My View on "Things"

I treat dishonest people with scorn. I disagree with most of the Libertarians on many counts, but do not have any reason to speak ill of them. YOU, Brent, are a dishonest piece of shit, and you refuse to change your ways.

I will continue to point out what a piece of garbage you are, so long as you act like a piece of garbage.
I treat dishonest people with scorn. I disagree with most of the Libertarians on many counts, but do not have any reason to speak ill of them. YOU, Brent, are a dishonest piece of shit, and you refuse to change your ways.

I will continue to point out what a piece of garbage you are, so long as you act like a piece of garbage.

His majesty is the sole arbitor of what is, and what isn't garbage Brent. You've been barking up the wrong tree in all your Jesus worship, it is AC whose ass you should be kissing and fearing at the same time instead.

Do you honestly believe I care what you think of me?

You're 36 or 37 years old, unmarried, obese, sexually frustrated, and probably still living with the folks. As a manager in retail, I meet people like you ALL the time. You've had no success with women, and you're jealous of younger men. That, and you probably have no career.

Consider this "customer from hell" story of mine:

This happened a few weeks ago, during the early morning hours. I was heading toward the back of the store to put up some signage, a few minutes passed by, and the cashier called for backup. I proceeded to the front of the store, and an old man came to my register.

I asked if he has a customer card, to which he responded, "No, and I don't want one. I've spent 10 minutes in this goddamned line and now I just want to get the hell out of your goddamned store." In respond, "Ok sir," treating him as if he is a normal person. (It should be noted that only 2 minutes passed by, not 10, as there was no line when I left the customer service desk a couple of minutes prior. I knew there was no way I could reason with the customer so I let him "win"). The man purchased one item; it totaled to $11.40 with tax. He handed me a $50 bill and 40 cents. I counted his change ($39) in tens, fives, and four ones and stacked the money neatly before him. He said, "Great, now I have to recount the change since you can't count it right." I watched as he counted the change, smiling the whole time. "Did I count it correctly sir?" I asked politely. He responded sharply, "Yeah I guess you did," yanked the receipt out of my hand, and yells, "Let me tell you, you're one of the most sarcastic sons of bitches I've ever met!"

I reply, "What exactly did I do wrong sir?" He replies, "You know exactly what you did wrong you little bastard. I spent fifteen goddamned minutes in the line while you took your time, you can't count the damn change correctly (this after admitting I did count it correctly),... followed by a stream of profane insults, which I fail to recollect. Then he asked to see a manager. When I told him I am the manager on duty, he barged out of the store. I chuckled.

In other news, the next morning a customer told the GM to "go fuck herself" because she would not return a half-empty toner with no receipt and no way of proving it was purchased for $150 as the customer claimed. (It rang up for $15). Clearly a dumpster-dive.

You're a prick just like the customers in my story above.

That's why you, unlike "normal" liberals, cannot disagree on a civil basis.
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Do you honestly believe I care what you think of me?

You're 36 or 37 years old, unmarried, obese, sexually frustrated, and probably still living with the folks. As a manager in retail, I meet people like you ALL the time. You've had no success with women, and you're jealous of younger men. That, and you probably have no career.

Consider this "customer from hell" story of mine:

You're a prick just like the customers in my story above.

That's why you, unlike "normal" liberals, cannot disagree on a civil basis.

Taht customer of yours has nothing to do with his highness. You know, he's gonna go "logical fallacy" on your ass for that one.
Sin is evil.
But people are not sin. Their action may be evil but the person is not. God cannot abide sin, at least according to your book he cannot, yet he can cleanse you of the sin. Were you, yourself, the sin or "evil" there would be no way to cleanse you. The only option would be to destroy you.

Come on, Augustine... Sometimes even you might have simply misstated yourself. People are not "evil", evil is something they do, but they themselves are not "evil".
Even in admitting my failure, I still seek to best you. To be blunt, I know you are a joke when compared to my prowess. You are no competition, Brent. Nonetheless, I still haven't mastered myself.
Even in admitting my failure, I still seek to best you. To be blunt, I know you are a joke when compared to my prowess. You are no competition, Brent. Nonetheless, I still haven't mastered myself.

Your humility is astounding, to say the least.

Brent, are you capable of accepting your disgusting behavior?

Few people (even on this site) would consider my behavior 'disgusting' when compared to your hate-driven personal attacks.

A wise sportsman once said that the best defense is a good offense. That works fine if your goal is to destroy your enemy.

I have no desire to destroy you. I only wish you could be a nice person, for your own benefit as well as that of others. Also, unlike you, I do not hold the internet on par with real life.

Nice picture. It clearly shows what you desire.

Plain and simple Brent... My argument is rock-solid. Your argument is hopelessly lame.

I know that I go a bit over-the-top in my anger towards liars like yourself. I let anger get the better of me. You claim the high road, then try to dispatch your enemy with insults, as you are complaining about how your enemy is doing the very thing you are complaining about.

I am humble, but not unrealistic. You simply aren't a real challenge for me. I've wasted my time thrashing far better than you for years. You're a lamb in wolf's clothing (rather, a grade school facsimile of wolf's clothing).
Plain and simple Brent... My argument is rock-solid. Your argument is hopelessly lame.

So what if it were? How does having a 'better argument' in a debate justify wishing to wrap your hands around my neck and strangle me, as you expressed in a PM to me?

I know that I go a bit over-the-top in my anger towards liars like yourself. I let anger get the better of me. You claim the high road, then try to dispatch your enemy with insults, as you are complaining about how your enemy is doing the very thing you are complaining about.


Your problem, ultimately, is that you make no distinction between 'lie' and disagreement. One cannot disagree with you, and NOT be a liar, according to your logic.

I know that I go a bit over-the-top in my anger towards liars like yourself.

Why are you angry? Dude, this is the INTERNET. People are ALWAYS going to disagree with you. GET OVER IT, AND GET A LIFE, YOU PATHETIC LOSER!
Here's a clue...when you enter into debate, you are to eschew dishonest argument tactics. Claiming "This is just the internet" is nothing more than saying that you have no honest argument, and you feel the need to engage in dishonest argument tactics so as to feel as if you are correct.

Plain and simple, Brent:

You have no serious arguments, and you hate those who actually do.