My Nephew, Jay

Metta Karuna Prayer

Oneness of Life and Light,
Entrusting in your Great Compassion,
May you shed the foolishness in myself,
Transforming me into a conduit of Love.
May I be a medicine for the sick and weary,
Nursing their afflictions until they are cured;

May I become food and drink,
During time of famine,
May I protect the helpless and the poor,

May I be a lamp,
For those who need your Light,
May I be a bed for those who need rest,
and guide all seekers to the Other Shore.

May all find happiness through my actions,
and let no one suffer because of me.
Whether they love or hate me,
Whether they hurt or wrong me,
May they all realize true entrusting,
Through Other Power,
and realize Supreme Nirvana.

Namo Amida Buddha

Beautiful. Thank you. I can's stop crying. Yet I know I must prepare for the long haul. It's abnormal to have a child go before. I keep hoping that something will break his way.

His tendency is to blame his parents, that have put off retirement and moving. Us oldsters is to blame his failure to get in line on his wife, because we think that getting married was wrong, with all the problems.

My guess, all of us are wrong and right. They are trying to cram in a lifetime, we are trying to gain them a lifetime. None of us can. In all likelihood, the lifetime is to be cut way short. I'm glad he's had what he's had.

You go Jay!
Beautiful. Thank you. I can's stop crying. Yet I know I must prepare for the long haul. It's abnormal to have a child go before. I keep hoping that something will break his way.

His tendency is to blame his parents, that have put off retirement and moving. Us oldsters is to blame his failure to get in line on his wife, because we think that getting married was wrong, with all the problems.

My guess, all of us are wrong and right. They are trying to cram in a lifetime, we are trying to gain them a lifetime. None of us can. In all likelihood, the lifetime is to be cut way short. I'm glad he's had what he's had.

You go Jay!

Kathi, please give Jay my best. I will definitely say a prayer for him and your entire family.
Kathi, please give Jay my best. I will definitely say a prayer for him and your entire family.

Thank you. He called me a couple hours ago. Surgery is set for 7/20. The docs were split on taking out fluid from cyst, vs going for cyst. Jay and his bride chose the more risky, going for cyst. Pray, please.

I think I'm not worth much at this point, I just cannot put myself as the parent, nephew or his wife. I'm the aunt, godparent. I love him but cannot make it all right.
Thank you. He called me a couple hours ago. Surgery is set for 7/20. The docs were split on taking out fluid from cyst, vs going for cyst. Jay and his bride chose the more risky, going for cyst. Pray, please.

I think I'm not worth much at this point, I just cannot put myself as the parent, nephew or his wife. I'm the aunt, godparent. I love him but cannot make it all right.

Is there anything they can do to try to ward off another growth besides simply taking it out?
Is there anything they can do to try to ward off another growth besides simply taking it out?

I don't think so. The first time they left a hole, hoping that if the fluid built up, they could drain it easily. Seems though that the brain shifted, causing that site to harden up, called I think an occlusion or something like that.
I don't think so. The first time they left a hole, hoping that if the fluid built up, they could drain it easily. Seems though that the brain shifted, causing that site to harden up, called I think an occlusion or something like that.

That's interesting. As a non science person, my instinct would tell me that leaving a hole there would definitely cause it to harden.
That's interesting. As a non science person, my instinct would tell me that leaving a hole there would definitely cause it to harden.

Yeah, my medical knowledge is limited to diet and exercise. I guess this works often, but not in his case. Seems what they had to leave behind, takes up nearly 1/2 of the space. When the cyst starts to fill, well then...

All I can do is pray that it all works out. It's been a hell of a year, it was just seeming to get back to 'normal.'
Yeah, my medical knowledge is limited to diet and exercise. I guess this works often, but not in his case. Seems what they had to leave behind, takes up nearly 1/2 of the space. When the cyst starts to fill, well then...

All I can do is pray that it all works out. It's been a hell of a year, it was just seeming to get back to 'normal.'

Well, what he has isn't malignant, so you can definitely keep your spirits up. It sounds like he can live with the hardening once the fluid is removed and since he's young, he'll probably do well with the surgery.
Kathianne, I am sorry to hear about the additional surgery.

Don't worry about who blames who. Its just the stress and the fear looking for a place to land.

Its not malignant, so the best news has already come.

I hope and pray that your nephew comes thru with flying colors. The fact that the hole hardened should (I think) be a sign that his body is still capable of fighting very well. Maybe with the cyst gone it can heal the rest.
They can do some amazing things these days with medicine. He is so young ,so wants to live and has so much to live for. I hope for the best for him , you and your family Kathy.
Thanks to all. It helps having somewhere to 'blow off some steam.' It's one of those things you can't stop thinking about, yet can't keep talking about with my bro or my kids. I think we're all just waiting, hoping, and praying.
Bump. Well tomorrow he goes for the second surgery, if so inclined, say a prayer. Last weekend he was voicing his fear that he may never work again. I know I was thinking, as was my brother, that if he makes it through, without too much more damage, we will be thankful. Pretty hard to contemplate with a 25 year old.
Bump. Well tomorrow he goes for the second surgery, if so inclined, say a prayer. Last weekend he was voicing his fear that he may never work again. I know I was thinking, as was my brother, that if he makes it through, without too much more damage, we will be thankful. Pretty hard to contemplate with a 25 year old.
We'll be sending you our well-wishes. I hope he keeps a positive outlook, it is the best defense against a negative outcome.
Bump. Well tomorrow he goes for the second surgery, if so inclined, say a prayer. Last weekend he was voicing his fear that he may never work again. I know I was thinking, as was my brother, that if he makes it through, without too much more damage, we will be thankful. Pretty hard to contemplate with a 25 year old.

Sending good thoughts and wishes.
Thank you! I'm amazed, seriously that so many that disagree with each other so often are very humane regarding personal issues.
Thanks for letting us know, Kathianne, I've been wondering how he was. My thoughts and wishes go to you and him as well.
Thanks for letting us know, Kathianne, I've been wondering how he was. My thoughts and wishes go to you and him as well.

Thank you. I just got off the phone with my brother. He's going to pick up Jay downtown, but is stuck in traffic, via the Hillside strangler. He is considering throwing up his mars light, but doesn't know that it would do much good. He's been stuck for over 45 minutes, got off to put a call into the state police. There are some good things being a cop. ;)

In any case, Jay will get to Loyola for pre-op and another MRI, prior to surgery.
Thanks again for the prayers and good wishes. I just returned from the hospital, what a difference between the last surgery and yesterday's. I got there about 8:30, he was eating breakfast. He saw me coming and waved while I was gowned.

The surgeon was able he hoped, to get the mother cell of the cyst and much more of the tumor. Things are looking way better!