My big day!

We hate predatory lawyers, like John Edwards, that Breck Girl.

Predatory lawyers? What do you know about the case Jarod was working on? How do you know it was "predatory"?

So, let me get this like unfettered Capitalism and that Gubmint should stay out of it's way.

When we ask "what if a Capitalist rips off consumers, creates unsafe products that hurt or even kill consumers?" You guys say "That's what the court system is for...we don't NEED Gubmint regulation".

But here you are going off about "predatory lawyers" without even knowing the slightest detail about the you have something against the court system too.

Guess we're back to Gubmint regulation because you people are too scatterbrained to keep your own ideology straight.

Why don't you just say...."We bow down at the feet of our Corporate Masters and acknowledge their greatness, and pray for benevolence from those so powerful to trickle down to our unworthy selves". It would probably be the most truthful shit your side has spoken in a long time.
you made a hundred grand in a settlement? are ripping your client should apologize to him for being an ambulance chaser and give him the money, admitting that he should not be harmed twice......

I know right? I mean he could have done it for $5,000 and given the other $95,000 to the injured, the poor, the homeless.

But, nooooooooooooooo, the greedy prick wants to keep it for himself. Funny Moot the Hippo posted something the other day that democrats feel guilty about the money they make. Sure don't see that here.

It has been my experience that liberals are the most greedy, self absorbed pricks on the planet. Generally speaking that is
Predatory lawyers? What do you know about the case Jarod was working on? How do you know it was "predatory"?
Because I know Jarod, he's liberal. Liberal lawyers work on cases where a gal spills hot coffee on herself then sues McD's for millions. She purchased a hot beverage and then burned herself with it.

you got paid today for what you worked on for likely months

It consumed a large % if my business for 6 months. My client was very happy for me to be paid that money. It was a risk on my part as sometimes cases do fall apart and I would not have been paid at all. I also put a significant portion of my own money into the case with no guarantee that I would get it back.
Because I know Jarod, he's liberal. Liberal lawyers work on cases where a gal spills hot coffee on herself then sues McD's for millions. She purchased a hot beverage and then burned herself with it.

The case you outlined above has never happened.
It consumed a large % if my business for 6 months. My client was very happy for me to be paid that money. It was a risk on my part as sometimes cases do fall apart and I would not have been paid at all. I also put a significant portion of my own money into the case with no guarantee that I would get it back.

So what? You think that entitles you to gouge people?

You know oil companies do the same thing. Businesses all across the country do the same thing and you criticize them and call them greedy. Now you have the balls to go all capitalist when it suits you? FUCK OFF
why does the right hate capitalism when people on the left take part in it?

Hey Twatly Dumbest,

Allow me to explain to your cognitively deficient ass. I love the free market. But, you libtard bash it every chance you get. Now all of a sudden your fellow traveler makes some cash and you are the second coming of Adam Smith.

We are just exposing your hypocrisy you dumb bitch
So what? You think that entitles you to gouge people?

You know oil companies do the same thing. Businesses all across the country do the same thing and you criticize them and call them greedy. Now you have the balls to go all capitalist when it suits you? FUCK OFF

I'm not gouging anyone. One big difference between me an the oil companies is that I provide a service, not sell a product. Additionally, if insurance companies were to treat people with fairness, I would be out of a job. One of the amazingly great things about our legal system (provided for by out government) is that my small little two (sometimes three) person office can take on HUGE behemoths like The Hartford, or Publix or even the United States Government and often win. The fact that we just might win... sometimes forces them to do the right thing.
Hey Twatly Dumbest,

Allow me to explain to your cognitively deficient ass. I love the free market. But, you libtard bash it every chance you get. Now all of a sudden your fellow traveler makes some cash and you are the second coming of Adam Smith.

We are just exposing your hypocrisy you dumb bitch

It is funny how upset the conservatives get when the free market works for individuals over large corporations!
Jarod, don't worry about the naysayers on this site. You worked hard, you took risks, you defended your client, you won. Congratulations!
The case you outlined above has never happened.
From wiki:

Liebeck v. McDonald's Restaurants,[1] also known as the McDonald's coffee case and the hot coffee lawsuit, was a 1994 product liability lawsuit that became a flashpoint in the debate in the United States over tort reform. A New Mexico civil jury awarded $2.86 million to plaintiff Stella Liebeck who had suffered third-degree burns in her pelvic region when she accidentally spilled hot coffee in her lap after purchasing it from a McDonald's restaurant.
Jarod, don't worry about the naysayers on this site. You worked hard, you took risks, you defended your client, you won. Congratulations!

Thank you for saying so... I don't worry about them, I simply would like to offer them the opportunity to be enlightened when they so choose.
So what? You think that entitles you to gouge people?

You know oil companies do the same thing. Businesses all across the country do the same thing and you criticize them and call them greedy. Now you have the balls to go all capitalist when it suits you? FUCK OFF

Do you know what the client got in the settlement? No? Then how can you say he "gouged" someone? By the dollar figure alone($100k)?

What if the client got a million dollar settlement? That's only 10%. And as Jarod said....if the case fell apart, he would have gotten nothing. How many other businesses can say that? Oil companies have the country over a barrel(no pun intended). They risk nothing...when they raise their prices people grumble...but not at them....they grumble about government...and they keep buying the product because they need it to get to work and to heat their homes.
From wiki:

Despite what Wiki says, the jury found that:

A) the woman did not spill it on herself, but that the lid was not secured and as the cup was handed to Mrs. Liebeck the cup of coffee, so hot as to exceed OSHA standards, spilled on to her genitals scalding them.

B) McDonalds had been warned and fined for serving coffee that was so hot that it was not consumable even after waiting 10 min's.

C) The jury considered an internal McDonalds document that instructed the restaurants to make the coffee so hot, because studies indicated it produced an aroma that would significantly increase coffee sales.

D) The jury awarded putative damages in the amount of profit McDonalds makes from coffee in a month.

E) The Judge reduced the award by more than half.

F) McDonalds then appealed and ultimately Ms. Liebeck settled for an undisclosed amount less than $700,000.
I know right? I mean he could have done it for $5,000 and given the other $95,000 to the injured, the poor, the homeless.

But, nooooooooooooooo, the greedy prick wants to keep it for himself. Funny Moot the Hippo posted something the other day that democrats feel guilty about the money they make. Sure don't see that here.

It has been my experience that liberals are the most greedy, self absorbed pricks on the planet. Generally speaking that is

Yes, jealousy is any ugly thing indeed.

ESPECIALLY when it's emanating from several of the board's "personal responsibility" Righties!

How much would the client have gotten without representation? The client knows the fee structure before he/she enters into a contract with the law firm. But you know just want to rag someone....not very Christianly of you.

not very christianly?.....I'm not the guy who took a third of his client's money for a few hours work.......