My big day!

You sound like a defender of the free market all of a sudden. Nobody begrudges him making money, just his blatant hypocrisy.

Spell out this blatant hypocrisy for me.... If you can. I'm fairly sure you just made that up out of spite or jealously.
Despite what Wiki says, the jury found that:

A) the woman did not spill it on herself, but that the lid was not secured and as the cup was handed to Mrs. Liebeck the cup of coffee, so hot as to exceed OSHA standards, spilled on to her genitals scalding them.

B) McDonalds had been warned and fined for serving coffee that was so hot that it was not consumable even after waiting 10 min's.

C) The jury considered an internal McDonalds document that instructed the restaurants to make the coffee so hot, because studies indicated it produced an aroma that would significantly increase coffee sales.

D) The jury awarded putative damages in the amount of profit McDonalds makes from coffee in a month.

E) The Judge reduced the award by more than half.

F) McDonalds then appealed and ultimately Ms. Liebeck settled for an undisclosed amount less than $700,000.

The idea that an ill-informed idiot like DY might actually consult Wikipedia for a LEGAL ARGUMENT is ludicrous.
Despite what Wiki says, the jury found that:

A) the woman did not spill it on herself, but that the lid was not secured and as the cup was handed to Mrs. Liebeck the cup of coffee, so hot as to exceed OSHA standards, spilled on to her genitals scalding them.


F) McDonalds then appealed and ultimately Ms. Liebeck settled for an undisclosed amount less than $700,000.

Its your opinion that she didn't spill it on herself. If a lid was not secured or not makes no difference. She was careless. McD's obviously settled so they could stop paying blood sucking lawyers and get the case off the front page. The fact that they settled proves that she was partially or fully at fault.
just stop talking about things about which you don't understand. The other driver is a defendant, but I generally don't insist on being paid more than the limit of the insurance policies.

lol.....I understand it better than you want to admit......