My mother (retired RN) who is not vaccinated, has contracted Covid...

I've had Covid twice.

The first time was last Thanksgiving (Thanksgiving was two Hebrew National hot dogs). Honest to God, I didn't know it was possible to be that sick and not die. The second time I tested positive, I had a sniffle. That was it.

I haven't had the vaccine. It just seems as though it doesn't really do what you want a vaccine to do. I'm not an "anti-vaxxer", I just don't see any compelling reason for me to get it.

A friend just lost his son to Covid. The kid was 34 years old, engaged with a young daughter and another on the way. He was fully vaxxed when he contracted Covid...
I've had Covid twice.

The first time was last Thanksgiving (Thanksgiving was two Hebrew National hot dogs). Honest to God, I didn't know it was possible to be that sick and not die. The second time I tested positive, I had a sniffle. That was it.

I haven't had the vaccine. It just seems as though it doesn't really do what you want a vaccine to do. I'm not an "anti-vaxxer", I just don't see any compelling reason for me to get it.

A friend just lost his son to Covid. The kid was 34 years old, engaged with a young daughter and another on the way. He was fully vaxxed when he contracted Covid...

Oh man. So sorry for their loss.

My kids are all vaccinated, except for the two g-babies who are too young. Vermont g-baby got Covid last month from his babysitter and gave it to his aunt, his mom, and his dad. He was pretty sick for a couple of days (he was 13 months old when he got it), but recovered w/o incident. They were a lot sicker but also recovered. The worst part was missing two weeks of work, because their jobs had a long wait period to return.

Nice avatar! lol
My thoughts and prayers Damo. Last September my brother in-law, one of the few unvaccinated family members, contracted the delta variant. He started feeling cold like symptoms on a Monday, went to the hospital with breathing problems on Tuesday and was gone by Friday morning. He was only 58.

My condolences, Mott. This was so unnecessary.
My thoughts and prayers Damo. Last September my brother in-law, one of the few unvaccinated family members, contracted the delta variant. He started feeling cold like symptoms on a Monday, went to the hospital with breathing problems on Tuesday and was gone by Friday morning. He was only 58.

Wow that's a real bummer, Mott. There are several Americans here that swear by ivermectin, I had my Astra Zeneca jabs a while back.
I've had Covid twice.

The first time was last Thanksgiving (Thanksgiving was two Hebrew National hot dogs). Honest to God, I didn't know it was possible to be that sick and not die. The second time I tested positive, I had a sniffle. That was it.

I haven't had the vaccine. It just seems as though it doesn't really do what you want a vaccine to do. I'm not an "anti-vaxxer", I just don't see any compelling reason for me to get it.

A friend just lost his son to Covid. The kid was 34 years old, engaged with a young daughter and another on the way. He was fully vaxxed when he contracted Covid...

surviving covid removes the legitimate reason to get a vaccine. you might still do it because of ridiculous mandate rules, but not for survivability
surviving covid removes the legitimate reason to get a vaccine. you might still do it because of ridiculous mandate rules, but not for survivability

Proving to everyone on the forum you don't know shit about viruses except what someone posted on Facebook.
Getting COVID-19 offers some natural protection or immunity from reinfection with the COVID-19 virus. It’s estimated that infection with the virus that causes COVID-19 and vaccination both result in a low risk of another infection with a similar variant for at least 6 months.

But because it’s possible to get reinfected and COVID-19 can cause severe medical complications, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that people who have already had COVID-19 get a COVID-19 vaccine.

In addition, COVID-19 vaccination might offer better protection than getting sick with COVID-19. A recent study showed that unvaccinated people who already had COVID-19 are more than twice as likely as fully vaccinated people to get reinfected with COVID-19.
Mom's feeling pretty good, eating well now and doing better. Still tested positive so still not perfect, but she seems to be kicking its a$$ and taking names.

Great news Damo. I hope she’s back to better soon. When I contracted COVID-19 it was month long slog to get better. I hope your Mom is feeling well again sooner than that.
Wow, that's sad, Mott. I hope your sister is doing okay. I find that surprise losses like that can be worse than when you know it is coming.

Thanks Damo. Actually it was my wife’s brother and yes it was a huge shock. It was bitterly ironic too. She had just returned from an emergency visit to see her father who is 86 and had taken a turn for the worst and everyone was pretty sure he wasn’t going to make it much longer. He pulled through but is still hanging in by a thread. So when she came home and her brother became sick and died two weeks later it was a double shock. Unfortunately her father is still in a serious decline and can’t last much longer. It’s been a really tough year for the Misses.
Wow that's a real bummer, Mott. There are several Americans here that swear by ivermectin, I had my Astra Zeneca jabs a while back.

Thanks Tom. The Misses and I contracted COVID-19 last January and though our symptoms were never close to life threatening we were both sick for a month. That was not fun at all and we both received our vaccinations as soon as we were eligible. Neither one of us wanted to even remotely take a chance of getting it again.
The Misses and I contracted COVID-19 last January and though our symptoms were never close to life threatening we were both sick for a month. That was not fun at all and we both received our vaccinations as soon as we were eligible. Neither one of us wanted to even remotely take a chance of getting it again.

Too bad the "vaccine" offers no protection against reinfection.
Proving to everyone on the forum you don't know shit about viruses except what someone posted on Facebook.
Getting COVID-19 offers some natural protection or immunity from reinfection with the COVID-19 virus. It’s estimated that infection with the virus that causes COVID-19 and vaccination both result in a low risk of another infection with a similar variant for at least 6 months.

But because it’s possible to get reinfected and COVID-19 can cause severe medical complications, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that people who have already had COVID-19 get a COVID-19 vaccine.

In addition, COVID-19 vaccination might offer better protection than getting sick with COVID-19. A recent study showed that unvaccinated people who already had COVID-19 are more than twice as likely as fully vaccinated people to get reinfected with COVID-19.

fuck off shit stain.
The number of Covid-19 deaths in 2021 surpassed 2020 numbers this week, according to data from John Hopkins University, which has tallied 770,816 deaths since the start of the pandemic, more than double the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s count of deaths for 2020.

Gee, if the juju juice jabs work, how can this be?

The vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission.

They have a temporary and diminishing effect at best, and have to be reinforced by periodic boosters.

They're virtually worthless. Except to Big Pharma.
Dude, you're free to inject bleach into your veins, take horse dewormer or give yourself a 12 gauge enema. You're choice.

I fail to see what you think your link proves. Please cite the paragraph of interest and explain why anyone should give a damn.

you are too stupid to understand the conclusion. You Dutch Oven the short bus right before getting off?

Conclusions This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity
you are too stupid to understand the conclusion. You Dutch Oven the short bus right before getting off?

Conclusions This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity
Translation: I don't know what it means, I just cut and past.

It also proves you don't know what this means:

This article is a preprint and has not been peer-reviewed [what does this mean?]. It reports new medical research that has yet to be evaluated and so should not be used to guide clinical practice.

The largest study - is being peer reviewed - but this is a novel virus - and it takes time

in the meantime - precedent says natural immunity has been the gold standard - so until we have peer reviewed studies proving otherwise - this is the way forward