My opinion on Rand Paul is evolving...

what a bunch of fucking ANIMALS.

real freedom of speech supporters huh.

I hope the fuck she sued their pants off
because there were ALOT of democrats that voted for that, spoke out in public to support it, convinced alot of their constituency that it was necessary for our safety. were they whacko?

They were badly mistaken or even spineless.
that man should be arrested.

I hope she sued for assault
there should have been arrests, if a cop was there or the Stompers could be identified.

The "stompee" seems pretty blase' about it though.....maybe women are just used to being bullied??
(Talking from a white guy's lack of perspective) I would hope not so.
I am starting to like some things about Rand Paul....

Can some of you liberals tell me what is not to like?

Does he have a chance at the Republican nomination?

Is he a social conservative?

I am going to do my own looking into these questions, but can anyone here share their opinions? Funny, I seem to be liking both of the Republican 16' frontrunners Paul and Christie, even though they don't seem to like each other.

I've been gravitating towards him for quite a while. I planned to vote for him the day after Obama got 2nd term, and I voted Obama. Because the Corporate Driven Right isn't Conservative, they spend money to profit Corporations. Totally bought out. And the Left just the same spends big, it's only to better America. Things won't change until we understand Corporations are not people, not everyone in a Corporation votes the same and a Corporation always has monetary interest over political interest.

But after the Christie/Paul debate, Christie exposed him as yet another false Conservative. TAXING LESS DOES NOT MAKE YOU A CONSERVATIVE!!!!! If you pay for less than you spend that only buys votes for the time period you are in office and then America has to pay later and they blame it on the Left. You have to pay for what you spend, period.

While some call him "crazy" I think his dad and him are opening up a new idea. I don't think they are crazy, but their followers are absolutely.

Watch this video. Tell me if this is crazy or if it is "Real person" talk. I think he is a real person and we need that in politics. Though the 100% Free Market will end in Depression 100% of the time, there are lots of things that could be dropped. "In America we try to convince our neighbors, but don't try to convince them through law"~Rand Paul. It's extremely brainy. But I also have to wonder what idiot bias America will do when Obama tells them not to do many idiots will do the exact opposite.......*global warming*

Oh, and toilets clog too. I have to buy cheap TP to prevent them from clogging.
I don't think I will be able to vote Right until we get money out of the pockets of the nominees. While everyone is purchased, the Left always seems to be purchased by the greater good and the Right by corruption. I was screaming last election that the warmonger right was paid too much by Lockheed Martin and were going to war. Then Iran had "blue tarps covering something assumed to be bombs" and Paul Ryan opened up the love for war speech.

We haven't heard much about Iran since Obama won have we? Success. No WW3.

So is Rand Paul purchased well? We will see in the future debates. Also, what dirt will the Right dig up on him before the debates. One little conflict and I'm already doubting him.
I am starting to like some things about Rand Paul....

Can some of you liberals tell me what is not to like?

Does he have a chance at the Republican nomination?

Is he a social conservative?

I am going to do my own looking into these questions, but can anyone here share their opinions? Funny, I seem to be liking both of the Republican 16' frontrunners Paul and Christie, even though they don't seem to like each other.

Rand Paul: There's No 'Objective Evidence' Of Racial Discrimination In Elections

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) says there's no "objective evidence" of racial discrimination in elections.

"The interesting thing about voting patterns now is in this last election African-Americans voted at a higher percentage than whites in almost every one of the states that were under the special provisions of the federal government," Paul said Wednesday according toWFPL's Phillip Bailey. "So really, I don't think there is objective evidence that we're precluding African-Americans from voting any longer."

Paul's take comes as voter ID laws are sparking debates in several states, and as state lawmakers from around the nation are joining forces to combat such laws. The latest push for more strict voting laws came after the Supreme Court struck down the core of the Voting Rights Act -- which required Southern states with a history of racial discrimination to have their laws cleared by the Department of Justice -- in June.


Sarah Palin: I'm On Team Rand Paul

Wonkbook: Rand Paul’s rough interview

This is not a very impressive interview Sen. Rand Paul conducted with Bloomberg Businessweek’s Josh Green.

For instance:
A recent article in the New Republic said your budget would eviscerate the departments of Energy, State, Commerce, EPA, FDA, Education, and many others. Would Americans support that?

My budget is similar to the Penny Plan, which cuts 1 percent a year for five or six years and balances the budget. Many Americans who have suffered during a recession have had to cut their spending 1 percent, and they didn’t like doing it, but they were able to do it to get their family’s finances back in order. I see no reason why government can’t cut 1 percent of its spending.

So that’s not actually an answer. Paul’s budget eliminates the Department of Commerce. It also eliminates the Department of Education. And the Department for Housing and Urban Development. And the Department of Energy. The State Department gets cut by more than 50 percent.

Meanwhile, it increases spending on defense by $126 billion.

If my uncle say's 'lets go rob a bank' and I say ok, am I any less culpable? no.

No, but if your uncle says, Jimmy down the street is trying to kill us, he has guns aimed at us, he is a mad man, lets go get him now. Then shows you all kinds of made up evidence, and you trust your uncle because he is the chief of police......

Then you agree to let him do it, you are not as culpable. You might be spineless and weak, you might be dumb, but I blame the uncle more than the person who acquiesced.
Rand Paul: There's No 'Objective Evidence' Of Racial Discrimination In Elections

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) says there's no "objective evidence" of racial discrimination in elections.

"The interesting thing about voting patterns now is in this last election African-Americans voted at a higher percentage than whites in almost every one of the states that were under the special provisions of the federal government," Paul said Wednesday according toWFPL's Phillip Bailey. "So really, I don't think there is objective evidence that we're precluding African-Americans from voting any longer."

Paul's take comes as voter ID laws are sparking debates in several states, and as state lawmakers from around the nation are joining forces to combat such laws. The latest push for more strict voting laws came after the Supreme Court struck down the core of the Voting Rights Act -- which required Southern states with a history of racial discrimination to have their laws cleared by the Department of Justice -- in June.


Sarah Palin: I'm On Team Rand Paul

Wonkbook: Rand Paul’s rough interview

This is not a very impressive interview Sen. Rand Paul conducted with Bloomberg Businessweek’s Josh Green.

For instance:
A recent article in the New Republic said your budget would eviscerate the departments of Energy, State, Commerce, EPA, FDA, Education, and many others. Would Americans support that?

My budget is similar to the Penny Plan, which cuts 1 percent a year for five or six years and balances the budget. Many Americans who have suffered during a recession have had to cut their spending 1 percent, and they didn’t like doing it, but they were able to do it to get their family’s finances back in order. I see no reason why government can’t cut 1 percent of its spending.

So that’s not actually an answer. Paul’s budget eliminates the Department of Commerce. It also eliminates the Department of Education. And the Department for Housing and Urban Development. And the Department of Energy. The State Department gets cut by more than 50 percent.

Meanwhile, it increases spending on defense by $126 billion.


How cute...he's a racist just like his daddy!
Rand Paul: There's No 'Objective Evidence' Of Racial Discrimination In Elections

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) says there's no "objective evidence" of racial discrimination in elections.

"The interesting thing about voting patterns now is in this last election African-Americans voted at a higher percentage than whites in almost every one of the states that were under the special provisions of the federal government," Paul said Wednesday according toWFPL's Phillip Bailey. "So really, I don't think there is objective evidence that we're precluding African-Americans from voting any longer."

Paul's take comes as voter ID laws are sparking debates in several states, and as state lawmakers from around the nation are joining forces to combat such laws. The latest push for more strict voting laws came after the Supreme Court struck down the core of the Voting Rights Act -- which required Southern states with a history of racial discrimination to have their laws cleared by the Department of Justice -- in June.


Sarah Palin: I'm On Team Rand Paul

Wonkbook: Rand Paul’s rough interview

This is not a very impressive interview Sen. Rand Paul conducted with Bloomberg Businessweek’s Josh Green.

For instance:
A recent article in the New Republic said your budget would eviscerate the departments of Energy, State, Commerce, EPA, FDA, Education, and many others. Would Americans support that?

My budget is similar to the Penny Plan, which cuts 1 percent a year for five or six years and balances the budget. Many Americans who have suffered during a recession have had to cut their spending 1 percent, and they didn’t like doing it, but they were able to do it to get their family’s finances back in order. I see no reason why government can’t cut 1 percent of its spending.

So that’s not actually an answer. Paul’s budget eliminates the Department of Commerce. It also eliminates the Department of Education. And the Department for Housing and Urban Development. And the Department of Energy. The State Department gets cut by more than 50 percent.

Meanwhile, it increases spending on defense by $126 billion.


So I guess this guy has no chance of being elected. But the Republicans still might nominate him. He seems to have some fresh ideas, but he is also really crazy on some issues. I also read that he has said he does not believe in the Civil Rights Act.