My struggle to believe

Grind, you were raised Catholic right? Do you pretend to still be Catholic for your parents?

I have never had an explicit conversation that I am an atheist, but I think it's pretty much inferred. None of my family really is that religious. There was a phase when my brothers and I were younger that we had to go to church every sunday for ... maybe, 6 years. After that we were the "just christmas and easter" type of family.

Although, out of 200 kids in our CCD (weekly indoctrination catholic kids go to) class, I was the only one never to actually go through with my confirmation. (which is one of the last ritualistic catholic steps).
I have never had an explicit conversation that I am an atheist, but I think it's pretty much inferred. None of my family really is that religious. There was a phase when my brothers and I were younger that we had to go to church every sunday for ... maybe, 6 years. After that we were the "just christmas and easter" type of family.

Although, out of 200 kids in our CCD (weekly indoctrination catholic kids go to) class, I was the only one never to actually go through with my confirmation. (which is one of the last ritualistic catholic steps).

I made the huge mistake of telling my oldest sister I had doubts. She came unglued, so now, I just remain silent on the issues.
I made the huge mistake of telling my oldest sister I had doubts. She came unglued, so now, I just remain silent on the issues.

Really, wow. No one in my family is really a believer so I've never had this problem. It's weird when I think about it. None of them are.
Really, wow. No one in my family is really a believer so I've never had this problem. It's weird when I think about it. None of them are.

I have two sister and a brother who are Fundamentalist. One that is very new age spiritual, she saw a psychic healer, who gave her angels and two that are so low key I don't know what they believe, but one of them prays for soldiers and me, who is mostly agnostic. It is quite a blend. The new age sister and I are the only progressives. The other brother is Episcopalian, and I am not sure on which end of the spectrum he is. There is a lot of talk about the weather when we get together, it is a safe topic of discussion!
My brother and my sister are one of the few people I know that are like me down here - being quite liberal and atheistic. I can talk to them about things I would never tell anyone else (besides internet people), and they're probably my greatest friends.
I believe in God, I believe (s)he is the 'prime mover' for want of a better term. I believe evolutionary theory is correct or damn close to it. I've no problem with believers or non-believers of any hue, as long as they don't wish to annihilate others.
I made the huge mistake of telling my oldest sister I had doubts. She came unglued, so now, I just remain silent on the issues.

Sounds like my uncle when I told him I supported Obama. He equates supporting a liberal with standing in front of a clinic and dragging pregnant women in for abortions. :(
I believe in God, I believe (s)he is the 'prime mover' for want of a better term. I believe evolutionary theory is correct or damn close to it. I've no problem with believers or non-believers of any hue, as long as they don't wish to annihilate others.

I am the uncaused cause, that which which moves without itself being moved by anything.
Lots of folks believe Christianity = NT only, and not OT. After all, Christ is not even in the OT. The OT is like Mosesanity, or something along those lines.
Lots of folks believe Christianity = NT only, and not OT. After all, Christ is not even in the OT. The OT is like Mosesanity, or something along those lines.

Well, actually they quote the OT as proof that Jesus is God and wa there from the beginning of time, The Word made flesh.
Yeah, and then there are the rest of us. No belief in either NT or OT literally. Just a general assumption of truth, once one knocks away the orthodoxy.
for christians, OT != to christianity when it says bad stuff that's inconvenient. The good stuff all counts though, obv.