weed out and destroy these cells that exist within their country.

Yes. and don't forget the terror cells they got. doo doo head!
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The point is that you become a racist when you assume all muslams are bad.

No. The point is you become dead when you trust people who, for the most part, want to take over your society with radical islam. Your political correctness stops you from perceiving and or acting upon the truth.