My View on "Things"

So, basically, when someone believes differently than you, that person is automatically a liar?

That's not what anyone is saying. It is a matter of philosophical integrity.

You argue from a position of 'truth by authority'. You don't present any form of reasoning, you simply quote or paraphrase the bible and state that this is truth as it 'says so in the bible'.

You imply that AC is arrogant in his argument, yet there is nothing more arrogant than 'truth by authority', in the assumption that that you invest the authority (ie the bible) is infallible and that you can merely parrot the conclusion without knowing or even having any premises to support the conclusion. This is how religion and reason are incompatible, you cannot have 'truth by authority' and reason at the same time....
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Brent is a liar and a coward.

Just young and misguided. With the number of conmen preachers in the US it isn't surprising young men like Brent, desperate to find some meaning and significance in their lives, buy into sophist arguments such as those he has.

It is, in my opinion, why the teaching of philosophy to a higher degree should be included in education, starting at a very young age.....
It is, in my opinion, why the teaching of philosophy to a higher degree should be included in education, starting at a very young age.....
That would be books that are banned in school libraries over here.
The religious right are loud whiners.
It is, in my opinion, why the teaching of philosophy to a higher degree should be included in education, starting at a very young age.....
That would be books that are banned in school libraries over here.
The religious right are loud whiners.
So are the PC Left. Banning Tom Sawyer for gawd's sake! It had "racist language". To Kill a Mockingbird? Racist? It was written as an argument against racism...

I always love it when people only blame the religious for such things. Clearly the secular humanist nutjobs can be equally blamed for it.
I always love it when people only blame the religious for such things. Clearly the secular humanist nutjobs can be equally blamed for it.

You get lunatics and non-thinkers amongst all groups, just they are far more concentrated amongst the religious. Its just that religion encourages it.
Imagine, for a moment, that everything you've always accepted as "reality" is, in fact, a lie perpetuated by Satanic powers; that everything from laws to television programming, wars to fashion trends, are manipulated by forces of Evil; that there is a vast, global conspiracy, paving the way for the Beast and the False Prophet, which shall deceive the nations. My friends, this is not merely a speculation on my part; it is, rather, the world in which we live! WELCOME TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER.

"Imagine, for a moment, that everything you've always accepted as "reality" is, in fact, a lie perpetuated by Satanic powers"

Imagine for a moment, that a qualified psychiatrist puts you on lithium or prozac, and the delusions in your head are minimized so that you can lead some sort of semblance of a normal life.
I always love it when people only blame the religious for such things. Clearly the secular humanist nutjobs can be equally blamed for it.

You get lunatics and non-thinkers amongst all groups, just they are far more concentrated amongst the religious. Its just that religion encourages it.
I think they have larger numbers, here specifically, because there are more of them. When 90% of a nation professes a belief in Christianity, then most of your nutjobs will be Christian. That doesn't make it any less wrong to take books from the library that are somehow considered "anti" whatever your group is.
So are the PC Left. Banning Tom Sawyer for gawd's sake! It had "racist language". To Kill a Mockingbird? Racist? It was written as an argument against racism...

I always love it when people only blame the religious for such things. Clearly the secular humanist nutjobs can be equally blamed for it.

I did not exclude the left fringes either. I just did not mention them.
As always extremeists of all varieties are wrong.
Most of the Christians I know are utilitarians.

That would seem "okay", but for the fat that utilitarians have some epistemological problems. Fortunately, their epistemological problems don't impact everyday life too much.

It is the radical fundamentalists that one needs to worry about.
Some books are so filthy and/or anti-American it deserves to be burned...

How would you feel if someone decided that the bible was filthy and anti-American and that it deserved to be burned?

Isn't freedom of speech one of the principles that America was built upon? Does your desire to burn books that don't subscribe to your world view make YOU un-American? Should we burn you?
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In case you didn't notice, YOU are not on my ignore list.

I am fine with opposing viewpoints. What I hate is being harassed and hate-smeared unprovoked, EVERY DAY, by Agnosticus_Caesar. I don't have time for that crap.