My View on "Things"

I act as I think is fit. Jesus didn't claim to be God. In fact, he went out of his way to state otherwise.

The "miracle" of Jesus has nothing to do with direct interference of the deity. The "miracle" is that Jesus acted in such a way that those of us who cannot overcome our animal nature would think should REQUIRE divine intervention.

Jesus became THE son of God, while surrounded by a sea "sons and daughters of God". He fully internalized THE WORD, and thus became THE WORD MADE FLESH.

What people like Brent fail to realize is that ALL of the writings are simply people trying to impart the little bit THEY have come to internalize.

We all internalize parts of THE TRUTH. Jesus, supposedly, internalized ALL of it, and tried to show the rest of us how to do the same.
Which was my point. Your "accept" is more like Jefferson's, but not like the born-againers. Each acceptance is different, so I asked for elaboration.
The common parlance of "Born-Again" encompasses those who aren't sacrificing much to return to an intellectual state of infancy.
I have explained that you oversimplify. That for some it would be this way, for others I have met, entirely different. Yet if they are right, we all are going to Hell. I'll see you there.
That is why I specified "Common Parlance".

I don't pretend to know the truth...but I can use reason to determine who is likely to be nothing more than a dumbshit.
Just like Jefferson, you will find yourself in the minority. Only less so nowadays than back then, yet still in the minority of the belief system. He also insisted that he was "more Christian" than those who believed they were. Even though he wrote his own version of the New Testament that actually removed all mention of Jesus as a Deity.
I have to admit that falling out of love with Jefferson was one of the most constructive periods of my life. I love many f his ideas, but a lot of what he did repulses me.
Some misuse the idea that "All sin, and fall short of the glory of God", as an excuse for doing wrong. I see so-called Christians use it as if it EXCUSED their behavior. It doesn't EXCUSE anything.

It simply shows that one is human, and WILL fail. The point is to TRY to remedy said failure, and GROW towards God. Using it as an EXCUSE will NOT cause one to change their behavior. It will only give one an excuse to continue to do it again and again.
Some misuse the idea that "All sin, and fall short of the glory of God", as an excuse for doing wrong. I see so-called Christians use it as if it EXCUSED their behavior. It doesn't EXCUSE anything.

It simply shows that one is human, and WILL fail. The point is to TRY to remedy said failure, and GROW towards God. Using it as an EXCUSE will NOT cause one to change their behavior. It will only give one an excuse to continue to do it again and again.
The very meaning of "repent" is to take a 180 and not do it again. Many assume that it just means that you say "I'm sorry". There would be no reason to have another word if it solely meant to apologize.
Most churches don't preach the philosophy of Christianity. They preach the modern equivalent of what Jesus fought against...Mindless Law-Mongering.

I guess they feel it is okay to dumb it down, as long as the pews (and the collection plates) are full.
Brent was just the sort of self centered imbecile that such churches cater to. they teach these folks that they are superior due to what they "know", and that those who do not agree are evil.

Some wake up, and some don't. Brent is smart enough to know that his arguments have been bullshit. he now seeks to make a mockery of his former self, so as to pass it all off as one big joke.

He's too cowardly to admit that he's changed his mind.

It wouldn't surprise me if he soon "became" a "Strong Atheist". People such as him are prone to grasping from one ridiculous attempt to explain reality to another, without once having the honesty to accept what honestly seems to be.
How long ago was it that Brent was going to be a Moremoan ?

I wonder if that bible school believes in the hollow earth crap ?