My mother (retired RN) who is not vaccinated, has contracted Covid...

Correct. I don't bother with 'holy links' for that very reason, as my linked citation won't be considered "holy" to them. --- There's a guy from Lithuania who is providing updates on Twitter as he lives his life as an unvaccinated person there. It is truly mindblowing how bad it is, and the former USA is not immune to that happening here.

They get to decide what information is acceptable, based upon the "findings" of the Poynter Institute.
My entire fam is vaccinated, except my mother (me, my children, my wife, my sisters and brothers, their kids, etc. are all vaccinated), and guess who contracted Covid? Yeah, the unprotected one. My sister is her caretaker and she tested negative for Covid.

Mom is in good spirits, has her sense of humor and tells me if "Feels like a bad cold"...

She's at home, not in the hospital and on Oxygen due to a slightly lower O2 level (pulse/Ox showed 86) and now shows a 96 O2 level.

I'll update as I get news. Even though it is unlikely many of you will care. Especially the vaccine dictators. We get it, you think she made a bad choice and that she shouldn't have had a choice to make regarding the vaccine, Heil Fauci, et al.

Thanks for sharing!

Best wishes to your Mom- and a speedy recovery!
Day one of feeling symptoms I was incredibly fatigued and by that night I was having some difficulty breathing (like a bad chest cold). By the next day, I had the worst headache of my life and absolutely no energy. By day three I was just a little tired, and day four completely back to normal. My wife had it way worse, chills, shaking, naseau, vomiting, and ended up severely dehydrated to the point where she needed an IV. Nasty stuff, even when vaccinated. I have mild asthma, so it could have been much, much worse. My wife also didn't LOSE her sense of taste, but it was completely off for a couple of days BEFORE any other symptom. She thought everything tasted awful. Wasted a 200 dollar meal at a seafood place. Oh well.
My nurse GF got Covid long before the vaccine was available.

It started with 3 days of the worst headache of her life, followed by about 4 days of a medium head cold.
My nurse GF got Covid long before the vaccine was available. It started with 3 days of the worst headache of her life, followed by about 4 days of a medium head cold.


My nurse GF got Covid long before the vaccine was available.

It started with 3 days of the worst headache of her life, followed by about 4 days of a medium head cold.

That headache, man I'm telling you, it was literally debilitating. I needed the lights off.
...anti-vaxxers are not doing anyone any favors.

Nearly all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. now are in people who weren’t vaccinated, a staggering demonstration of how effective the shots have been and an indication that deaths per day — now down to under 300 — could be practically zero if everyone eligible got the vaccine.

they aren't putting me in harms way - it is a non issue
Nearly all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. now are in people who weren’t vaccinated, a staggering demonstration of how effective the shots have been and an indication that deaths per day — now down to under 300 — could be practically zero if everyone eligible got the vaccine.

Is that so?