My opinion on Rand Paul is evolving...

No, but if your uncle says, Jimmy down the street is trying to kill us, he has guns aimed at us, he is a mad man, lets go get him now. Then shows you all kinds of made up evidence, and you trust your uncle because he is the chief of police......

Then you agree to let him do it, you are not as culpable. You might be spineless and weak, you might be dumb, but I blame the uncle more than the person who acquiesced.
any court of law would disagree with you.
Who is "the establishment" that Paul has locked horns with? He's basically given license to do ineffectual shit that no one gives a fuck about and that doesn't affect policy one way or the other so long as he votes with Uncle Mitch when it matters.

Well,,,, that New Jersey whale gov for one.
Well,,,, that New Jersey whale gov for one.

Right. Rand Paul, a member of the United States Senate, "locked horns" with Chris Christie, the Governor of New Jersey. Taking on the establishment, at least in my mind, means doing something that might bring about some sort of desired change from the status quo. Picking fights about nothing that don't matter to anyone anywhere doesn't really qualify.

Like I said, he's given license to do ineffectual shit that no one gives a fuck about and that doesn't affect policy one way or ther other so long as he voted with Uncle Mitch when it matters.
Right. Rand Paul, a member of the United States Senate, "locked horns" with Chris Christie, the Governor of New Jersey. Taking on the establishment, at least in my mind, means doing something that might bring about some sort of desired change from the status quo. Picking fights about nothing that don't matter to anyone anywhere doesn't really qualify.

Like I said, he's given license to do ineffectual shit that no one gives a fuck about and that doesn't affect policy one way or ther other so long as he voted with Uncle Mitch when it matters.

It sounds like you don't like him.
I don't like him, but that has nothing to do with my assessment of whether he "locked horns with the establishment." He does a lot of talking, but I don't see much doing.

Well it's hard to get excited about any republican.
So I guess this guy has no chance of being elected. But the Republicans still might nominate him. He seems to have some fresh ideas, but he is also really crazy on some issues. I also read that he has said he does not believe in the Civil Rights Act.
Libertarians are strange political animals,
I couldn't agree more with them about reining in American Exceptionalism ; but not eviserating basic gov't services.