My View on "Things"


New member
Imagine, for a moment, that everything you've always accepted as "reality" is, in fact, a lie perpetuated by Satanic powers; that everything from laws to television programming, wars to fashion trends, are manipulated by forces of Evil; that there is a vast, global conspiracy, paving the way for the Beast and the False Prophet, which shall deceive the nations. My friends, this is not merely a speculation on my part; it is, rather, the world in which we live!

...and we're supposed to accept that as reality because some know-nothing kid wants to pretend that he has "special" knowledge.

You have no desire to take part in helping make the world a better place, therefore you feed your manufactured delusions so that you may feel that your in some "special club" that accepts "how the world really is".

These things are why you rate a special degree of disdain.
...and we're supposed to accept that as reality because some know-nothing kid wants to pretend that he has "special" knowledge.

You have no desire to take part in helping make the world a better place, therefore you feed your manufactured delusions so that you may feel that your in some "special club" that accepts "how the world really is".

These things are why you rate a special degree of disdain.

It is reality. It's happening all around us. Read your bible instead of just pretending you know what's in it.
I've read the Bible a couple of times, real yawner in places, but in other places they have some really graphic stuff...bears mauling children, etc.

I didn't find it as enlightening as some of the modern day scholars writings. The Dali Lama being one such writer.

First off, there is an EDIT feature on this site. Learn to use it.

Second, my knowledge is only 'special' insofar as I am one of few people to seek it and accept it. Ephesians 6:12 says For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. There is a vast, global conspiracy to prepare the world, and society as a whole, for the arrival of the final Antichrist, Petrus Romanus, from the planet Nibiru in the year 2012 AD.

It is understandable that you consider me a fool (although I do not understand why you must be so nasty about it). In the end, however, you will be shown to be the fool, and you will pay an eternal price for it.

First off, there is an EDIT feature on this site. Learn to use it.

Second, my knowledge is only 'special' insofar as I am one of few people to seek it and accept it. Ephesians 6:12 says For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. There is a vast, global conspiracy to prepare the world, and society as a whole, for the arrival of the final Antichrist, Petrus Romanus, from the planet Nibiru in the year 2012 AD.

It is understandable that you consider me a fool (although I do not understand why you must be so nasty about it). In the end, however, you will be shown to be the fool, and you will pay an eternal price for it.

How do you know that for sure, because supposedly only God truly knows what is the mind of man, according to what the Bible says....and it clearly states that no one should play the role of God.

It amazes me how many godly people and followers of Jesus seem to forget this very thing Yahweh said often and at times brutally.
How do you know that for sure, because supposedly only God truly knows what is the mind of man, according to what the Bible says....and it clearly states that no one should play the role of God.

It amazes me how many godly people and followers of Jesus seem to forget this very thing Yahweh said often and at times brutally.

The Bible says if a person rejects the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, that person is going to Hell. All people are deserving of Hell. It is only by grace that we are saved. AC, unless he repents and believes in the only begotten Son of God, is going to Hell. This is what the Bible says.
I am so "nasty" about it because you rate it. I am simply showing you the same amount of respect that you show others when you lie through your teeth. I don't lie, so I repay your lack of respect by telling you exactly what a piece of trash you are.

The very fact that you masquerade as a Christian rates nothing but scorn.
I am so "nasty" about it because you rate it. I am simply showing you the same amount of respect that you show others when you lie through your teeth. I don't lie, so I repay your lack of respect by telling you exactly what a piece of trash you are.

The very fact that you masquerade as a Christian rates nothing but scorn.

So, basically, when someone believes differently than you, that person is automatically a liar?

Besides, you claim to follow Jesus' teachings; didn't He tell us to love our enemies? How is it "loving" to say that I'm a piece of trash?
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Imagine, for a moment, that everything you've always accepted as "reality" is, in fact, a lie perpetuated by Satanic powers; that everything from laws to television programming, wars to fashion trends, are manipulated by forces of Evil; that there is a vast, global conspiracy, paving the way for the Beast and the False Prophet, which shall deceive the nations. My friends, this is not merely a speculation on my part; it is, rather, the world in which we live!


Everything would have to include God, Heaven, hell, etc as well....
Ohh but then I am sure you mean everything except those things ;)
So, basically, when someone believes differently than you, that person is automatically a liar?

Besides, you claim to follow Jesus' teachings; didn't He tell us to love our enemies? How is it "loving" to say that I'm a piece of trash?

But then is is correct for you to judge someone as evil ?
But then is is correct for you to judge someone as evil ?

Everyone is evil. But no, it was not correct for me to single out AC as being evil. However, it is correct to rebuke him for his rudeness. AC is notoriously rude. He viciously attacks people, unprovoked, simply for disagreeing with him.
I did already. I point out how The Bible condones slavery. You claim it does not. I show EXACTLY how it does PRECISELY what I stated. You pretend that I did nothing of the sort.

You have ZERO integrity, kiddo.
I did already. I point out how The Bible condones slavery. You claim it does not. I show EXACTLY how it does PRECISELY what I stated. You pretend that I did nothing of the sort.

I don't have to pretend anything. I simply don't view it as condoning slavery. It is a regulation of slavery, yes, implying a tolerance of slavery; but not an endorsement of the practice.

Besides, you have been nasty toward me from the beginning.

You attack people for what they believe, unprovoked, every day.

You have ZERO integrity, kiddo.

Pot calling kettle.
Everyone is evil. But no, it was not correct for me to single out AC as being evil. However, it is correct to rebuke him for his rudeness. AC is notoriously rude. He viciously attacks people, unprovoked, simply for disagreeing with him.

Everyone is evil ? Could you be confusing sinners with evil ?

And here I thought I was a negative kind of guy....