You first.
You asked if there was anything else!
I didn't think you would have "anything else", because you didn't have much to begin with.
You go.
You first.
He would be an idiot to testify. An interview with Mueller would have one objective, to get Trump with something, anything. It wouldn't be about Russia or collusion. This has been a plot by the unhinged loony left from the beginning. Release his taxes? Did Obama ever release his college transcripts? Do you think Trump should be charged with "criminal jerkiness"?![]()
...get his lawyers to instruct him NOT to speak with Special Counsel Mueller.
Trump may be a bit stupid...but not so stupid that he'd actually answer Mueller's questions. Even Trump realizes he is so addicted to lying...he'd dig his own grave.
What do you think?
You are absolutely correct, PP...I AM guessing.
We will soon see if my guess is correct...or wrong.
Do you have a guess on the matter?
Ah, like Comey, Rosenstein and all the rest. Got it!
Trump is a smart man, he hires the best lawyers.
in order to compel Trump's testimony he will have to be charged with something by doing so he will have to present a prima facie case of wrong doing.....I don't think he's even has been suggested that Trump's lawyers insist that any meeting for an interview follow a presentation of fact by Mueller.......
No he does not have to be charged with anything. Mueller can compel him to speak if he thinks he may have information pertinent to his case.
Since Mueller has found nothing, and resorted to prosecuting "process crimes", there is no reason for the POTUS to entertain the matter any further. Especially since there is so much evidence that he's relying on which is "fruit of the poison tree".
Oh, i seem to have missed that announcement. I guess having 4 members of Trumps entourage plead guilty is finding nothing. Take a break with Mueller finding nothing. He obviously has found plenty and we do not know to what degree Trump is involved. There is a shithole of evidence and several Trumpy workers talking. But try and remember. It is not over yet.
"process crimes"
Trump knows how to play rightys. He boasts that he will to happy to speak to Mueller, under oath. Then later, I will be happy to, dependent upon my lawyers. He knows his lawyers are going to tell him not to. Then you idiots will believe that Trump really, really wants to talk, but they will not let him. The conman is good at playing his people. Trump can end this all. Just release his fucking taxes.
...get his lawyers to instruct him NOT to speak with Special Counsel Mueller.
Trump may be a bit stupid...but not so stupid that he'd actually answer Mueller's questions. Even Trump realizes he is so addicted to lying...he'd dig his own grave.
What do you think?
I think when the rubber hits the road he may very well plead the 5th amendment
saying that the questions are setting up to trap him into saying something that's not in
his best intrests, this will start a storm in this country
you can see the above being set up by the house and senate saying the investigations
are bogus and they are set up to get the president. there is a rocky road ahead
I guess having 4 members of Trumps entourage plead guilty is finding nothing.
given that nothing anyone has been charged with is related to Trump's campaign, you guess right......