My mother (retired RN) who is not vaccinated, has contracted Covid...

they aren't putting me in harms way - it is a non issue
What a selfish sociopathic take on this issue

Maybe. He certainly believes he's invulnerable to COVID-19 and all of its variations plus denies he's a carrier all because he had COVID last year.

Does being a resident of Mount Stupid make one selfish and/or a sociopath?

Maybe. He certainly believes he's invulnerable to COVID-19 and all of its variations plus denies he's a carrier all because he had COVID last year.

Does being a resident of Mount Stupid make one selfish and/or a sociopath?


I had the double vax - and covid - so other peoples vax status is of little concern to me

you want to go through life a pussy. it's your choice. lots make that choice.

my risk is my own doing - I like live music - so I am around people all the time
I had the double vax - and covid - so other peoples vax status is of little concern to me

you want to go through life a pussy. it's your choice. lots make that choice.

my risk is my own doing - I like live music - so I am around people all the time

Ah, the story changes. Awesome. Now you are seeing the difficulty of sock puppetry; keeping one's stories straight. LOL

your partisan douche baggery knows no bounds

If I survived covid once, I'm likely not going to take monoclonal antibodies, or need hospitalization catching it again - it provided similar - if not better protection. as the vax. the long history of science suggested that is how it works and sure enough - the largest study to date verified it (which I linked to)

as for me personally, I had a vax, and survived covid with no complications other than temporary loss of smell - so I will say fuck no to the booster - completely not needed for me
what story changed? - I am saying I got the two shot vax - not the J & J.

Awesome. It doesn't change your weak knowledge of science, but you're free to choose horse dewormer, magic potions or believe you have an expertise in virology that surpasses the best US doctors.

God Bless America!

Awesome. It doesn't change your weak knowledge of science, but you're free to choose horse dewormer, magic potions or believe you have an expertise in virology that surpasses the best US doctors.

We do have great medicine here. I have many issues, and am thankful for my team of dr's - who pointed out the largest study and are also on board with me not needing a booster because of that and other studies.

your partisan douche baggery requires you bring up that stupid horse dewormer stuff, but that has nothing to do with me or my positions here. so sad and intellectually bankrupt but you be you.
We do have great medicine here. I have many issues, and am thankful for my team of dr's - who pointed out the largest study and are also on board with me not needing a booster because of that and other studies.

your partisan douche baggery requires you bring up that stupid horse dewormer stuff, but that has nothing to do with me or my positions here. so sad and intellectually bankrupt but you be you.

The tale grows. First you made a choice and now you're just following doctor's orders. Kudos! :hand:

What partisan douche baggery do you think I'm pushing? Why not just general assholish arrogance laughing about idiots screaming from the top of Mount Stupid?

Thanks, I do my best to be me 24/7! :thup:
The tale grows. First you made a choice and now you're just following doctor's orders. Kudos! :hand:

What partisan douche baggery do you think I'm pushing? Why not just general assholish arrogance laughing about idiots screaming from the top of Mount Stupid?

Thanks, I do my best to be me 24/7! :thup:

it is always my choice - but you keep tilting at windmills shit stain.
you are delusional. cuckoo. cuckoo

done wasting time with the dip shits on this glorious day

Always possible but how does that change the fact you are clamoring about your heroism for avoiding vaccinations? How does that change the fact you've lied about your vaccination status and doctors?
So, my mother has now tested 3 times free of Covid and is out and about. She survived Covid, unvaccinated.

Now, to compare. My sister (her caregiver) is vaccinated. She got ill, but never tested positive for Covid and was only sick for about 5 days. My mother was ill for over a month and got all cranky and upset that she couldn't go out. Nearly drove my sister out of her mind.
So, my mother has now tested 3 times free of Covid and is out and about. She survived Covid, unvaccinated.

Now, to compare. My sister (her caregiver) is vaccinated. She got ill, but never tested positive for Covid and was only sick for about 5 days. My mother was ill for over a month and got all cranky and upset that she couldn't go out. Nearly drove my sister out of her mind.

Hopefully no permanent effects.