NAACP BACKS VICK!!! un#$#@@# believable

So you are saying that if you killed a dog or dogs, you believe that the NAACP would call for your hanging? Or, would issue any statement at all?

what im saying is i would be just as outraged if it was some gay dude and GLAD defended him, GLAD and NAACP should choose their fights based on merit or behavior rather than on color or orientation. in essence they flip flop, remember w/ the duke case they went to bat for the stripper who was supposidly raped, but really wasn't and practically convicted the duke victims, then they say w/ vick that they should withhold judgement til after the trial.

its comical how two faced they are is all i am saying.
BTW - There are more black men in college than in jail. I know it is 'surprising' to some, but it is true.

I didn't say it was true, I said there was a thread about it. Nevertheless, I think we can all agree that there are a troubling amount of young black men in jail so the point remains the same.
I didn't say it was true, I said there was a thread about it. Nevertheless, I think we can all agree that there are a troubling amount of young black men in jail so the point remains the same.
I think the point of the thread was to get people to 'guess' wrongly and then be surprised when the truth came out. You'd have to ask Cypress though.
ATLANTA — An NAACP leader said Michael Vick should be allowed to return to the NFL, preferably the Atlanta Falcons, after serving his sentence for his role in a dogfighting operation.

"As a society, we should aid in his rehabilitation and welcome a new Michael Vick back into the community without a permanent loss of his career in football," said R.L. White, president of the group's Atlanta chapter. "We further ask the NFL, Falcons, and the sponsors not to permanently ban Mr. Vick from his ability to bring hours of enjoyment to fans all over this country."

shit i wonder if the NAACP would back me up if it was me who did this

I'm glad he's paying for his crime by going to jail. What he did was horrific. But, once somebody pays their debt to society, I don't believe in denying them their profession and their ability to work.

Hell, Bush has killed hundreds of thousands of people, and less people are outraged about him, than about Vick.
They were questions.

Like I said, I still agree with the whole, don't bother what everybody else thinks. This is good advice for nearly all walks of life and on nearly every issue. You be you, let other people worry about themselves.

One thing I have found is that many people exaggerate the amount that others think of them, I don't know why but it seems to loom large in their heads contrary to all reality. Seriously, how much time do you spend pondering the guy at the gas station and whether you think he is "cool"? I'd bet dollars to donuts it is about the three seconds he is in front of you and almost never thereafter.

People just don't think about other people in such a fashion all that often.

BTW - There are more black men in college than in jail. I know it is 'surprising' to some, but it is true.

It's not surprising at all given that black men are targeted by the police .. there is little real logical dispute of that fact and there are a plethora of academic, social, and statistical studies, commissions, reports, the Sentencing Project, the Innocence Project, Amnesty International, and a host of other agencies and organizations that attest to that fact.

So it should also not be surprising that African Americans don't trust the courts, prosecutors, or police agencies. The best scientific discovery in the past 100 years for the black community has been DNA evidence. It's gotten hundreds of innocent black men out of jail, and sometimes out of the gas chamber/electric chair.

What is surprising is that anyone would be confused why the NAACP or blacks across this country have a different perspective or why we stick up for each other. Who else stands for us?

The disparity in sentencing in this country and rushing black men off to jail has been devastating to the black community .. yet America stands silent. As long as the police and the courts aren't ruching young white men and boys off to jail for minor and first time offenses nobody cares .. that even though whites are SEVENTY-TWO PERCENT of all illegal drug users in this country. Black percentage of illegal drug use is about 14%, proportional with black percentage of the population.

America has 5% of the world's population and 25% of all the world's prisoners .. and they are working as slaves .. which is legal in the United States.

Michael Vick is the new OJ Simpson and the dialouge surrounding it, in my opinion, is a sad commentary on the steps this nation is taking backwards in our uinderstanding of each other.
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It's not surprising at all given that black men are targeted by the police .. there is little real logical dispute of that fact and there are a plethora of academic, social, and statistical studies, commissions, reports, the Sentencing Project, the Innocence Project, Amnesty International, and a host of other agencies and organizations that attest to that fact.

So it should also not be surprising that African Americans don't trust the courts, prosecutors, or police agencies. The best scientific discovery in the past 100 years for the black community has been DNA evidence. It's gotten hundreds of innocent black men out of jail, and sometimes out of the gas chamber/electric chair.

What is surprising is that anyone would be confused why the NAACP or blacks across this country have a different perspective or why we stick up for each other. Who else stands for us?

The disparity in sentencing in this country and rushing black men off to jail has been devastating to the black community .. yet America stands silent. As long as the police and the courts aren't ruching young white men and boys off to jail for minor and first time offenses nobody cares .. that even though whites are SEVENTY-TWO PERCENT of all illegal drug users in this country. Black percentage of illegal drug use is about 14%, proportional with black percentage of the population.

Michael Vick is the new OJ Simpson and the dialouge surrounding it, in my opinion, is a sad commentary on the steps this nation is taking backwards in our uinderstanding of each other.
Okay, but this seems that you have the idea that there are more black men in jail, that isn't the truth. There are more in college than in jail.
I seriously doubt it. Even if the NFL does not ban him, he will have been away from the game for too long. His talents will have diminished greatly and he will not be worth the wrath and disruption. Maybe if Al Davis is still kicking around and Lane Kiffin is not the guy I imagine or has been canned.
I don't know if the league CAN ban him over this, I am only aware of a ban related to drugs.
Okay, but this seems that you have the idea that there are more black men in jail, that isn't the truth. There are more in college than in jail.

I don't believe it .. I didn't care to argue the point, especially given that there was a greater point to be made.
Look at LadyT's thread. It is substantially more in college than in jail. You perceive wrongly on this one, friend.

Why is it that you feel empowered to determine what I'm thinking? From whence does such great power come from?

Is it because you're the moderator that you think you get to determine thought? I explained to you that I didn't care to challenge it as I don't care to challenge a lot of bullshit here.

It may surprise you to know that I know a lot of truth about black people.
Why is it that you feel empowered to determine what I'm thinking? From whence does such great power come from?

Is it because you're the moderator that you think you get to determine thought? I explained to you that I didn't care to challenge it as I don't care to challenge a lot of bullshit here.

It may surprise you to know that I know a lot of truth about black people.
No, I read your post which told me you didn't believe that there were more black men in college, I therefore took that to mean you didn't believe that there were more black men in college than in jail.

It wasn't like I was reading your mind or something, you simply told me that you didn't believe it.

In fact, I quoted the post where you told me you didn't believe it. Whether or not you do, the statistics do not add up in your favor.
Why is it that you feel empowered to determine what I'm thinking? From whence does such great power come from?

Is it because you're the moderator that you think you get to determine thought? I explained to you that I didn't care to challenge it as I don't care to challenge a lot of bullshit here.
it seems that more than a few people on this board feel as I do
So you are saying that if you killed a dog or dogs, you believe that the NAACP would call for your hanging? Or, would issue any statement at all?

The NAACP would say nothing cause, first, rob is a nobody (for shame, they are engaging in pure sensationalism). Also, he is not black. Sorry if I missed it, but I don't believe they have issued any statement calling for Pete Rose's reinstatement.