NAACP BACKS VICK!!! un#$#@@# believable

Do you know for a fact that there was no competent person of ANY COLOR passed over for the sake of giveing the cousin of the foreman a job, or hiring the managers kid, or hiring the wife of a local politician. You are obsessed with just white people getting passed over in favor of brown people. You give a shit if an incompetent white guy gets the job over anyone else. It is only the darkies that bug you. Cracker ass racist.

Do you know for a fact that there was no competent person of ANY COLOR passed over for the sake of giveing the cousin of the foreman a job, or hiring the managers kid, or hiring the wife of a local politician. You are obsessed with just white people getting passed over in favor of brown people. You give a shit if an incompetent white guy gets the job over anyone else. It is only the darkies that bug you. Cracker ass racist.

But in recent years, only whites have had OFFICIAL POLICIES of racial discrimination against them. Don't be so sure your company has no diversity policy. And we know if you work in tech, they actively seek h1b candidates so they can lord their status over them, that's nationalism, in favor of all other nations besides ours.
Great! Another opportunity in this case for lefties to tell others how to use their property. Why not? We can just claim it is cruel and Dave and Damo will be on board (j/k... sorta).

The NFL has every right to choose whom they do and do not associate with. This guy has committed a horrible act and it would be absurd to demand that others be forced to continue their relations with him.

congratulations, a first straight answer from you on the subject... and rightly so...
But in recent years, only whites have had OFFICIAL POLICIES of racial discrimination against them. Don't be so sure your company has no diversity policy. And we know if you work in tech, they actively seek h1b candidates so they can lord their status over them, that's nationalism, in favor of all other nations besides ours.
Yeah I noticed how much higher the unemployment rate for whites was than blacks and hispanics etc. Poor whites some day we will all be living on the street.
I agree with the NAACP, after he has paid his dues for his crime he should be able to return to foolball if the fools want to hire him or fans will still root for him.
Agreed, let the market decide the outcome. If some team wants to take a chance, then they can risk having the fans turn against them, or if it's a sucky team and Vick is integral in turning it around, then they're heroes (whatever that overused word means anymore) for taking the risk.

I think Vick will play pro football again, somewhere. He is THE prime reason the Georgia Dome has been sold out for nearly every game for the last 4-5 years. Owners will not forget that Vick gets butts in seats and drives ratings. Ratings = $.
just because you pay for a crime doesn't mean your rehabilitated....
would you let a convict who served time watch your kids??

same difference.
He's a quarterback, playing a game. It has nothing to do with kids.
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