My aviation tribute thread

Final airshow flight of the CH-46 in San Diego.

Final airshow flight of the CH-46 in San Diego.


Love helicopters.

I have only flown in crappy civilian Sikorsky and Eurocopters, but the inner Rambo in me has a real affinity for attack helicopters.

I matched up the AH-64 Apache against the KA-52 Alligator, and break down their aerial prowess as follows: Alligator is more heavily armed and slightly faster. Apache has better range and can reach higher altitude. Probably a reflection of core miltary doctrines of their respective armies.

Love helicopters.

I have only flown in crappy civilian Sikorsky and Eurocopters, but the inner Rambo in me has a real affinity for attack helicopters.

I matched up the AH-64 Apache against the KA-52 Alligator, and break down their aerial prowess as follows: Alligator is more heavily armed and slightly faster. Apache has better range and can reach higher altitude. Probably a reflection of core miltary doctrines of their respective armies.

Obviously the helicopters with guns are sexier than the ones without. :)

When I was in the Navy I flew both the Sikorsky SH-3G and the Beechcraft T-34C:
