The belief of what happens after death vary within Christianity. Catholicism bases their beliefs on scripture from the New Testament and Appocrypha, the Protestants from other scripture that they interpreted literally. It is hard to believe the oncept when Christianity can't even settle on what is true. I also believe it is a oping mechanism. Humans don't want to die. We don't like the thought of never seeing our loved ones again, thus humans created the concept of heaven and to control the masses, hell to frighten them into pay, pray, obey!
Well, Catholics have a long, long history of tradition behind them, and when protestants began they were basically trying to start anew. Of course, divergent interpretations are inevitable as people begin to flesh out something vague, and it has too often been the case that when a new ideology springs up and washes away all tradition in order to get the "true" interpretation, they merely build up a new web of traditions that are just as unjustified as the old ones, in different ways.