Name one thing you agree with the opposing side on.

No they don't.

The left doesn't seem to understand what socialism is. Which lefty was it that said Medicare for All isn't socialist because care is provided by private doctors?

Their living standards are higher than American living standards. I'd say that's doing well.
Leftists disagree on what counts as Socialism, but Righties will flip flop on what counts as Socialism depending on the debate.
Their living standards are higher than American living standards. I'd say that's doing well.
Leftists disagree on what counts as Socialism, but Righties will flip flop on what counts as Socialism depending on the debate.

Places like Denmark, Norway, Sweden, etc. aren't socialist countries. They have socialist healthcare but the standard of living you reference isn't created by socialism but by capitalism. Socialism can't do that. That's the problem with socialists. They use things like socialist healthcare to claim socialism is good yet ignore that the good comes form capitalism.

Claiming something done cooperatively and voluntarily isn't socialism is true. If a group of people get together and decide to do something and those participating contribute to the cause on a voluntary basis and those that didn't contribute don't participate, that's not socialism. Socialism would involve force or a mandate.

Are socialism, in the sense of redistribution of wealth through a government mandate, and charity the same thing?
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Places like Denmark, Norway, Sweden, etc. aren't socialist countries. They have socialist healthcare but the standard of living you reference isn't created by socialism but by capitalism. Socialism can't do that. That's the problem with socialists. They use things like socialist healthcare to claim socialism is good yet ignore that the good comes form capitalism.

Depends on what your definition of Socialism and Capitalism is.
I've seen this so many times, it's truly sad. When they don't like a welfare state program, it's Socialism. When you point out that welfare states work very well, suddenly it's only Socialism if there is collective ownership.

The mental gymnastics and sheer dishonesty of your garden variety wingnut on the topic of socialism is astounding.

There are some teabaggers on this board that have spent a message board career complaining about the "socialist" nations of western Europe. But, when you point out that Sweden is an example of successful socialism by the standard they are presenting, they will turn on a dime, walk it back, and holler that Sweden is "not socialist!".

Depending on what month, week, or hour it is, wingnuts have floundered and back-flipped between calling Sweden socialist and not socialist.

What is really comes down to is that teabaggers have invested decades trying to conflate socialism with the totalitarian Leninist state established by the Bolsheviks in the USSR.
While they want the freedom to holler that Barack Obama and Sweden are socialist, they will immediately walk it back if you point out that the "socialist" Swedish welfare state is a system virtually the entire world admires.
Then that's not true, because most Democrats agree we need more border security.

LIE and LAME; the Democratic Party of the Jackass refuses to give Trump the money it would take to secure the border and Party of the Jackass leadership continues to promote sanctuary cities and States that violate our laws and promote policies that make ICE's job impossible.
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I totally agree with what Republicans Rex Tillerson, Barbara Bush and Michael Bloomberg said and did.

Tillerson called trump a fucking moron. I agree with that . TICK.

Barbara Bush said out loud she couldn't understand why ANY woman would vote for drumpf. And not only did she vote for Hillary but she also banned drumpf and any of his family attending her funeral. I agree with all that. TICK.

And Michael Bloomberg QUIT the republicunt party because he was DISGUSTED with trump and all the republicunts sucking his tiny dick. I agree with that too. TICK.

Actually ALL democrats support border security. The House Democrats recently approved a bill giving border security almost $2 billion. This was the same bill that the republicunts unanimously approved in November. However after the Democrats won back the House in a LANDSLIDE, trump had a hissy fit and the republicunts refused to support the same bill they unanimously approved in November.

Border security is more than just a gold plated brick wall with trump's fucking name all over it.


I've seen this so many times, it's truly sad. When they don't like a welfare state program, it's Socialism. When you point out that welfare states work very well, suddenly it's only Socialism if there is collective ownership.

LIE and LAME; the welfare state doesn't work well. In truth, it is a sign of societies failure. Turning people into dependent wards of the State is not charitable and does NOTHING to make their lot better in life. Giving people work opportunity in a constantly expanding economy and educating them making them independent is doing good.

The Democratic Party of the Jackass can only thrive by dumbing down a society and turning people into dependent wards of the state.
No, smart is recognizing the threat that Trump poses to the country. I also admire them for putting country before party.

Claiming that Trump is a threat to this country suggests a level of IQ below room temperature. Not recognizing the threat the Democratic Party of the Jackass presents to this country suggests mental retardation.

But I'll play along with this moronic narrative; what is Trump doing that is a threat to this nation?
Their living standards are higher than American living standards. I'd say that's doing well.

LIE and LAME. The opportunity here in the US is far greater than just about any place else in the world; which is why you see so many trying to get in, contrary to those welfare nations you celebrate.

Leftists disagree on what counts as Socialism, but Righties will flip flop on what counts as Socialism depending on the debate.

Leftists attempt to hide the fact that they are Fascistic Marxists when you peel back the layers of lies they hide behind.