Let's go Brandon!
"process crimes"
If he pleas the 5th that should be the end of him, but with the way his supporters dont care about his lack of honesty and ethics, he might get away with it.
If there's incriminating evidence in his taxes, wouldn't they have been leaked by now?
Possibly, but if there's nothing, why is he so set against making them public like every other president for the past half century? Don't you think that's suspicious?
His 'base', of course, say that nobody is interested and it doesn't matter anyway. Lol.
Since Mueller has found nothing, and resorted to prosecuting "process crimes", there is no reason for the POTUS to entertain the matter any further. Especially since there is so much evidence that he's relying on which is "fruit of the poison tree".
Yeah, sure.
If the president were Hillary Clinton...and she refused to release hers...these guys would be setting the planet on fire with their rage!
I know right? guy confessed to telling investigators he met with a Russian on the 15th when it was really the 25th......another confessed to telling the Russian ambassador after the election, that he was sorry Obama was such a dickhead and that would they please not over-react over the idiotic sanctions he placed on the Russians.......the other one has pled not guilty......
4. Popadopolous, Gates, Flynn and Manafort are telling all to Mueller. 4 is more than one in the real world. I know, not on Fox Gnus. There are probably more lower levels telling all. Trump will step down to avoid a trial.
4. Popadopolous, Gates, Flynn and Manafort are telling all to Mueller. 4 is more than one in the real world. I know, not on Fox Gnus. There are probably more lower levels telling all. Trump will step down to avoid a trial.
I'm hoping he will step down...TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
none of the indictments listed have anything to do with Trump or collusion.......they can tell all they want but it isn't going to hurt the president........
The words are obstruction and money laundering. Try and keep up.
I'm sure he will......when his term expires in 2024.....
When did Mueller close the case?
none of the indictments listed have anything to do with Trump or collusion.......they can tell all they want but it isn't going to hurt the president........
Possibly, but if there's nothing, why is he so set against making them public like every other president for the past half century? Don't you think that's suspicious?
His 'base', of course, say that nobody is interested and it doesn't matter anyway. Lol.
Who said that he did?
What is stupid is assuming that someone from the Mueller team wouldn't leak any findings that show Trump in a bad light in a heartbeat.Those who say there is no evidence of 1. obstruction 2 money laundering 3. collusion. The public does not know what Mueller has accumulated. That is shown in a trial. They certainly would not simply put it in public. But people on this board keep saying no evidence . That is just so wrong and so stupid.
There is no way to know that. Quit making shit up. Trump is obviously involved since all these people, have one common denominator, Trump.
you and I have a common denominator......this thread.......that does not make me responsible for your stupidity........