My job don't seem so bad now

Communist revolutionaries were violent. The far left is pretty much dead today, while the far right is alive and kickin, never had it better since the 20's and 30's.
OK, so you don't hang on my every word like Solitary. Its rather pitiful that I pwn him like this. :)

First it was your "real men" stuff. Then you try and shift over to them wanting to beat you up because you are more intellectual. Now its back to this diversion?

SM, other than the 'New Toy' thread, there has been no place you made a bigger fool of yourself than here.

I've enjoyed it.
That's not the stereotypes I was referring to.

Also that statistic means that, from their standpoint, only 25%, or 1/4 of America voted for the Democratic party (10% of blacks [who are 14% of the population] equals about 1.4% and 25% of hispanics [15% of the population] is just under 4%) Still not a majority of, well, anything.
What stereotype were you refering to then?
It's AWESOME when a dude who is addicted to porn, and who routinely on almost a daily basis, post misogynistic imagery, and sexually degrades women, has the fucking nerve to lecture somebody on sensitivity.

That was hilarious, man.
Don't blame Billy. They forced him to take sensitivity training in the Marine Corp.
So your idea is to go into a union hall and open fire? Yeah, how manly of you. Gunning down unarmed men.

As for you being smarter than they are, you might want to talk to some of the guys before you make that assessment. they might surprise you.
Just more talk. Odds are, the guys in the union hall would be better armed too! LOL
It depends on the latitude you give to the word. Any guy who is sensitive to women's needs can be broadly defined as a feminist...
I don't agree with that. By that standard every married man in the world is a Feminist. That's the opposite extreme of Andrea Dworkins claim that, by proxy, any man who has had sex with a woman is a rapist.
I don't agree with that. By that standard every married man in the world is a Feminist. That's the opposite extreme of Andrea Dworkins claim that, by proxy, any man who has had sex with a woman is a rapist.

I don't think she was in much danger of being raped! Certainly not a Fuhrer, but she was definitely one of the gauleiters of the feminazis.
