My Stuff

awwww shucks....

Well, enjoy your vacation... I have to wait another month or so for mine.

Buddy of mine's fiance is Costa Rican.... wedding down there = sweet.

One of my friends wife is Mexican and she was from Piedras Negras. They had the wedding down there <> sweet.
Oh I bet that will be really nice.

yeah... pretty much 80 degrees year round... ton of different things to do if you love the outdoors. Rain forest, hiking volcanos, canopy/zip line trip, rafting or kayaking, hiking up the waterfalls etc... not to mention playing in the ocean and gulf.... probably going to jump up into Nicaragua and down into Panama as well.
yeah... pretty much 80 degrees year round... ton of different things to do if you love the outdoors. Rain forest, hiking volcanos, canopy/zip line trip, rafting or kayaking, hiking up the waterfalls etc... not to mention playing in the ocean and gulf.... probably going to jump up into Nicaragua and down into Panama as well.

I'm sure it's going to be very beautiful. I would like to go there myself one of these days.
Oh, and don't be afraid to settle for a Liza Minelli or a Bette Midler impersonator either.

Also, go to Oprah's website, find out what the book of the month is and make him read it and talk about how it makes him feel afterward and how it relates to his life and the relationship. Encourage crying. This will be his punishment for income inequities.

LOL Jesus Christ.

There are no Jesus Christ impersonators there. By Law they must all reside in the BibleBelt.

(Cue Ted Haggard...)
There are no Jesus Christ impersonators there. By Law they must all reside in the BibleBelt.

(Cue Ted Haggard...)

Me Damn it!

Those ignorant little impersonators will get their's. Sooner or later they must face me. Then they go to a special little cell in hell where their new roommate is .... Jeffrey Dahmer.
Fantastic for both the job and the vacation -- congrats Darla! :p

That picture is so beautiful it almost looks surreal. Have a great time!
Darla, make sure to take pics while you are there and send me one with you in it so I can photoshop you into a picture of you doing something you shouldn't!
Dayum. I'm genuinely jealous.

I always get like then before other people go on vacations.

LOL You're so funny. You were on vacation pretty recently, weren't you? Sometime this year, I can't remember for sure though.

You'll go again, don't worry. :)
yeah, but I want to go away THIS weekend! (and yes, I say that every weekend)

Well, I'm not going very far (just down the road, in fact) and will have plenty of quality time at home, but I'm working at the dog Agility trials both days this weekend. Our club hosts them twice a year. It's great, some terrific dogs and owners and it's lots of fun. Good exercise, too. :) We set everything up last night and I'm feeling the effects today!
Well, I'm not going very far (just down the road, in fact) and will have plenty of quality time at home, but I'm working at the dog Agility trials both days this weekend. Our club hosts them twice a year. It's great, some terrific dogs and owners and it's lots of fun. Good exercise, too. :) We set everything up last night and I'm feeling the effects today!

That must be so much fun working with dogs. I was just trying to figure out when I can get one. I'd have to install a doggie door something so that it could go outside when I wasn't home during the day.