My mother (retired RN) who is not vaccinated, has contracted Covid...

The largest study - is being peer reviewed - but this is a novel virus - and it takes time

in the meantime - precedent says natural immunity has been the gold standard - so until we have peer reviewed studies proving otherwise - this is the way forward

Again, I fully support your right to inject yourself with bleach and eat horse dewormer.

What does this have to do with me? I'm a science geek, not a Facebook fan. You like Facebook Folk Remedies and I keep my vaccinations updated. Each to their own.

God Bless America!

Again, I fully support your right to inject yourself with bleach and eat horse dewormer.

your partisan douche baggery knows no bounds

If I survived covid once, I'm likely not going to take monoclonal antibodies, or need hospitalization catching it again - it provided similar - if not better protection. as the vax. the long history of science suggested that is how it works and sure enough - the largest study to date verified it (which I linked to)

as for me personally, I had a vax, and survived covid with no complications other than temporary loss of smell - so I will say fuck no to the booster - completely not needed for me
your partisan douche baggery knows no bounds

If I survived covid once, I'm likely not going to take monoclonal antibodies, or need hospitalization catching it again - it provided similar - if not better protection. as the vax. the long history of science suggested that is how it works and sure enough - the largest study to date verified it (which I linked to)

as for me personally, I had a vax, and survived covid with no complications other than temporary loss of smell - so I will say fuck no to the booster - completely not needed for me

Only a fucking douchebag idiot doesn't know that about 98.5% of all US COVID cases are survivable. That's not the fucking problem. The problem is that 1.5% of 330,000,000 is 4,950,000 dead Americans. Mostly the elderly and other higher-risk groups.

Of the survivors, 25% will have some form of long COVID; some just a few weeks, some months, some worse. That's a substantial work loss from the American public. Imagine if every store, restaurant, trucking firm took a 25% "out sick" hit?

That said, I think it's in the best interests of the country and every individual American to stay healthy, follow their doctor's advice and keep their vaccinations updated.

If someone wants to not take that advice in favor of ingesting bleach or horse dewormer, I'm good with that. If they try to give it it kids or force it upon others, then that's a problem.
Only a fucking douchebag idiot doesn't know that about 98.5% of all US COVID cases are survivable. That's not the fucking problem. The problem is that 1.5% of 330,000,000 is 4,950,000 dead Americans. Mostly the elderly and other higher-risk groups.

hey dipshit - this is about someone that already got covid and survived it having a scientific reason to not get vaxxed. bringing up all the dead people shows you are a brain dead reject incapable of even discussing anything besides the point on top of your head
hey dipshit - this is about someone that already got covid and survived it having a scientific reason to not get vaxxed. bringing up all the dead people shows you are a brain dead reject incapable of even discussing anything besides the point on top of your head

There is a scientific reason but you got me all wrong, son. I'm not trying to convince you to get the vaccine. In fact, I encourage you to avoid all doctors and vaccines for the rest of your life.

FWIW; Don't wear a seatbelt - it's been proven that blood flow to the testes are cut off by the seatbelt causing lack of fertility in white men because they're the only ones stupid enough to wear seatbelts.

Same for motorcycle helmets - the constriction on the head causes irreversible brain damage. Helmets are for losers.

Good luck with your future career!
There is a scientific reason but you got me all wrong, son. I'm not trying to convince you to get the vaccine. In fact, I encourage you to avoid all doctors and vaccines for the rest of your life.

FWIW; Don't wear a seatbelt - it's been proven that blood flow to the testes are cut off by the seatbelt causing lack of fertility in white men because they're the only ones stupid enough to wear seatbelts.

Same for motorcycle helmets - the constriction on the head causes irreversible brain damage. Helmets are for losers.

Good luck with your future career!

Ever so charming as usual.
Thanks Tom. The Misses and I contracted COVID-19 last January and though our symptoms were never close to life threatening we were both sick for a month. That was not fun at all and we both received our vaccinations as soon as we were eligible. Neither one of us wanted to even remotely take a chance of getting it again.

Same for me Mott. I had it last Christmas through New Years. It was a two week ordeal for me, with the peak being the second week. Then I was fine. I never had any breathing issues during the first two weeks but during the third week it was as if I’d been back to my pack a day smoking habit. Then nothing. My regular doctor recommended I get the vaccination when I saw him in March so I did. I definitely didn’t want that mess again. Mainly high fever, stuffed nose and body aches. Walk, walk, walk. Even when I was quarantined I walked as much as I could. Good thing I live in the boonies with little chance of encountering anyone. During all of this my wife never got it, but my 17 year old son did. He didn’t know it though. Showed up on antibody test later.
Same for me Mott. I had it last Christmas through New Years. It was a two week ordeal for me, with the peak being the second week. Then I was fine. I never had any breathing issues during the first two weeks but during the third week it was as if I’d been back to my pack a day smoking habit. Then nothing. My regular doctor recommended I get the vaccination when I saw him in March so I did. I definitely didn’t want that mess again. Mainly high fever, stuffed nose and body aches. Walk, walk, walk. Even when I was quarantined I walked as much as I could. Good thing I live in the boonies with little chance of encountering anyone. During all of this my wife never got it, but my 17 year old son did. He didn’t know it though. Showed up on antibody test later.

I didn’t miss a single day of work though I was working remotely and I do have a desk job that made it possible but was a long slog going to work everyday. I caught it from the Misses who probably caught it at work.

That’s one of the weird things about COVID. My wife caught it and moderate to light flu/cold symptoms. Her brother who was no less/more healthy than his sister and within a day he had double viral pneumonia and 4.5 days after initial symptoms was dead.
I didn’t miss a single day of work though I was working remotely and I do have a desk job that made it possible but was a long slog going to work everyday. I caught it from the Misses who probably caught it at work.

That’s one of the weird things about COVID. My wife caught it and moderate to light flu/cold symptoms. Her brother who was no less/more healthy than his sister and within a day he had double viral pneumonia and 4.5 days after initial symptoms was dead.

I get two weeks off from work for Christmas and had it then. Then our school had to go virtual the following week because too many on staff still had it so we didn’t have enough for in person classes. Weird is so right. It was the same in our community. This one would get it and be OK. Another would get it and be gone in a week or two. During the two weeks I had it we lost three men from our small community. We lost another this past August. My wife’s grandmother (99. Now but 98 at the time) is in a nursing home in KY and got it … never more than a runny nose. It’s a crazy sickness.
I'm not wishing ill of anybody's mom.

I just fucking don't get it.
They offered the vaccines for FREE.
An RN is an educated individual. AND a health professional.

There's nothing about these stories that make any sense whatsoever.
I find them infuriating.
... mind if I offer to perform a kidney transplant on you for FREE??? How about a FREE gastric bypass surgery??
She said, and I quote here, "I don't believe in it."

Personally, I think she thinks it is the mark of the beast, that at some point you won't be able to buy or sell anything unless you prove that you have one... That folks without it will be put in camps, etc. Basically, she's a Tribulation believer.
I share much of what you think her sentiment is, except for the mark of the beast bit. These jabs are NOT the mark of the beast, although they seem to be a precursor to it.

As for the not being able to buy/sell thing, that's already starting to happen in parts of the world if one chooses to be unjabbed. Some governments are also starting to put unjabbed people into camps as well. Those sentiments are not at all far-fetched, as that sort of stuff is already happening in parts of the world.

The next big push (after the global "vaccination" effort) is for vaccine passports to become a global thing as well.
... mind if I offer to perform a kidney transplant on you for FREE??? How about a FREE gastric bypass surgery??

Only a leftist is stupid enough to think something the taxpayers fund is "free". I suspect it's because so few of them pay federal income tax, since IMO it's unlikely any of them earn much income.

For example, the Pfizer juju juice jab costs the US government about $20 per dose.

The other mRNA shots are about the same.

Over 445 million doses of juju juice have been administered in the U.S.A. alone to date (and Sleepy Joe has "helped" other countries to some of OUR purchases).

That’s $9 billion the taxpayers have shelled out so far. But there's more.

Spending on research and development cost American taxpayers at $40 billion, pushing the total north of $50 billion. The final cost is probably much higher given the many hidden costs endemic in government funded programs.

Pfizer expects to gross $36 billion in COVID vaccine income in 2021 alone.

While the magic juju juice jab may be free to the person getting jabbed, the taxpayer is paying the tab for the juju juice, the single-use syringe, and wages of the jabber who sticks the needle in and pushes the plunger.

There would have been nothing wrong with the authorities saying, “we don’t know” or “we’re not sure” about their wildly inaccurate prognostications, but they prefer being cocksure about everything - until reality turns their pronouncements upside down. Then they move the goalposts and censor their critics.

Gaslighting the public while being wrong more often than right doesn’t engender confidence.

Those who bleat “follow the science” don't seem to understand how it works. Nor do they appear to desire to actually follow the scientific method.

Fallacious Führer Fauci admitted the reality in a failing New York Times podcast: ''They are seeing a waning of immunity not only against infection but against hospitalization and to some extent death, which is starting to now involve all age groups. It isn’t just the elderly."

When others repeat these facts, they are attacked, bullied, silenced, censored, ostracized and shamed.

Last May, the CDC promised that once you accepted the juju juice into your body, you could return to a normal life.

How's that working out?
As for the not being able to buy/sell thing, that's already starting to happen in parts of the world if one chooses to be unjabbed. Some governments are also starting to put unjabbed people into camps as well. Those sentiments are not at all far-fetched, as that sort of stuff is already happening in parts of the world. The next big push (after the global "vaccination" effort) is for vaccine passports to become a global thing as well.

All true. Even if you provide citations, the juju juice junkies are unlikely to believe you, IMO. Whether that's from genuine ignorance or deceitful dissembling is open to question.
Same for me Mott. I had it last Christmas through New Years. It was a two week ordeal for me, with the peak being the second week. Then I was fine. I never had any breathing issues during the first two weeks but during the third week it was as if I’d been back to my pack a day smoking habit. Then nothing. My regular doctor recommended I get the vaccination when I saw him in March so I did. I definitely didn’t want that mess again. Mainly high fever, stuffed nose and body aches. Walk, walk, walk. Even when I was quarantined I walked as much as I could. Good thing I live in the boonies with little chance of encountering anyone. During all of this my wife never got it, but my 17 year old son did. He didn’t know it though. Showed up on antibody test later.

I'm so glad you guys were okay. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
All true. Even if you provide citations, the juju juice junkies are unlikely to believe you, IMO. Whether that's from genuine ignorance or deceitful dissembling is open to question.
Correct. I don't bother with 'holy links' for that very reason, as my linked citation won't be considered "holy" to them. --- There's a guy from Lithuania who is providing updates on Twitter as he lives his life as an unvaccinated person there. It is truly mindblowing how bad it is, and the former USA is not immune to that happening here.
Only a leftist is stupid enough to think something the taxpayers fund is "free". I suspect it's because so few of them pay federal income tax, since IMO it's unlikely any of them earn much income.

For example, the Pfizer juju juice jab costs the US government about $20 per dose.

The other mRNA shots are about the same.

Over 445 million doses of juju juice have been administered in the U.S.A. alone to date (and Sleepy Joe has "helped" other countries to some of OUR purchases).

That’s $9 billion the taxpayers have shelled out so far. But there's more.

Spending on research and development cost American taxpayers at $40 billion, pushing the total north of $50 billion. The final cost is probably much higher given the many hidden costs endemic in government funded programs.

Pfizer expects to gross $36 billion in COVID vaccine income in 2021 alone.

While the magic juju juice jab may be free to the person getting jabbed, the taxpayer is paying the tab for the juju juice, the single-use syringe, and wages of the jabber who sticks the needle in and pushes the plunger.

There would have been nothing wrong with the authorities saying, “we don’t know” or “we’re not sure” about their wildly inaccurate prognostications, but they prefer being cocksure about everything - until reality turns their pronouncements upside down. Then they move the goalposts and censor their critics.

Gaslighting the public while being wrong more often than right doesn’t engender confidence.

Those who bleat “follow the science” don't seem to understand how it works. Nor do they appear to desire to actually follow the scientific method.

Fallacious Führer Fauci admitted the reality in a failing New York Times podcast: ''They are seeing a waning of immunity not only against infection but against hospitalization and to some extent death, which is starting to now involve all age groups. It isn’t just the elderly."

When others repeat these facts, they are attacked, bullied, silenced, censored, ostracized and shamed.

Last May, the CDC promised that once you accepted the juju juice into your body, you could return to a normal life.

How's that working out?
VERY well said. People think it's "free" because they aren't paying for it when they receive it, but they lose sight of the fact that government siphoned money from taxpayers to pay for it, so taxpayers paid for it. You and I have paid for all of that shit.... and you haven't even gotten into the new Pfizer pills that the government siphoned money off of us for, which cost like $500-some dollars per series. It's ridiculous.