My big day!


Well-known member
I made $100,000 today! Today's income has put my firm's profits for this year above all of last year... And we're not half way done yet.... Sorry Im Pretty excited and had to share, I don't tell my personal real life friends this stuff bc it's bragging.
Based on the title of this thread I figured that you finally got laid for the first time, not bragging on fleecing some poor sucker out of his hard-earned cash.
I made $100,000 today! Today's income has put my firm's profits for this year above all of last year... And we're not half way done yet.... Sorry Im Pretty excited and had to share, I don't tell my personal real life friends this stuff bc it's bragging.

Did you make it just today or did you get paid today!
Congrats, maybe when I move to fl I can cut your grass.

It just came in today as a result of a settlement that I was expecting to have a long protracted fight over, but the ins company threw in the towel early.
Glad to hear the good news!!

My day, not so good , but bloody good!!
Most frightening day of my life!!

Glad to hear your good news.
It just came in today as a result of a settlement that I was expecting to have a long protracted fight over, but the ins company threw in the towel early.

As suspected: "bragging on fleecing some poor sucker out of his hard-earned cash. "
Jarod - don't show-up Toppy like that! Only HE can make six figures and celebrate.

That said, congrats councelor!!

Hey burger flipper, I'm well aware Jarod makes double the 180,000 I was making pre retirement.
Which makes it what 10x your lame ass history degrees worth
It just came in today as a result of a settlement that I was expecting to have a long protracted fight over, but the ins company threw in the towel early.

you made a hundred grand in a settlement? are ripping your client should apologize to him for being an ambulance chaser and give him the money, admitting that he should not be harmed twice......
I made $100,000 today! Today's income has put my firm's profits for this year above all of last year... And we're not half way done yet.... Sorry Im Pretty excited and had to share, I don't tell my personal real life friends this stuff bc it's bragging.

you made a hundred grand in a settlement? are ripping your client should apologize to him for being an ambulance chaser and give him the money, admitting that he should not be harmed twice......

How much would the client have gotten without representation? The client knows the fee structure before he/she enters into a contract with the law firm. But you know just want to rag someone....not very Christianly of you.