NAACP BACKS VICK!!! un#$#@@# believable

I agree with the NAACP, after he has paid his dues for his crime he should be able to return to foolball if the fools want to hire him or fans will still root ror him.

You are missing the point. Of course, the state cannot bar him from football. The statement was made to lobby the NFL and possibly compel them to hire him back.
I've found that the absolute best state of mind and being for African Americans is to simply not care what America thinks.

Live life full, happy, and committed.

Respect others as they respect you.

Trust your own perspectives.

Spiritual Oneness.

If the rest of America doesn't get it, so what? They never have.
I've found that the absolute best state of mind and being for African Americans is to simply not care what America thinks.

Live life full, happy, and committed.

Respect others as they respect you.

Trust your own perspectives.

Spiritual Oneness.

If the rest of America doesn't get it, so what? They never have.
Get what? Do you have any evidence at all that it is because of Vick's pigmentation that people think what he did was bad?

Although I do think you are right about the not caring part. It is the best way to deal with most things when people are giving you an opinion on yourself.

On the CNN website, there is an article about what R L White Atlanta NAACP president says about dogfighting. He is responding to Michael Vick's ordeal. The article says "White also said he didn't understand the uproar over dogfighting when hunting deer and other animals is perfectly acceptable".

well i don't mind hunting but i don't think burning dogs alive, hanging and electrocuting them is exactly like deer hunting

you gotta be kidding me??

black people will defend any black person these days...

Agreed, let the market decide the outcome. If some team wants to take a chance, then they can risk having the fans turn against them, or if it's a sucky team and Vick is integral in turning it around, then they're heroes (whatever that overused word means anymore) for taking the risk.

I think Vick will play pro football again, somewhere. He is THE prime reason the Georgia Dome has been sold out for nearly every game for the last 4-5 years. Owners will not forget that Vick gets butts in seats and drives ratings. Ratings = $.

I seriously doubt it. Even if the NFL does not ban him, he will have been away from the game for too long. His talents will have diminished greatly and he will not be worth the wrath and disruption. Maybe if Al Davis is still kicking around and Lane Kiffin is not the guy I imagine or has been canned.
Get what? Do you have any evidence at all that it is because of Vick's pigmentation that people think what he did was bad?

Although I do think you are right about the not caring part. It is the best way to deal with most things when people are giving you an opinion on yourself.

I hope this doesn't spiral into another round of you telling me what I said, but perhaps you can post where I mentioned Vick's pigmentation at anytime. I haven't read what the NAACP has said but I don't think that's the basis of their argument either.

It isn't worth getting into my opinion of if race factors into this at all. Wrong site for that. I've approached it here strickly on the basis of its sensationalism. It's gotten more attention than most murders.

At the end of the day Vick will be OK. He will still have more money and resources than most people make in six lifetimes. And given that these were dogs, not people, there won't be the Goldman's hanging around to sue him.
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but perhaps you can post where I mentioned Vick's pigmentation at anytime. I haven't read what the NAACP has said but I don't think that's the basis of their argument either.
They don't have to say it, they're the NAACP.

It isn't worth getting into my opinion of if race factors into this at all. Wrong site for that.
We discuss race all the time here. There are no rules forbidding the topic.
I've approached it here strickly on the basis of its sensationalism. It's gotten more attention than most murders.

At the end of the day Vick will be OK. He will still have more money and resources than most people make in six lifetimes. And given that these were dogs, not people, there won't be the Goldman's hanging around to sue him.

Yeah. He'll be otay.
You know untill about a week ago I did not even know Vick was of dark skin tone. Makes no difference in what I think about him at all with the dog torture deal.
I hope this doesn't spiral into another round of you telling me what I said, but perhaps you can post where I mentioned Vick's pigmentation at anytime. I haven't read what the NAACP has said but I don't think that's the basis of their argument either.

It isn't worth getting into my opinion of if race factors into this at all. Wrong site for that. I've approached it here strickly on the basis of its sensationalism. It's gotten more attention than most murders.

At the end of the day Vick will be OK. He will still have more money and resources than most people make in six lifetimes. And given that these were dogs, not people, there won't be the Goldman's hanging around to sue him.
They were questions.

Like I said, I still agree with the whole, don't bother what everybody else thinks. This is good advice for nearly all walks of life and on nearly every issue. You be you, let other people worry about themselves.

One thing I have found is that many people exaggerate the amount that others think of them, I don't know why but it seems to loom large in their heads contrary to all reality. Seriously, how much time do you spend pondering the guy at the gas station and whether you think he is "cool"? I'd bet dollars to donuts it is about the three seconds he is in front of you and almost never thereafter.

People just don't think about other people in such a fashion all that often.
From what I've heard, they've let people back in that have done much worse. Vick should be treated like everyone else has been in the league.
black people will defend any black person these days...

More of your racist bull$hit not even worth arguing. Not one black person I know personally has "defended" him. Just because a few have come forward and publicly supported him, does not mean that black people en mass have any sympathy for Vick. I certainly don't. And its stupid of you to say something so general and fundamentally false.
More of your racist bull$hit not even worth arguing. Not one black person I know personally has "defended" him. Just because a few have come forward and publicly supported him, does not mean that black people en mass have any sympathy for Vick. I certainly don't. And its stupid of you to say something so general and fundamentally false.

a few?? its the leading organization for black people. what are you talking about, and im saying they are defending him soley b/c he is black, its comical. all im saying is that if it was me or a spanish person or what have you the NAACP would be calling for their hanging.
a few?? its the leading organization for black people. what are you talking about, and im saying they are defending him soley b/c he is black, its comical. all im saying is that if it was me or a spanish person or what have you the NAACP would be calling for their hanging.

That's, again, pretty stupid. Of course the NAACP is advocating for him because he is black. That's what the NAACP does. Just like GLAD is an advocate for gay people. Just like the NAACP wouldn't go to bat for you, GLAD isn't going to bat for Michael Vick. What's the problem?

In all likelihood, the NAACP sees this issue as something affecting the black community as a whole. Hell, there was just a recent thread about more black men being in jail than in college. When they get out of jail they will need to find gainful employment and will need to be accepted back into society in order to succeed. Pushing for Michael Vick to be accepted back into the NFL after he serves his time is consistent with the goals of the NAACP. It's not all that outrageous.
a few?? its the leading organization for black people. what are you talking about, and im saying they are defending him soley b/c he is black, its comical. all im saying is that if it was me or a spanish person or what have you the NAACP would be calling for their hanging.

So you are saying that if you killed a dog or dogs, you believe that the NAACP would call for your hanging? Or, would issue any statement at all?
That's, again, pretty stupid. Of course the NAACP is advocating for him because he is black. That's what the NAACP does. Just like GLAD is an advocate for gay people. Just like the NAACP wouldn't go to bat for you, GLAD isn't going to bat for Michael Vick. What's the problem?

In all likelihood, the NAACP sees this issue as something affecting the black community as a whole. Hell, there was just a recent thread about more black men being in jail than in college. When they get out of jail they will need to find gainful employment and will need to be accepted back into society in order to succeed. Pushing for Michael Vick to be accepted back into the NFL after he serves his time is consistent with the goals of the NAACP. It's not all that outrageous.

That's, again, pretty stupid. Of course the NAACP is advocating for him because he is black. That's what the NAACP does. Just like GLAD is an advocate for gay people. Just like the NAACP wouldn't go to bat for you, GLAD isn't going to bat for Michael Vick. What's the problem?

In all likelihood, the NAACP sees this issue as something affecting the black community as a whole. Hell, there was just a recent thread about more black men being in jail than in college. When they get out of jail they will need to find gainful employment and will need to be accepted back into society in order to succeed. Pushing for Michael Vick to be accepted back into the NFL after he serves his time is consistent with the goals of the NAACP. It's not all that outrageous.
BTW - There are more black men in college than in jail. I know it is 'surprising' to some, but it is true.