My big day!

Brag away. True friends will be thrilled for your success.

Thanks for the advice, but my really good friend is having serious financial problems. Normally Id celebrate with him, but Im not going to do that this time. My wife and my paralegal went out for a nice celebration dinner.
Being the greedy bastard that I am, of ourselves I idolize Jarod!
400,000 a year and he lives in a better state.

Dude, Florida aint all that. What state are you in? I am sure it has its advantages. BTW, I suffered in Alabama for four years so.... I did my time in the bottom 5 of states.
Dude, Florida aint all that. What state are you in? I am sure it has its advantages. BTW, I suffered in Alabama for four years so.... I did my time in the bottom 5 of states.
I'm in Louisiana, sure we have the best food and woman!
But I'm looking to buy a vacation home in either key largo or Mexico beach
I'm in Louisiana, sure we have the best food and woman!
But I'm looking to buy a vacation home in either key largo or Mexico beach

Louisiana has better food, I will admit we have better women. Okay, Ill also admit that Louisiana is sonly slightly better than Alabama.
Jarod - don't show-up Toppy like that! Only HE can make six figures and celebrate.

That said, congrats councelor!!

Oh I"m sure Toppers not the only one on JPP making a six figure income. My household income is slightly in excess of 6 figures. DY is a PE and most PE's make a six figure income. I have a hunch Damo makes in excess of six figures too. SF is in the financial/investment racket. If he doesn't out right make a 6 figure income he'd probably have a household figure that high if he had a significant other and they worked. You'd probably double your income inside of 5 to 10 years yourself if you learned a marketable skill or profession and got off the government tit. The fact is, $100,000 just isn't what it used to be.
Jarod, don't worry about the naysayers on this site. You worked hard, you took risks, you defended your client, you won. Congratulations!
Keep in mind that the $100,000 after taxes and overhead is only about $50,000 gross profit. Then he has to split that with partners, make capital investments back into the business, etc, etc. So from a small business standpoint it's really not that much money. Still....sure beats a sharp stick in the eye!! (sorry.....not trying to depress you Jarod).
Despite what Wiki says, the jury found that:

A) the woman did not spill it on herself, but that the lid was not secured and as the cup was handed to Mrs. Liebeck the cup of coffee, so hot as to exceed OSHA standards, spilled on to her genitals scalding them.

B) McDonalds had been warned and fined for serving coffee that was so hot that it was not consumable even after waiting 10 min's.

C) The jury considered an internal McDonalds document that instructed the restaurants to make the coffee so hot, because studies indicated it produced an aroma that would significantly increase coffee sales.

D) The jury awarded putative damages in the amount of profit McDonalds makes from coffee in a month.

E) The Judge reduced the award by more than half.

F) McDonalds then appealed and ultimately Ms. Liebeck settled for an undisclosed amount less than $700,000.
DY is pwned again! LOL
Nope, but the driver of the other car has not been asked to pay anything.
Be nice if you worked in Ohio. My best friend lost a leg when an old lady t-boned him on his motorcycle. It's been 18 months and they still don't have a settlement. What really sucks is that as a tradesman (he's skilled carpentor/cabinet maker) his lively hood has pretty much been taken away from him and it's doubtful that the settlement will even beging to cover the lost wages over time.
Dude, Florida aint all that. What state are you in? I am sure it has its advantages. BTW, I suffered in Alabama for four years so.... I did my time in the bottom 5 of states.
Yea...I never thought Florida was that great. Once you get away from the coast Florida is mostly scrub land and swamp......there's far, far more geezers waiting to die there then they're hot babes running around in bikinis and though Miami has it's nice points and places it's by and large a very ugly city with an unacceptable crime rate. I'd take either of the Carolinas over Florida. It don't get much better than the North Carolina triad and the piedmont region.