My View on "Things"

Most evangelicals are not real christians, as they still believe in the superiority and special covenant of the jews, and are excited about the reestablishment of the sanhedrin. Jesus was against the rabbinic power structure; these evangelicals are jew worshippers, however.
I've always thought that they were just attempting to bring on the end of the world. How can the temple be rebuilt for the anti-Christ to defile if there is no Jewish state?
I've always thought that they were just attempting to bring on the end of the world. How can the temple be rebuilt for the anti-Christ to defile if there is no Jewish state?

It is not a duty of christians to HASTEN what is in the book of revelations. That is the work of the synagogue of satan, and the confused noahides who have replaced goodness in their hearts with worldy power.

A hierarchical structure is truly not the most beneficial one for humanity, it's just where we have come from. There will be a tidal change in humanity, when jesus comes to destroy the evil control structure the jews are building.
It is not a duty of christians to HASTEN what is in the book of revelations. That is the work of the synagogue of satan, and the confused noahides who have replaced goodness in their hearts with worldy power.

A hierarchical structure is truly not the most beneficial one for humanity, it's just where we have come from. There will be a tidal change in humanity, when jesus comes to destroy the evil control structure the jews are building.
I'm not disagreeing with you (nor agreeing for that matter), nor did I ever say it was anybody's "duty" to hasten prophesy. I am pointing out what I think is a more likely motive for those that might be working to keep Israel on the map. I certainly don't believe it is because they worship jews or that jews run the show. I just think that many of them believe that the end times are coming and their pastors are likely to want them to think that.

I know the church I grew up in spent a ton of time attempting to convert them to christianity because they feared that they would end up in hell because they didn't accept Christ.
I'm not disagreeing with you (nor agreeing for that matter), nor did I ever say it was anybody's "duty" to hasten prophesy. I am pointing out what I think is a more likely motive for those that might be working to keep Israel on the map. I certainly don't believe it is because they worship jews or that jews run the show. I just think that many of them believe that the end times are coming and their pastors are likely to want them to think that.

I know the church I grew up in spent a ton of time attempting to convert them to christianity because they feared that they would end up in hell because they didn't accept Christ.

Right. And I'm saying that motivation is a misinterpretation of christian purpose. And many christians do still believe that jews have a special covenant with god still, to this day. They reject the classic christian concept of a NEW covenant for all of humanity through christ.
AHZ in my observation MOST Christians accept that the Jews are the chosen of God. It says so in the Bible that Christians use and believe.
AHZ in my observation MOST Christians accept that the Jews are the chosen of God. It says so in the Bible that Christians use and believe.

But that actual teaching is that they WERE the chosen of god, but with jesus there is a NEW covenant for ALL OF HUMANITY, including the jews. But you're right, many christians have forgotten the whole meaning of the new testament. That's whey they're actually noahides: Non jews, who worship the god of israel, and take a subservient role to jews.
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Yeah well Jesus was a JEW, trained in the templa and all that. Yes he was a rebel Jew but a Jew none the less. Acciording to the Bible his father is the same God as the God of Abraham and Islam as well.

Jesus just promoted humanitarianism and a way to heaven that bypassed the jewish beaucracy.

In a way jesus founded the first church of discount worship ;)
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Yeah well Jesus was a JEW, trained in the templa and all that. Yes he was a rebel Jew but a Jew none the less. Acciording to the Bible his father is the same God as the God of Abraham and Islam as well.

Jesus just promoted humanitarianism and a way to heaven that bypassed the jewish beaucracy.

In a way jesus founded the first church of discount worship ;)

And he taught that salvation was not race based. that ALL are chosen who accept him.

First off, there is an EDIT feature on this site. Learn to use it.

Second, my knowledge is only 'special' insofar as I am one of few people to seek it and accept it. Ephesians 6:12 says For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. There is a vast, global conspiracy to prepare the world, and society as a whole, for the arrival of the final Antichrist, Petrus Romanus, from the planet Nibiru in the year 2012 AD.

It is understandable that you consider me a fool (although I do not understand why you must be so nasty about it). In the end, however, you will be shown to be the fool, and you will pay an eternal price for it.

It is interesting to note that 2012 is the end of the "Long cycle" in the Mayan calendar. The end of the long cycle culminates in some major disastrous event.
Everyone is evil. But no, it was not correct for me to single out AC as being evil. However, it is correct to rebuke him for his rudeness. AC is notoriously rude. He viciously attacks people, unprovoked, simply for disagreeing with him.
WOW, Brent agreeing with pagan Mayans and preaching right from Mithraic belief systems!
Would Christianity even exist if not for the fear of hell or the promise of eternal life ?

If Hell is not a real place, Christianity is not real to begin with.

The existence of a Holy God requires a Hell, as punishment for sin. Unless your sins were punished in Christ, your sins will be punished in you! It is this simple Biblical principle which requires the existence of a place known as Hell.

Hell is a fearsome, terrible place. It brings tears to my eyes when I think of it. I don't wish that ANYONE would go there, but that ALL would repent.

Jesus died on the Cross so that all who profess faith in His name would be counted as righteous on the day of judgment. I pray you will be standing amongst the Elect on that glorious day. Once sinners, now glorified; we will stand together before the Lord, cleansed in the precious blood of Jesus. :)