"My Generation" a 60's documentary by Michael Caine is THE BEST I've ever seen!

You're hardly alone. Get over yourself, and for Christ's sake stop moaning all the time.

Either enjoy the time you have left or use the Wolf. Know what I mean?

I live a blessed life, aren't you a trained lawyer?

If so your reading comprehension skills have really slipped.
We, those of us who got ourselves educated, know how Bus Rides to UTOPIA turn out, every time.

"In the end everyone starves"

Are you going off on a tangent based on what I did and felt and thought as a 17 year old kid?

Look, that was then, this is now.

If you are crazy, I will leave you be.

If you are high, chill out and when you aren't high we can see what's goin on.

But I don't go for bs.
Are you going off on a tangent based on what I did and felt and thought as a 17 year old kid?

Look, that was then, this is now.

If you are crazy, I will leave you be.

If you are high, chill out and when you aren't high we can see what's goin on.

But I don't go for bs.

Take what you can use and leave the rest. I am sorry that you dont know what is going on here but I did my part in pointing you in the right direction. The rest is up to you.

From an emotional standpoint, I liked the alternate ending. But in the interests of society and to make a strong statement, the current ending is best. And if I had the power to choose which ending was to be the one released to the public, I'd go with the Director's choice.
Take what you can use and leave the rest. I am sorry that you dont know what is going on here but I did my part in pointing you in the right direction. The rest is up to you.

Thanks for nothing.

This is aggravating me to the point of making me want another toke.

And with that, I will leave.


Thanks Legion.
Of course you realize that change Caine is talking about generated from the left, Paul Goodman's "Growing up Absurd" wasn't a conservative perspective

What I watched of the film was entertaining, but I don't know how informative, always get skeptical when people place so much emphasis on music as a vehicle of social change

The Left back then was not against banning the fuck out of everything, like now.