My Nephew, Jay

It sounds like you guys had an empowering day today. I'm actually happy for you.

I believe you! I think I said from the beginning, I never doubted either the right or left to leave politics aside for the personal, we just don't often share the personal.

Thank you for the kind words. You'd like him and my kids, they're all liberals. Then again, they're in the 20's and teens. ;)
Its a lousy commute monday mornings and friday afternoons. The nights in between are spent in a hotel. But its the difference between a crap job in a cabinet plant and a comfortable living in a career I enjoy. The travel is the best part, imo.

I can sympathize with the losses of parents. My Mom died in '97 and my Dad in'04. There are still days that my first thought is to call Mom or tell Dad something funny that happened. Never enough time and its always too soon.

Really true. I thought about my dad so often on the 6th. He was at Omaha around 7am on the 6th. He was lucky, a lone survivor of his group. He earned his Purple Heart. I just kept thinking of a trip to DC a few years ago my dad, my brother and I made for the opening of the WWII Memorial. Good times, good times.
cancer sucks kathi.

Best wishes for your nephew.

Oh, it certainly does. We were very lucky though, while cancer did take my dad, Jay's tumor was benign. Thank God! They could only get 60% of it though, so the chance for a reoccurance it there. We just pray and the neurologists keep planning.
Yeah, he is an unmitigated asshole. If he ever announces the death of a family member I'm going to mock him...

Come on Threedee lighten up Mr.Bible Thumper...

And I'm proud of mocking Harold's warmonger nephew...That asshole deserved what he got...

If your going to kill innocent Iraqi civilians, I aint going to shed a tear for ya... No matter if your American or not...

I love the fact that American assholes like Threedee and Watermark think its so bad that "1 American" soldier died when 1000 Iraqis died at the same time....

Suck on it....Boo hoo....Harold's nephew got what he deserved....

CK you are an idiot.

This is why people find you so repulsive.

In war soldiers dont get to pick the fight. There job is to fight. To blame the soldiers for the commanders mistakes is just idiotic.

I hope some day you come to your senses but I doubt that will ever happen.
CK you are an idiot.

This is why people find you so repulsive.

In war soldiers dont get to pick the fight. There job is to fight. To blame the soldiers for the commanders mistakes is just idiotic.

I hope some day you come to your senses but I doubt that will ever happen.

They had a choice to join the army or not...dumbass Desh...

It was voluntary...There aint no draft or conscription so you Lieberman Democrat can just shut ur mouth!

And tell me how many kids joined believing the Bush lies about why they were fighting?

Then they get there and they are just fighting to live another day.

You on the other hand do nothing but destroy any arguement you make with your idiotic childish lack of human understanding and compassion.

You are an empty vessel.
Kathianne, I am glad things went well. I am also glad to hear your nephew is doing well.
And tell me how many kids joined believing the Bush lies about why they were fighting?

Then they get there and they are just fighting to live another day.

You on the other hand do nothing but destroy any arguement you make with your idiotic childish lack of human understanding and compassion.

You are an empty vessel.

Thanks Lieberman Democrat....How about you explaining to those soldiers that you want them to stay in Iraq for another 100 years.

Oh, it certainly does. We were very lucky though, while cancer did take my dad, Jay's tumor was benign. Thank God! They could only get 60% of it though, so the chance for a reoccurance it there. We just pray and the neurologists keep planning.

Glad it was benign Kathy.

Hope it continues to go his way.
So many of you were generous to the research society and in your good thoughts for Jay and me. Thank you. Today we found out the cyst that surrounds the tumor has grown back. Monday Jay, his wife, and parents will meet with the surgeons to see what possibilities are on the table.

If you pray, this would be a great time. If thoughts help, please send some. Thanks.
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Speaking of Loyola, Topspin is an alumnus of Loyola (MBA), and as we all know, is loaded with cash. Perhaps someone can appeal to his love of colors by dropping him a line anout Loyola Med. I know most of his loyalty goes to LSU, but you never know...

Toppy's undergrad was UNO. Why would he loyal to LSU?
So many of you were generous to the research society and in your good thoughts for Jay and me. Thank you. Today we found out the cyst that surrounds the tumor has grown back. Monday Jay, his wife, and parents will meet with the surgeons to see what possibilities are on the table.

If you pray, this would be a great time. If thoughts help, please send some. Thanks.

I hope he has a full recovery.
So many of you were generous to the research society and in your good thoughts for Jay and me. Thank you. Today we found out the cyst that surrounds the tumor has grown back. Monday Jay, his wife, and parents will meet with the surgeons to see what possibilities are on the table.

If you pray, this would be a great time. If thoughts help, please send some. Thanks.

He'll have some of our good wishes along with all that prayer.

He'll have some of our good wishes along with all that prayer.

Thank you both. Well I talked to my brother after writing about this. While they certainly have to wait until after the meeting, they've been warned the prognosis is not as good as before, which is more than a bit scary. The last time one neurosurgeon said nothing could be done, then even after finally getting referred to Loyola, they were very guarded in the outcome. Well he came through the first time in better shape than we could have hoped, so I'm going to try and stay optimistic.

I'm trying to figure out whether to tell my kids today or wait until Monday, when we'll know more. My sister-in-law is a nurse, we've been walking together early mornings. I don't think she planned on telling me this morning, it came up while we were speaking of 'where to retire.' I knew my brother and her always planned on FL and really had expected to buy something this year, then with Jay, decided to wait. I said, "Now that he seems to be doing so well, are you looking again?" That's when the tears started. We must have looked quite the site to those walking towards us and saying, "Good morning." Both of us blubbering and hugging. Sheesh, almost enough to make me laugh.
Thank you both. Well I talked to my brother after writing about this. While they certainly have to wait until after the meeting, they've been warned the prognosis is not as good as before, which is more than a bit scary. The last time one neurosurgeon said nothing could be done, then even after finally getting referred to Loyola, they were very guarded in the outcome. Well he came through the first time in better shape than we could have hoped, so I'm going to try and stay optimistic.

I'm trying to figure out whether to tell my kids today or wait until Monday, when we'll know more. My sister-in-law is a nurse, we've been walking together early mornings. I don't think she planned on telling me this morning, it came up while we were speaking of 'where to retire.' I knew my brother and her always planned on FL and really had expected to buy something this year, then with Jay, decided to wait. I said, "Now that he seems to be doing so well, are you looking again?" That's when the tears started. We must have looked quite the site to those walking towards us and saying, "Good morning." Both of us blubbering and hugging. Sheesh, almost enough to make me laugh.

I'm so sorry, Kathianne! Of course you have my thoughts!
Jay just called about 20 minutes ago, on his way to Loyola. He wanted to say thank you for all that had contributed in the past weeks. It seems he spent his time at work looking at donations for the walk. I felt for my sister-in-law, who'd picked him up at 3:15. He was like, "Aunt Kathy, you had so many donate even after the walk, thank you! My parents didn't do as much." His mom is sitting there, driving him to what may be his end game.

I said, "Jay, you've got to understand, your parents are all about you. I have been involved online, with some awesome people, many of which I dislike philosophically, but are wonderful people nonetheless. Do not sell your folks short, they are giving their time to you, while I troll for hope.

I want to say thank you to those who gave. His appointment is in like 6 minutes, though in likelihood as normal, they'll be waiting. Say a prayer or wish good luck. He's a great kid.
Metta Karuna Prayer

Oneness of Life and Light,
Entrusting in your Great Compassion,
May you shed the foolishness in myself,
Transforming me into a conduit of Love.
May I be a medicine for the sick and weary,
Nursing their afflictions until they are cured;

May I become food and drink,
During time of famine,
May I protect the helpless and the poor,

May I be a lamp,
For those who need your Light,
May I be a bed for those who need rest,
and guide all seekers to the Other Shore.

May all find happiness through my actions,
and let no one suffer because of me.
Whether they love or hate me,
Whether they hurt or wrong me,
May they all realize true entrusting,
Through Other Power,
and realize Supreme Nirvana.

Namo Amida Buddha