My mother (retired RN) who is not vaccinated, has contracted Covid...

I just got over covid. losing taste and smell was the worst for me

I got the vax - but have auto immune disease- and take a lot of medicines to prevent my immune system from working - so I was considered a risk

I agree with your mom - it was basically a bad cold.

You're okay now though?
Hopefully she'll be fine. Only about 1.5% of the antivaxxers are dying but about 25% have some form of Long COVID.

Did she say why she didn't want to be vaccinated?

Due to the politicization of this issue, the CDC expects more people to refuse flu shots and, therefore, more flu related deaths.

Not a medical person, but IIRC, most people who "die of flu" really die of pneumonia from being bedridden by the flu.

Additionally, because of masks and social distancing last year, flu deaths were down. That count will go up again this year as cities ease their restrictions.

If anyone cares, I always update my shots. Already had the COVID series, this year's flu shot and the pneumonia 23. Still need to update tetanus, shingles and pneumonia 13.

You are right.
My entire fam is vaccinated, except my mother (me, my children, my wife, my sisters and brothers, their kids, etc. are all vaccinated), and guess who contracted Covid? Yeah, the unprotected one. My sister is her caretaker and she tested negative for Covid.

Mom is in good spirits, has her sense of humor and tells me if "Feels like a bad cold"...

She's at home, not in the hospital and on Oxygen due to a slightly lower O2 level (pulse/Ox showed 86) and now shows a 96 O2 level.

I'll update as I get news. Even though it is unlikely many of you will care. Especially the vaccine dictators. We get it, you think she made a bad choice and that she shouldn't have had a choice to make regarding the vaccine, Heil Fauci, et al.

When I first heard about the Vaccine, two words stood out: 'Warp Speed' and 'Trump'. Neither instilled much confidence in me. I waited until millions of others took the Shot ahead of me. It seemed a little 'experimental' to me. When no one died or went insane, I figured it was safe enough.
Two of my sons haven't been vaccinated. One of them (along with his wife) got COVID and lost his sense of taste. They are young and healthy, I can see why they are reluctant to take it.
I have a granddaughter in a Texas school that hasn't takes a Shot. I'm good with that.

Older People ... it's not like we have a lifetime ahead of us. Once you hit 65, the clock starts ticking on when your Number gets punched.
Good Luck with your Mom, Damo.
My entire fam is vaccinated, except my mother (me, my children, my wife, my sisters and brothers, their kids, etc. are all vaccinated), and guess who contracted Covid? Yeah, the unprotected one. My sister is her caretaker and she tested negative for Covid.

Mom is in good spirits, has her sense of humor and tells me if "Feels like a bad cold"...

She's at home, not in the hospital and on Oxygen due to a slightly lower O2 level (pulse/Ox showed 86) and now shows a 96 O2 level.

I'll update as I get news. Even though it is unlikely many of you will care.

Especially the vaccine dictators. .

We get it, you think she made a bad choice and that she shouldn't have had a choice to make regarding the vaccine,

Heil Fauci, et al.

Hopefully your mom will only have a mild case and no long term effects,

But, Wow you actually used your Mom to get in a partisan dig at the libtards?
Hopefully your mom will only have a mild case and no long term effects,

But, Wow you actually used your Mom to get in a partisan dig at the libtards?

Agreed, but considering every good son worries about their mother, I wrote it off to stress. :)
I don't think anyone is free to get in a partisan dig while attempting to use their mother to provide them immunity from criticism.

Agreed but there's a difference between understanding and condoning.

It's one thing for a person to habitually throw out lame excuses and partisan digs, even using relatives. It's another for a person to rarely, if ever, do it and only seen doing it once under stress.

I was sick a few days back and, TBH, not in my best humor. Stress, such as people having major medical issues or loved ones having them, will cause people to react differently than normal.

Stress activates the fight or flight response. What happens when people can't fight or flee? They get angry and say things they normally wouldn't. It's a normal reaction.

Ergo, in this particular case, I am ignoring it as an anomaly, not the norm.
My entire fam is vaccinated, except my mother (me, my children, my wife, my sisters and brothers, their kids, etc. are all vaccinated), and guess who contracted Covid? Yeah, the unprotected one. My sister is her caretaker and she tested negative for Covid.

Mom is in good spirits, has her sense of humor and tells me if "Feels like a bad cold"...

She's at home, not in the hospital and on Oxygen due to a slightly lower O2 level (pulse/Ox showed 86) and now shows a 96 O2 level.

I'll update as I get news. Even though it is unlikely many of you will care. Especially the vaccine dictators. We get it, you think she made a bad choice and that she shouldn't have had a choice to make regarding the vaccine, Heil Fauci, et al.

We wish people didn’t politicize a medical treatment

More people would be alive today

Fewer would be suffering post covid syndrome

Why did you politicize it?
We wish people didn’t politicize a medical treatment

More people would be alive today

Fewer would be suffering post covid syndrome

Why did you politicize it?
Agreed the politicization of a pandemic has cost our country up to 200,000 unnecessary deaths and continues to do so.

That said, notice that everyone was vaccinated except the infected parent.

As noted in my post above yours HERE, I see the remark as being made more while under stress than an actual political statement.
Excuse me? You are the only one politicizing it on this thread. You do not need my attention any longer.

Anti vaxxers cost people their lives

For what?

Yet your anger is all directed at a faction that’s doesn’t really exist
Anti vaxxers cost people their lives

For what?

Yet your anger is all directed at a faction that’s doesn’t really exist

Anger is your projection. I am not angry. I made a rather easy to spot joke making fun of a few, you are the one that decided to "rectify" it by defending folks and getting political in this thread. <shakes head>. The Desh I used to know actually cared about folks and wouldn't have tried to use my mother as a political tool. Especially against someone who agrees with vaccines. The current Desh is just a tragic idiot.
Then why did you trash a group of people who don’t even exist

I have seen no one advocate for unvaxxed camps