My View on "Things"

I only recently starting posting again. I will admit this:

I almost always make negative comments about Brent, when I see activity from him. This is because he has ZERO integrity, and i cannot help but point out his dishonesty.

DEBATE should be DEBATE. if you want to PRETEND to debate, while using OBVIOUS logical fallacies, you will be called on it.

What Brent is doing is tantamount to stepping into a boxing ring, then whining when people HIT him.
What I hate is being harassed and hate-smeared unprovoked, EVERY DAY, by Agnosticus_Caesar. I don't have time for that crap.

AC might not be the most genial of debators on this subject but he makes very good points and you should listen to him. Remember the old adage, 'sticks and stones...'
The Bible says if a person rejects the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, that person is going to Hell. All people are deserving of Hell. It is only by grace that we are saved. AC, unless he repents and believes in the only begotten Son of God, is going to Hell. This is what the Bible says.

Why is AC going to hell because he hasn't accepted one of the begotten sons of God?
So, basically, when someone believes differently than you, that person is automatically a liar?

Besides, you claim to follow Jesus' teachings; didn't He tell us to love our enemies? How is it "loving" to say that I'm a piece of trash?

Why are you right?

You have said this. But statements without evidence aren't very convincing. For instance, "I am Lindsay Lohan" is outragous. It's slightly less outrageous than you claiming that there's a bunch of middle-aged men sitting in their evil lair, cackling and just waiting to spread evil, but let's ignore that. I could provide you with pictures of myself and send them to you over the internet. Why won't you accept my proof that I am Lindsay Lohan, with these pictures? Do you not seek the truth?
Everyone is evil. But no, it was not correct for me to single out AC as being evil. However, it is correct to rebuke him for his rudeness. AC is notoriously rude. He viciously attacks people, unprovoked, simply for disagreeing with him.

No one is evil. Evil is an emotional tag people put on other people whenever they refuse to understand them and wall them up with indifference.
"Imagine, for a moment, that everything you've always accepted as "reality" is, in fact, a lie perpetuated by Satanic powers"

Imagine for a moment, that a qualified psychiatrist puts you on lithium or prozac, and the delusions in your head are minimized so that you can lead some sort of semblance of a normal life.

Zyprexia, one of the most popular anti-psychotics in the US, would be more appropriate. Read and learn Brent. Go to a psychaitrist and ask for an anti-psychotic.
Jesus taught that we need to stop focusing on the law, and pay attention to the message. Brent and his ilk are nothing more than modern day Pharisees.