NASA: direct proof of man caused GW

Prove the Dr is unrepuptable

YOU are jumping to conclusions about a professional

Prove your claim

I never claimed the ME was unreputable.

I'm not jumping to anything and I don't have to prove anything.

I'm merely offering an opinion based on common sense.

You and dumbassdomer are freaking out because you can't stand it.
Why should I care about a psycho like him that drew a gun on a pregnant woman looking for money and drugs? He sounds like that black bastard drug dealer that you spat on! Did you care about Justine Damond or Tony Timpa? I doubt that you've even heard of them, they weren't the right colour!!

Well you loved Donnie

He flat out fucking insane and evil

Floyd was pretty much loved by everyone who knew him

Not so with your trump orange bastard
I never claimed the ME was unreputable.

I'm not jumping to anything and I don't have to prove anything.

I'm merely offering an opinion based on common sense.

You and dumbassdomer are freaking out because you can't stand it.

You claim they paid for a certain result and got it

What the fuck else could that mean fool
You should stick to fellating your boyfriend and stop trying to have rational discussions about current events topics.

I quoted the bought and paid for autopsy report for the purpose of discrediting it, along with the portion of the county report that claims a homicide occurred.

Try to wrap what little there is of your alleged "brain" around this... if the county ME report says there was no evidence of the type of injuries that are being claimed by the state to have caused his death, how can it be a homicide, much less murder?

If it's a homicide even though there is no evidence of fatal injuries, then just putting a hand on him or even verbally confronting him could be called homicide if he died later for some other reason.

That is what you are too thick headed to grasp.

Chauvin is being tried for murder because he had physical contact with Floyd, even though it was in a manner in which the ME says there was no evidence that it caused any injury to him.

Apparently the ME's logic is that because Chauvin arrested him and the stress of the encounter caused a heart attack, that equals homicide.

I'm merely saying that makes zero sense.

My God, you are obtuse!!!! :palm:

But yours equals shit.

There is zero difference between your opinion and shit.

They are one and the same.

There’s no evidence of “cardiopulmonary arrest”? That’s what the ME called the cause of death. You yourself are claiming he died of a heart attack, Jethro. And now you’re saying he didn’t? Make up your mind, pal. You seem very confused.

You just can’t give up your make believe “coulds”, can you? What is with that? Is reality too difficult for you?

“Apparently the ME’s logic is....” Why don’t you give him a call and clear that up with him. Then, you don’t have to put words in his mouth.

I’m not providing you with my opinion on what “coulda/shoulda/woulda” happened, Jethro. I’m merely providing you with what DID happen, the investigation’s findings and what they mean. You can deal with your own “alternate facts”, if you’d like.

And you do know what “alternate facts” are, don’t you? Bullshit and lies. That’s what they are.
Hello domer76,

The planet is now saying: "I Can't Breathe!"

It sure is. But there will always be deniers. They will never be convinced. Example:

On another thread regarding journalistic filtering of misinformation, Lester Holt made the comment that it’s a non-arguable fact that the sun sets in the west. Guess what? One of our RW idiots began posting that it really doesn’t always set in the west. That’s the kind of garbage you get from those kinds of trolls.

It’s difficult enough to argue a point with intelligent people. It’s impossible with the ignorant and stupid.
Damn I quoted the wrong post again

The independent autopsy Dr the Floyd’s hired is completely respectable

He’s the ex coroner
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Was Alexander Graham Bell a Democrat?

100 years ago, Alexander Graham Bell warned us about the ‘greenhouse effect’
Back in 1917, the inventor of the telephone foresaw a future where coal and oil were replaced by renewable fuels.

"In a 1917 paper, Alexander Graham Bell wrote that the unrestricted burning of fossil fuels “would have a sort of greenhouse effect.” The man who invented the telephone four decades earlier added, “the net result is the greenhouse becomes a sort of hot-house.”

Bell was also concerned about the inevitable depletion of fossil fuels — “What shall we do when we have no more coal and oil?” So in a 1917 article for National Geographic Magazine, he urged the development of renewable ethanol fuel from agricultural waste, corn stalks, and saw-mill dust.” As one biographer wrote, Bell would “also explore ideas in energy conservation” and “solar heating.”"

Over 100 years and the Democrats still couldn't get it right. :laugh:
Stop being an idiot...

Sooooo....they'll pry your copy of "An Inconvenient Truth" from your cold dead hands? :laugh:

Al Gore lost the 2000 election and, to keep busy, dusted off his slide collection and began screaming "We're all gonna die!!!" thus scaring the shit out of millions of Democrats.

The Republicans, who had been moving away from science and towards the Bible since Reagan, shit their $2000 suits and countered-argued by slinging as much bullshit as possible to muddy the waters. Here we are two decades later where most people are not sure what to believe because fucking politicians have politicized the topic so much that lay people don't know who to believe.

It sure is. But there will always be deniers. They will never be convinced. Example:

On another thread regarding journalistic filtering of misinformation, Lester Holt made the comment that it’s a non-arguable fact that the sun sets in the west. Guess what? One of our RW idiots began posting that it really doesn’t always set in the west. That’s the kind of garbage you get from those kinds of trolls.

It’s difficult enough to argue a point with intelligent people. It’s impossible with the ignorant and stupid.

The rises in the East and sets in West on only two days of the year, shit for brains!!
It sure is. But there will always be deniers. They will never be convinced. Example:

On another thread regarding journalistic filtering of misinformation, Lester Holt made the comment that it’s a non-arguable fact that the sun sets in the west. Guess what? One of our RW idiots began posting that it really doesn’t always set in the west. That’s the kind of garbage you get from those kinds of trolls.

It’s difficult enough to argue a point with intelligent people. It’s impossible with the ignorant and stupid.

The Sun rises in the East and sets in West on only two days of the year, shit for brains!! Lester Holt yet another lying cunt, no wonder you love him,!
It sure is. But there will always be deniers. They will never be convinced. Example:

On another thread regarding journalistic filtering of misinformation, Lester Holt made the comment that it’s a non-arguable fact that the sun sets in the west. Guess what? One of our RW idiots began posting that it really doesn’t always set in the west. That’s the kind of garbage you get from those kinds of trolls.

It’s difficult enough to argue a point with intelligent people. It’s impossible with the ignorant and stupid.



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Chauvin is a racist
He was enjoying killing Floyd to taunt the black children arround him
One only 9 years old
He probably yanked off to the thought of it later
Little girls watching him kill a man who was twice his size
Racist, probably. I doubt he intentionally murdered Floyd. That would just be fucking stupid of him.