My job don't seem so bad now

Walk the talk. Go to your local union hall and tell them that in person and don't worry about getting hurt. The'll take one look at you and be to busy laughing to take you seriously! :)

Dude, cons watch Fox News and think all liberals look like Alan Colmes.

Don't forget dude, that a random sampling of "liberals", would actually probably be, in large measure, black and hispanic men. My money is on my vato loco home boys, and the union goons.

Dude, you also have to remember that "liberals" are, on average, about 2.36 decades younger than Cons. Just look at the god damn freaking Tea Bag parties. A "random" sampling would pit a 30 year old liberal, against a 60 year old depends undergarmets-wearing teabagger.


And you know what dude? I put my money on the black and hispanic gals from NAACP and La Raza, against most teabagging Con dudes. Check out Cynthia McKinney: she beat the shit out of a cop!
Dude, cons watch Fox News and think all liberals look like Alan Colmes.

Don't forget dude, that a random sampling of "liberals", would actually probably be, in large measure, black and hispanic men. My money is on my vato loco home boys, and the union goons.

Dude, you also have to remember that "liberals" are, on average, about 2.36 decades younger than Cons. Just look at the god damn freaking Tea Bag parties. A "random" sampling would pit a 30 year old liberal, against a 60 year old depends undergarmets-wearing teabagger.


And you know what dude? I put my money on the black and hispanic gals from NAACP and La Raza, against most teabagging Con dudes. Check out Cynthia McKinney: she beat the shit out of a cop!
Two things;

Firstly, AWESOME use of racial stereotypes. I always thought black people, or hispanic people, were just like everyone else, measured as individuals. Guess I was wrong

Secondly, Blacks and hispanics combined only represent about 30% of the U.S. population.
Two things;

Firstly, AWESOME use of racial stereotypes. I always thought black people, or hispanic people, were just like everyone else, measured as individuals. Guess I was wrong

Secondly, Blacks and hispanics combined only represent about 30% of the U.S. population.
Uhhh dude, that's not a stereotype. In the last election cycle blacks voted 90% for Dems and Hispanics were 75%. That means they represent more then half the Democratic constituency which makes his comment a factually accurate one and not a stereotype.
Uhhh dude, that's not a stereotype. In the last election cycle blacks voted 90% for Dems and Hispanics were 75%. That means they represent more then half the Democratic constituency which makes his comment a factually accurate one and not a stereotype.
That's not the stereotypes I was referring to.

Also that statistic means that, from their standpoint, only 25%, or 1/4 of America voted for the Democratic party (10% of blacks [who are 14% of the population] equals about 1.4% and 25% of hispanics [15% of the population] is just under 4%) Still not a majority of, well, anything.
Two things;

Firstly, AWESOME use of racial stereotypes. I always thought black people, or hispanic people, were just like everyone else, measured as individuals. Guess I was wrong

Secondly, Blacks and hispanics combined only represent about 30% of the U.S. population.

It's AWESOME when a dude who is addicted to porn, and who routinely on almost a daily basis, post misogynistic imagery, and sexually degrades women, has the fucking nerve to lecture somebody on sensitivity.

That was hilarious, man.
It's AWESOME when a dude who is addicted to porn, and who routinely on almost a daily basis, post misogynistic imagery, and sexually degrades women, has the fucking nerve to lecture somebody on sensitivity.

That was hilarious, man.

There's nothing on earth more annoying than anti-sex feminists.
That's not the stereotypes I was referring to.

Also that statistic means that, from their standpoint, only 25%, or 1/4 of America voted for the Democratic party (10% of blacks [who are 14% of the population] equals about 1.4% and 25% of hispanics [15% of the population] is just under 4%) Still not a majority of, well, anything.

Use it or lose it. People who don't vote shouldn't be tallied towards the Republican total.
It's AWESOME when a dude who is addicted to porn, and who routinely on almost a daily basis, post misogynistic imagery, and sexually degrades women, has the fucking nerve to lecture somebody on sensitivity.

That was hilarious, man.
So, really nothing of substance to counter what I said? In effect what you've said "is takes on to know one", which refutes nothing.

You'd never see it coming. :)

So your idea is to go into a union hall and open fire? Yeah, how manly of you. Gunning down unarmed men.

As for you being smarter than they are, you might want to talk to some of the guys before you make that assessment. they might surprise you.
So your idea is to go into a union hall and open fire? Yeah, how manly of you. Gunning down unarmed men.

As for you being smarter than they are, you might want to talk to some of the guys before you make that assessment. they might surprise you.
Wow, and some say the left is violent...